
Horrorthriller Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    The Quest For A Cursed Diamond.

    Shah Jahan built a special throne for himself. It took a craftsman named Syed Geelani and his team of artisans took some seven years to build this throne. Several kilos of gold was overlaid on this throne, it was decorated with many gems. Jewelers from all over the world used to come to see this throne. One of these was the Hortenso Borgia of the city of Venice.  Emperor Aurangzeb gave it to Borgia to enhance the luster of the diamond.  Borgia acted so clumsily that he broke the diamond piece by piece.  It was reduced to just 186 carats instead of 793 carats... Aurangzeb had in fact given the task of carving a diamond from a piece of Kohinoor to Borgia secretly and part of the same Kohinoor was mounted in the wall of Shah Jahan's prison, with the help of which he used to see the Taj Mahal and his beloved wife's soul.

    Ivan_Maximus_Edwin_7753 · Horror
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    KISAH NYATA | TRUE STORY | REAL STORY Manusia indigo bisa juga disebut sebagai orang yang memiliki kemampuan khusus dan tidak terbatas pada yang namanya hal supranatural atau metafisis saja. Kemampuan indigo sendiri banyak macamnya, mulai dari clairvoyance, astral projection, interdimensional, penyembuhan, dan lain lain. Ketika seorang anak indigo mengatahui bahwa dirinya punya kemampuan indigo, maka jauh di dasar pikirannya akan timbul pertanyaan : Mengapa aku berbeda? kenapa aku tidak bisa menjadi orang normal saja? Pada Novel DIMENSI KETIGA ini, saya akan menceritakan kisah atau kumpulan kisah yang semuanya berhubungan dengan perjalanan hidup seorang anak indigo. Tentang apa yang dirasakan, apa yang dialami, dan seolah ingin sedikit protes ada anggapan orang-orang yang memberikan stigma bahwa kemampuan indigo adalah berkah. padahal untuk sampai diterima dan di anggap berkah itu, semua adalah proses yang panjang dan melelahkan. Sebuah perjalanan dan pembelajaran yang tidak pernah berhenti sampai akhirnya menutup mata dan kembali pada Sang Khalik. NOVEL ini sekaligus gambaran "ALAM SEBELAH" atau alam dimana "MEREKA TINGGAL" tidak selalu identik dengan horor yang seram dan mencekam. Alam sebelah juga punya cerita yang dramatis, sedih bahkan sarat nilai-nilai universal. Pada dasarnya "MEREKA" pun tidak seperti yang dilukiskan di film-film horor, yang hanya bertugas menganggu dan menakut-nakuti, tetapi sebetulnya mereka pun lebih dari itu. Novel ini juga memberikan gambaran dan wawasan baru tentang dunia supranatural. Harapannya, lebih jauh novel ini dapat memberikan panduan bagi masyarakat bagaimana harus menyikapi hidup dan berdampingan dengan para MAKHLUK TAK KASAT MATA. SALAM INDIGO. #INDIGO #MATABATIN #KISAHNYATA #TRUESTORY #REALSTORY #MATA_BATIN #KISAH_NYATA #HORORTHRILLER #HOROR #THRILLER #HORRORTHRILLER #HOROR_THRILLER #HORROR_THRILLER #INDIGOMATABATIN #INDIGODIMENSIKETIGA #INDIGO_MATA_BATIN #INDIGO_DIMENSI_KETIGA #DIMENSIKETIGA #DIMENSI_KETIGA #indigo #matabatin #kisahnyata #truestory #realstory #mata_batin #kisah_nyata #hororthriller #horor #thriller #horrorthriller #horor_thriller #horror_thriller #indigomatabatin #indigodimensiketiga #indigo_mata_batin #indigo_dimensi_ketiga #dimensiketiga #dimensi_ketiga

    Aan_Hardiansyah313 · Horror
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    Bukumi, a small town in East Asia, is turned upside down when people mysteriously start to die. With no cause of death found, everyone have started to form their own theories. Some believed it was homicide. Whereas some believed it was a doing of an evil being. No one is safe. Death awaits them all.

    k_sam · Horror
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    The Tale Of A Dark Night.

    Fear is such an emotion pre-programmed in all animals and people as an instinctive response to potential danger. This feeling is not always adaptive. This is not a good feeling; There is no freedom, no happiness. It appears in many forms. The most common expression is anger. Your life is a struggle from fear to victory. The opposite of fear, is awareness of unity.

    Ivan_Maximus_Edwin_7753 · Urban
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    Nazi Lover Boy

    This Romantic Horror Thriller is set in the dark atmosphere of the World War II. When Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour and due to this attack a Nazi Navy Officer got casted away to Honolulu... Later he met a Jewish girl named Rebbeca and fell in love with her. But due to time's cruel fate their love story was tragically turned into their worst nightmare. So kindly read the story to find out what had really happened with them.

    Ivan_Maximus_Edwin_7753 · Horror
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    The One And Only Entity

    He is the embodiment of all knowledge and the foundation of the evolution of the laws of the universe! The headless giant, the blasphemous witch, the hundred-tailed snake fox, the tree of world dusk, the deadly enchantress... Countless monsters were born in his hands, and even the old evil gods outside the starry sky tremble in his Presence! - He Is 'Adrian Jaeger' also Known As Asof Eldritch, the True Entity Of The Universe Of Terrors. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes- * English is not My First Language...So, refrain from pointing it out...Ok-_-!!) * Single Female L...(MAYBE) * I will try to post at least 2-3 chapters in one week. * Suggestions are welcomed but it will be my choice if I want to implement them or not. * If U Want To Show Support or Read More Chapters Ahead of Webnovel on My Patreon -- patreon.com/RONIN_AROY

    RONIN_AROY · Horror
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    watch out

    this story based on seven story's and seven different life is it really seven different life we think or all in one you never know are we being watched or being a pawn in our own game we don't know in cover the storys and find out the true story behind .....

    gungun_bhadra · Urban
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    Missing Heart.

    Saurav_Sen_9978 · Horror
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