
"Marvel's Ancient Echoes: My Life on Earth"

In an alternate MCU timeline, a boy finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel Universe during the time of the Mahabharata. Let's see how he will change the course of both the epic tale of Mahabharata and the Marvel Universe. *------------------------------* I am new in this field, I write this myself and ask chatgpt to correct the grammar and spelling mistakes and English is my third language and if you want to give me some suggestions please feel free to Thank you.

IAmUnknown · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

22."The Entrance to Nagalok"

Truth operates like surgery: it's painful but ultimately healing. Lies, on the other hand, are like painkillers—they provide instant relief but come with lasting side effects.


Inside the secret chamber of Shakuni, the atmosphere was heavy with secrecy and intrigue. Shakuni, Suyodhana, and Sushasana sat on the ground surrounded by an array of plants, their faces covered as they worked on something clandestine.

With practiced precision, Shakuni took a paste on a spatula and applied it to a nearby plant. Instantly, the plant withered and died, its leaves curling in on themselves as if in agony. Suyodhana and Sushasana watched in a mixture of awe and fear, their hearts pounding with the gravity of what they had just witnessed.

Shakuni's smile was chilling as he turned to Suyodhana, his eyes glinting with a sinister gleam. "This is the poison of Gandhar, beloved Suyodhana," he explained, his voice dripping with malice. "The forest folks of Gandhar dip their arrows in this poison to bring down even the mightiest of beasts in a single moment."

Suyodhana's eyes widened in realization, the implications of Shakuni's words sinking in. "Do you understand now?" Shakuni taunted, his laughter echoing off the chamber walls. "You need not worry. I have devised a plan, nephew. A plan."

Intrigued and apprehensive, Suyodhana leaned in closer, eager to hear the details of Shakuni's scheme. "What is the plan, mama?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Shakuni's smile widened, his gaze locking onto Suyodhana's with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. "Tomorrow, neighboring kingdoms will convene in Hastinapur for a meeting," Shakuni revealed, his tone laced with anticipation. "And it is during this meeting that we shall strike."

Suyodhana's heart raced with excitement and trepidation as he listened to Shakuni's words. "How?" he pressed, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Shakuni's grin turned predatory as he outlined his diabolical plan. "We shall poison Bheem," he declared, his voice low and menacing. "And in the chaos of the meeting, amidst the hustle and bustle of diplomatic negotiations, no one will suspect a thing."

Suyodhana's eyes gleamed with vengeful fervor as he absorbed Shakuni's words. The opportunity to avenge his humiliation from the previous day was within reach, and he was determined to seize it.

Sushasana, caught up in the adrenaline of the moment, joined in their laughter, his voice echoing off the chamber walls as they reveled in the prospect of their impending revenge.


The royal palace of Hastinapur bustled with activity as chariots adorned with colorful flags lined up outside its grand entrance. Soldiers, adorned in gleaming armor, marched with purpose, guarding the perimeter and ensuring the security of the palace. Within the opulent meeting room, kings and their esteemed royal consultants engaged in intense deliberations, their voices echoing off the marble walls.

The air was thick with anticipation as the neighboring kingdoms prepared to convene in Hastinapur for a crucial meeting. Diplomatic tensions and alliances hung in the balance, making every decision and discussion within the meeting room of paramount importance.

And I wandered around, the words of my father echoed in my mind, reminding me of the importance of the day ahead. "Avalok, today is a crucial day. We have a significant meeting to attend, and both I and Vikram will be busy, so I need you to behave and avoid causing any trouble while we're occupied," he had instructed me earnestly in the morning.

Resolute in my determination to heed my father's advice, I set out to find my friend Yuyutsu, seeking companionship amidst the looming responsibilities. However, upon spotting him engaged in conversation with his mother, I decided against interrupting their moment.

Feeling a sense of solitude creeping in, I gravitated towards the calming presence of the river Ganga, its gentle flow offering solace amidst the chaos of my thoughts. As I meandered along its banks, the weight of boredom began to settle upon me, the quietude of the surroundings accentuating my restlessness.

With nothing but the sound of the river's murmur to accompany me

As I pondered by the riverside, my gaze caught the sinister sight of Suyodhana, Sushasana, and the treacherous Shakuni dragging the unconscious form of Bheem towards the flowing waters of the Ganga. With a shock, I witnessed them callously hurling him into the river before fleeing the scene. Reacting swiftly, without a moment's hesitation, I leaped into the river, propelled by a surge of determination to rescue my comrade.

As I submerged into the depths of the sacred Ganga, my senses heightened, and an inexplicable calm enveloped me. Despite the pressure of the water, I found myself able to breathe, a phenomenon both bewildering and strangely comforting. For nearly an hour, I scoured the riverbed, my search fueled by a relentless resolve to find Bheem and ensure his safety.

Finally, emerging from the depths, I beheld an awe-inspiring sight—a majestic palace, standing proudly amidst the desolate landscape. Yet, its grandeur was overshadowed by an eerie aura of abandonment, with the encircling statues of serpents lending an ominous air to the surroundings. Undeterred by the foreboding atmosphere, I pressed on, my footsteps echoing in the silence of the deserted palace grounds.

However, my journey was met with an unexpected obstacle, as the very serpents adorning the palace grounds began to stir, their sinuous forms twisting and contorting into a hybrid of human and serpent. With each step, I could feel their eyes upon me, their gaze piercing through the veil of uncertainty that shrouded the ancient edifice.

As I beheld the Nagas, their formidable presence unmistakable, a chill ran down my spine. It dawned on me that I had unwittingly stumbled upon the entrance to Nagalok, the realm of the serpentine beings.

With a forced smile, I attempted to diffuse the tension. "Hello there, I'm Avalok. It seems I've mistakenly found my way here. I was actually searching for a friend, a rather chubby boy. Have you happened to seen him around?"

Before I could even finish my sentence, one of the Nagas lunged at me, launching an attack with startling ferocity. Instinctively, I dodged the assault and drew my Sword of Enlightenment, readying myself for the impending confrontation. Though I possessed skills in swordsmanship and martial arts mastery, I knew that facing a group of Nagas would test even my abilities.

As they closed in on me, I began to count their movements, swiftly parrying their attacks while launching counterstrikes of my own.

As the relentless onslaught of Nagas pressed upon me, their sheer numbers overwhelming, frustration bubbled within me like a simmering cauldron. "How can you attack a defenseless child like me? Have you no sense of honor?" I spat out, irritation lacing my words like venom.

As the clash of blades echoed along the entrance of Nagalok, the Nagas pressed their advantage, their relentless assault pushing me to the brink of exhaustion. Amidst the chaos, one of the Nagas, his voice laced with a mixture of caution and acknowledgment, addressed me. "Child, you have stumbled upon our territory. This is the entrance to Nagalok, and we cannot permit anyone to trespass, regardless of age or stature. Yet, observing your fighting prowess, I must admit, you are no ordinary child."

His words, though intended to be a deterrent, only fueled my determination. With a wry smile playing upon my lips, I continued to parry their blows, my movements fluid and precise as I held my ground against their onslaught.

But just as the clash seemed to reach its crescendo, a commanding voice pierced through the chaos, resonating with authority that demanded obedience. "Soldiers, cease this at once! You know not whom you are facing," the voice thundered, its power reverberating through the air like a thunderclap.

As the Nagas hesitated, their attention drawn to the source of the voice, a figure emerged from the shadows, his form reminiscent of a serpent in both stature and demeanor. Clad in regal attire befitting his status, he exuded an aura of majesty that left no doubt as to his authority.

As the figure approached, his gaze fell upon me with a piercing intensity, assessing me with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. Sensing his scrutiny, I squared my shoulders, meeting his gaze with unwavering resolve, ready to face whatever judgment or challenge lay before me.

Upon seeing their leader, the Nagas bowed in deference, their actions a testament to the respect and reverence they held for him. With a subtle nod from their ruler, the tension that had gripped the air dissipated, replaced by an aura of solemnity and respect.

Caught in the midst of this unexpected turn of events, I awaited the figure's next words with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, eager to discover the secrets that lay concealed within the depths of Nagalok and the identity of the enigmatic figure who now stood before me.

As Vasuki, the king of serpents, gazed upon me with a mixture of curiosity and respect, his regal demeanor exuding an air of authority and wisdom. With a gracious smile, he extended his greeting, his voice resonating with a sense of honor and hospitality. "I am Vasuki, the king of serpents. I am honored to have a figure like you as a guest. May I know who you are, Divine child?"

Returning his smile with genuine warmth, I offered my own introduction, a sense of camaraderie blossoming between us despite the initial tension. "I am Avalok, King Vasuki. And I am in search of a chubby boy," I replied, my tone light and playful, seeking to ease any remaining tension lingering from our earlier encounter.

Vasuki's laughter rang out, echoing like melodious chimes, as he responded to my query with a jovial spirit. "Ah, Avalok, you've come to the right place indeed. Some time ago, we encountered a boy who is a descendant of King Shantanu. His name is Bheem, and he is currently in Nagalok," he explained, his eyes twinkling with amusement at the serendipity of our meeting.

Expressing his regret for the behavior of his fellow serpents, Vasuki extended an apology, his humility and sincerity evident in his words. "I am sorry for my people's behavior. We serpents can be rather temperamental beings," he confessed, his tone tinged with a touch of ruefulness.

With a gracious nod, I reassured Vasuki that his words had not caused any offense, my demeanor reflecting a sense of understanding and forgiveness. "Thank you, King Vasuki. You need not worry, as I did not take their actions to heart," I reassured him, a gentle smile playing upon my lips.

In a gesture of goodwill and hospitality, Vasuki extended an invitation for me to accompany him to find Bheem, his magnanimity and generosity shining through. "Please follow me and be our guest," he urged, his voice warm and inviting.

As Vasuki began to lead the way, I fell into step beside him, a sense of curiosity and anticipation guiding my steps. I noticed with a sense of appreciation that the other serpents, observing our interaction, also fell into line behind us, their demeanor now marked by a newfound sense of respect and deference.

As we embarked on our journey through the hidden depths of Nagalok, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement at the prospect of reuniting with Bheem and unraveling the mysteries that awaited us in this enigmatic realm ruled by serpentine beings.

As we arrived at King Vasuki place in Nagalok, I was greeted by the sight of Bheem seated amidst a plethora of sumptuous dishes, his attention fully absorbed by the feast before him. With each mouthful, he seemed to lose himself in the simple pleasure of indulgence, oblivious to the world around him.

As our eyes met, Bheem's expression shifted from contentment to surprise, his voracious appetite momentarily forgotten. Rising to his feet with a sense of urgency, he addressed me with a mixture of concern and disbelief. "Prince Avalok, you're here! Don't tell me that devilish Suyodhana also poisoned you and threw you into the river?" he exclaimed, his voice betraying a hint of alarm.

Chuckling softly at his assumption, I shook my head, dismissing his concerns with a wave of my hand. "No, Bheem. When I was strolling around, I happened to witness Suyodhana, Sushasana, and Shakuni throwing you into the river. I leaped in to save you," I explained, my tone casual yet sincere.

As the gravity of my words sank in, Bheem's gaze softened, gratitude shining in his eyes as he processed the depth of my actions. "Thank you, Prince Avalok, for risking your own safety to rescue me," he said earnestly, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

In response, I offered a humble wave of my hand, downplaying my role in the rescue with a modest smile. "It was the least I could do, Bheem. A friend in need is a friend indeed," I replied, my words infused with sincerity and warmth.

As we settled into our seats, the atmosphere around us took on a more relaxed and convivial tone. With the comforting warmth of friendship enveloping us, I turned to Bheem, a curious expression on my face. "Bheem, could you please enlighten us on how this unfortunate incident came to pass?" I inquired, my voice tinged with genuine concern.

Beside me, King Vasuki chimed in, his regal presence adding weight to the request. "Indeed, dear Bheem, I too am eager to understand the circumstances surrounding your unexpected arrival in Nagalok," he added, his tone filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

(Words count:2263)