
"Reign of the Sea: One Piece Chronicles"

In a world where legends and myths converge, the Queen of the Kuja Pirates, Boa Hancock, finds herself entangled in a prophecy foretelling the return of the King of the World—a being of unimaginable power. As the Marine forces grapple with the revelation, the King's arrival shatters all expectations. With dominion over the elements and an aura that commands obedience, he ushers in a new era. Amidst a clash of titans, loyalties are tested, and destinies are rewritten. In the wake of the King's awakening, the world itself bows in recognition of his unrivaled might. "Reckoning of the World's King" unveils an epic tale of power, destiny, and the unbreakable bonds that bind us all.

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 11: The Blade Unsheathed


The dimly lit chamber was suffused with an aura of tension, as if the very air held its breath. Suddenly, a presence emerged from the shadows, a figure shrouded in an ominous miasma.

[A shadowy figure emerges from the depths of slumber, shrouded in an aura of enigmatic power. His eyes, gleaming with a steely resolve, pierce through the darkness.]

From the abyss of time, awakened by the King's command, emerges a sentinel forged in the crucible of unwavering loyalty.

Caption: Name: Lucius Draegon

Caption: Title: The Forgotten Blade, The Dark Death, The Hot Amaterasu.

Lucius Draegon, a spectral specter of dread, stood before them. His youth belied the depths of experience etched into his countenance, for he bore the visage of a man hardened by countless battles. His eyes, twin orbs of glacial steel, seemed to pierce through the fabric of reality itself, instilling a primal fear in those who beheld him. His hair, as dark as the abyss, framed his face in an unruly cascade, a stark contrast to the controlled precision of his demeanor.

He wore armor etched with arcane sigils, each rune a testament to the power that coursed through his veins. The blade at his side gleamed with an ethereal light, a harbinger of the devastation it could unleash. Lucius Draegon was a living embodiment of terror, a specter that haunted the nightmares of those who dared cross his path.

Arthur's voice, calm and resolute, cut through the oppressive silence. "Lucius Draegon, rise."

With a fluid motion, Lucius bowed before his King, a gesture steeped in reverence and deference. Then, he turned to face Boa Hancock, his eyes unyielding yet respectful. "It's an honor to work again, My Lord."

Hancock, taken aback by the gravity of Lucius's presence, met his gaze with a mixture of astonishment and wariness. Before she could speak, Arthur's voice rang out, his tone unwavering.

"Lucius, I have a task for you. Saint Rosward's entire family must be eradicated. Leave no trace."

Lucius Draegon's response was a simple nod, a solemn acceptance of the King's command. With the weight of destiny upon his shoulders, he turned to depart, the echoes of his footsteps fading into the abyss.

In that chamber, amidst the shadows that danced with foreboding, a lethal force had been set in motion. Lucius Draegon, the Blade Unsheathed, would carry out his King's will with ruthless precision, leaving nothing but echoes of vengeance in his wake.

As Lucius was About to go Hancock managed her courage and asked her Husaband is he alone enough to kill Saint Rosward as he is word nobel and is being provided with the top security from the world Government.

Arthur just smilled and said,"My dear wife, for him all those people protecting Rosward are just ants".

Lucius just stood there. then Arthur said,"Lucius complete the work as soon as possible and return to me ".

And with the reply of "Yes Majesty", Lucius vainshed.