
Joestar Novels & Books - WebNovel

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    Cerita ini berisi kisah tentang seorang ratu yang berjuang lebih dari apa yang orang lihat. Namun akankah kisahnya berakhir seindah kisah di dongeng? atau dunia tidak menginginkan seorang ratu yang terlalu mencintai rakyatnya? Namun semuanya dimulai dari kisah seorang gadis yang kelak akan menjadi seorang Ratu yang dikenal bahkan dipuja oleh rakyatnya.

    JoeStar · Fantasy
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    The story behind Aegon Joestar

    Aegon Joestar a villain created in the world of D&D. The following story shows the mental complexity of a character that started with a small group of players but over time became one of the most bloodthirsty and intelligent villains in Far Lands. The Novel aims to show the events of the Joestar family from their disappearance to their full heyday in the Far Lands.

    KoumeiSushi · Fantasy
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    Reincarnated as the Second Generation Villains Father

    Transmigrating into a parallel world; becoming a billionaire that everyone looks up to. Qing Tian, who thought that he could finally live a life of the rich, suddenly found that this world seemed just a little strange… His son as a junior studying in university was beaten by a stranger who just arrived in the city? Does a kid want to slap my son across his face during the student union?  【Ding! the Ultimate Villain System is active】 【Reward for successfully educating my son: Divine Toxic Medicine】 【Reward for successfully changing the plot trend: God-level car skills】 【Reward for successfully capturing the female lead: plus ......】 ………….. As the father of a villainous rich kid, not only should he educate his son, but he should also do whatever he can to deal with the protagonist...

    Jonathon_Joestar_7692 · Urban
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    Light Bringer

    In a dimension parallel to our own a young boy's life is turned upside down when he learns the truth of his family and the history of his people and now he must restore balance to his world but at what cost ?.

    Dio_Joestar_5849 · Fantasy
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    Dibalik Gelap

    Silahkan beri masukan apabila ada yang salah dalam cerita ini. Sekian terima kasih. Sinopsis: Kelam, suram dan tertindas, ketiga kata inilah yang mencerminkan sosok Riena Vion. Seorang gadis bernasib buruk yang hidup dalam penderitaan tiada akhir. Sejak kecil ia selalu mendapatkan perlakuan kejam dari orang tuanya, kekejaman dari orang tuanya membuat dirinya harus mendapat kecacatan pada wajahnya, di dunia luar pun ia masih tak lepas dari yang namanya derita. Karena wajah yang cacat, semua teman sekolahnya enggan untuk berteman dengannya dan bahkan mengejek serta membully dirinya habis-habisan. Senyuman tak pernah terukir di wajahnya. Hari-hari ia lalui penuh suram, tangis air mata menjadi satu-satunya pelampiasan rasa sakit atas penderitaan yang ia alami, berulang-kali terlintas dipikirannya untuk menyerah terhadap hidup kelam ini. Hingga suatu hari dikala keputusasaan sudah merenggut semangat hidup Riena. Tiba-tiba sosok makhluk supranatural mendatangi dirinya, makhluk yang berasal dari alam yang berbeda. Dengan senyum menyeringai, makhluk itu meratapi Riena yang ditelan rasa putus asa. Terlihat taring tajam dan panjang dibalik senyuman nya, perlahan makhluk itu mengulurkan tangan kepada Riena. Bagaimanakah kisah Riena selanjutnya?

    Joseph_joestar · Fantasy
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    My Lovely Butler

    Makoto_Joestar · Teen
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    The Heavenly Swordsman

    Josephine_Joestar · Fantasy
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    The Demon Princess and her Hero

    One day he meets a cute girl in his school. He brings her home...what happens next?!

    Mister_Joestar · Fantasy
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    Valentine's Second Chance

    Funny Valentine... Lost, he had lost to Johnny Joestar. The one, who The Saint had sided with. He, however didn't exactly die like he should of to the power of infinity... The Saint seems to have sided with Valentine, in a different way. A psuedo system story, Funny Valentine takes the show as the protagonist of this story.

    King_Gyro_Zeppeli · Fantasy
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    Celestial Beings

    Shuunen_Joestar69 · War
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    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure | Phantom Blood Retold

    story of how the Joestar bloodline started with fighting different foes throughout every generation

    YBA · Fantasy
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    Jojo power in a magical world

    Jordan Joestar is a normal kid, but on his 14th birthday he gains his previous life's memories and the power of Characters from his previous life's favorite manga, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ---- English is a second language, please don't hate.

    netap · Fantasy
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    Joestar1 · Urban
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    Escanor Powers through to multiverse

    Jonathan_Joestar_1997 · Fantasy
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    gimme coins plz

    Joseph_Joestar_2642 · Fantasy
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