
Hiv Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Khusus Dewasa!! NOVEL : THE BELOVED ONE : SAAT CINTA MEMANGGIL SINOPSIS PART 2 (LGBT) 20 th kemudian Nicky dan Bagas mempunyai anak semata wayang namanya AYRAA GINANTA. Sedangkan Hana dan Raka mempunyai dua anak kembar, yang pertama CHELLO KANSYA dan yang kedua CAYLA KANSYA. Chello dan Ayraa di jodohkan dari mereka masih bayi mungil, tapi AYRAA putri Bagas dan Nicky mencintai laki-laki lain, di mana laki-laki yang di cintai putri Bagas adalah seorang GAY yang bernama DANISH AILLEN Nah loh....!! bagaimana perasaan Bagas dan Nicky melihat putri semata wayangnya mencintai seorang Gay...???" Dan bagaimana dengan CHELLO putra Raka dan Hana yang sangat mencintai AYRAA dari mereka masih kecil...???" Apakah cinta CHELLO akan bertepuk sebelah tangan...? dan bisa menikahi Ayraa?? Ataukah AYRAA akan bisa hidup bersama dengan DANISH seorang CEO muda dan seorang gay yang akhirnya menderita sakit HIV...?" Akankah Danish bisa hidup atau meninggal dalam pelukan Ayraa??? Ataukah Ayraa akan kembali dalam pelukan CHELLO yang telah kembali setelah tujuh tahun berpisah??? Ikuti terus cerita selanjutnya ya kk....????? SINOPSIS PART 1 "Sebuah rasa yang tidak pernah di mengerti kapan hadirnya yang dia tahu rasa itu membuatnya harus memilih dan meyakininya jika pilihannya adalah benar." "Dia tidak pernah mengatakan jika dia sangat mencintaiku...tapi aku sangat tahu bahwa dia sangat mencintaiku dengan pembuktian atas kesakitannya hingga hampir membawa pada kematiannya" (Nicky Andrea Pramudya) "Aku sangat mencintaimu ...aku juga punya rasa cemburu, namun rasa cemburuku, tidak sebanding dengan besarnya rasa cintaku...karena tujuan dalam hidupku adalah membahagiakanmu." (Raka Endar Wibawa) "Biarlah cintaku ini bersemayam di hatiku yang paling dalam...baik di masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan di masa depan...Biarlah tetap terukir sampai menutup mataku ini." (Bagas Arga Ginanta)

    NicksCart · LGBT+
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    Husband with HIV negative marry a wife with HIV positive

    Accident love from from HIV negative

    Jay_van · History
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    "He never said that he loved me so much...but I know very well that he loved me so much with the proof of his pain that almost led to his death." (AYRAA DELANA) "I love you so much ...I also have jealousy, but my jealousy, is not worth the amount of my love...because the goal in my life is to make you happy." (CHELLO KANYSA) "Let my love reside in the deepest of my heart...past, present, and future ... Let it remain engraved until it closes my eyes." (DANISH AILLEN) Ayraa Delana Ginanta a beautiful girl who is spoiled and a tomboy, the only child of the couple Nikita and Bagas. Meanwhile, Chello is a handsome man who is patient and caring, the son of Hana and Raka's close friends, Nikita and Bagas. Chello and Ayraa have been matched since they were little. but Ayraa loves Danish Aillen, a gay man who works as a substitute lecturer and a CEO in a sizeable company. How do Bagas and Nikita feel when they see their only child loves a Gay? And how did Chello feel when he found out about that? while in his heart very much in love with Ayraa? Will Chello be able to marry Ayraa? Or will Ayraa marry Danish, a gay person who is sick with HIV? Follow this story only on Webnovel ...

    Nickscart_2 · LGBT+
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    Covid 19 the nest and fertilizer of HIV/ADS

    Since 2019 the pandemic of covid fallen on the world and the ferret mans and women nest with in and lay the virus of HIV.

    Jimmy_Bibra · Urban
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    Fireside Romance Book 4: Glowing Embers

    Simon Peters and his partner Mark Smith face a number of challenging life events in the fourth and final volume of this heart-warming saga.<br><br>Because of his time working on the streets after being kicked out of home by his father, Mark worries he may have contracted HIV. Despite knowing the lack of treatment options if he were to test positive -- this is the late 1980’s before the age of retro-viral drugs -- Mark is determined to know his fate.<br><br>Things become complicated when Mark receives a letter from his father wanting to re-establish contact. Roy entering their lives presents further challenges, ones which ultimately threaten Simon and Mark’s continued happiness.<br><br>Gay teens Sam and Billy play an increasingly important part in Simon and Mark’s lives, often regarding the older men as surrogate fathers/big brothers. Can this unconventional family pull together and become stronger, despite all the world has thrown at them?

    Drew Hunt · LGBT+
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    GOD OVER HIV (how God healed me)

    Now this is how God healed me from HIV. In twenty zero nine I was diagnosed with HIV ready this interesting story and get inspired I pray your faith will be lifted after reading this novel.

    Alick_Botha · Realistic
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    HIV/AIDS has been a major pandemic which has affected the whole world

    Over time HIV has been a global pandemic but with the realization of the Anti_Retoral virus, it has become easy to suppress the viral load hence making it easy to manage the virus and be able to increase life span of people affected by HIV/AIDS It is therefore important to have basic knowledge on HIV/AIDS management so as be able to suppress the virus and improve the immune system of the people affected.

    lydia_naini · History
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    Bia & Nika

    Depois de casada e com três filhas adolescentes, Bia começa a ter noites de insônia, descobrindo que a causa é Nika, sua colega de trabalho. Com dezenove anos, Nika tem a idade da filha mais velha de Bia. E ela então terá que enfrentar preconceitos, entre eles a diferença de idade, a homofobia, o HIV e os traumas de um passado que tentara esquecer. E em sua vida pontilhada de tragédias, na busca pelo seu amor, mais uma amarga surpresa lhe aguarda no caminho.

    pazguerreiro · LGBT+
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    After Todd's mother dies from cancer, he moves back to his hometown in the foothills of the Appalachians from Chicago. It's 1997 and he's just been given a death sentence -- an HIV-positive diagnosis.<br><br>Todd expects his remaining time on earth to be spent alone. But Cal, his handsome next-door neighbor, has other ideas.<br><br>Cal is not the only surprise in Todd's new life. Todd begins having visions of an older woman, Essie, when he dims the lights. Is she just a figment of his imagination? Or is she a truth teller? When she talks to Todd, she's smart and hopeful.<br><br>When Todd tells Cal about the ghost, Cal knows her already because Todd's mother spoke with her before her death. Essie was a godsend when Todd's mom was in so much pain.<br><br>And now, Essie urges Todd to live ... for himself ... for new love. But is she too late?

    Rick R. Reed · LGBT+
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    Di Bawah Langit yang Sama

    Izzatunnisa, masa remajanya sungguh tidak mudah. Usianya baru 17 tahun tapi beban dan tanggung jawab untuk dirinya sendiri tidak lagi sama seperti remaja seusianya. Latar belakang sebagai keluarga pengidap HIV/AIDS mengikuti setiap langkahnya. Yatim piatu, dikucilkan. Perlahan, kehidupannya yang kelam dan abu-abu berubah. Izzatunnisa akhirnya menemukan orang yang tidak terintimidasi oleh riwayat penyakit keluarganya, yang mau menerima apa adanya. Harusnya semua baik-baik saja, tapi sebuah firasat buruk mengancam. Mimpi buruk pembunuhan yang terjadi di kota sebelah merangkak mendekat. Keselamatan Nisa terancam. Siapa pembunuhnya? Dan bagaimana orang-orang di sisi Nisa akan melindunginya?

    NurNur · Urban
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    Go Tell It on the Mountains

    Years have gone by since the death of Noah his special needs son, and Wiley Cantrell realizes it’s time to move on. He and his husband Jackson try to adopt little Tony Gorzola, a deaf boy with HIV who is emotionally traumatized.<br><br>Difficulties quickly set in. Tony is a sweet boy but very damaged by abuse and neglect. And Tony’s mother, in prison, is unwilling to relinquish her parental rights. No sooner do they get the go ahead to foster Tony when another child they had considered becomes available -- the daughter Jackson always wanted.<br><br>With two children on their hands, life is complicated -- wonderfully so. But just as things begin to settle down, Tony, his immune system compromised, falls ill with pneumonia ... and Wiley and Jackson find their little family faced with crisis once again.

    Nick Wilgus · LGBT+
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    I'm tired of reading Chinese novels with great ideas and being forced to put them down, due to some things I hate more than the fucking harem and the simp mc, patriotism, nationalism and fucking racism, so I felt the need to do them a favor, that no one asked for, but that they need. How do I plan to do it? Well if I see racism "thanos snap" yeah awesome, patriotism "thanos snap" uff felt like a good fuck, nationalism yeah yeah I know you know "thanos snap" see? As simple as that. Well, I'll also try to make the novels more readable, but don't count on that too much, my brain is so damaged that it already corrects all that shit automatically. by the way, It is quite obvious that I use a translator Get the cell editor at the beginning, you can perfectly control each of your cells, and edit the cells at will. Transform the brain’s memory cells to obtain the ability to remember. Transform macrophages so that they can recognize and eliminate HIV. Modify the protein in the cell to create a biological computer. Transform cells so that they can divide infinitely and gain the ability to live forever. Transform cells to directly produce nuclear reactions in the cells and convert matter into energy. Each cell is equivalent to a nuclear reactor. Let the cells divide indefinitely, multiply into a cell cluster the size of a planet, and build a planetary fortress. How big the brain hole is, how powerful the cell editor is! I started the era of human biotechnology! copied from https://mtlnation.com/novel/start-with-cell-editor/

    Deuris · Sci-fi
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    灵气复苏百年,武道大兴。玄幻版病毒危机爆发,超级病毒横行全球。 别的武者饱受病毒折磨,谈病毒而色变,可宋祖却带着变异的杀毒软件,兴冲冲猎杀超级病毒。 主人,超级流感病毒已被炼化成元力,可以提升实力了! 主人,超级HIV病毒已被解剖,生成最专业的知识,您已经是这方面的专家,可以去装逼了! 主人,血癌病毒的疫苗和抗病毒药剂已制取成功,可以一夜暴富了! 主人,超级病毒大军已成功进化,可以进攻了! “上!给我灭了这武道宗师!” 病毒最爱是武者,入行练武需谨慎,但……有我宋祖在,病毒杀光光! 来!求我吧!

    纵横武林 · Eastern
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    Zombie apocalypse : A new world

    Jane Dumont and her medical team try to invent a formula to cure HIV but things go wrong and the formula becomes a virus turning half of the world population into Zombies

    Blair_Edem · Horror
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    Prahara Kawin Kontrak

    Erin, melakukan kawin kontrak tanpa memikirkan akibat dari apa yang dilakukannya sehingga Erin divonis mengidap penyakit HIV disebabkan seringnya melakukan kawin kontrak dengan banyak lelaki. Apakah Erin akan selamat dan sembuh dari penyakitnya atau nyawanya tidak dapat diselamatkan?

    Syatizha · Teen
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    Jimin_bts_hiv_Hiv · Fantasy
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    Overpowered in mushoku tensei

    Bucky Jones was a kid who was born with an HIV virus, a kid who was not able to see the true beauty of the world, never got to experience what a normal kid should have been, although life have been short for him, he was still satisfied by the love from the people who cared for him. However, while he was dead, he's soul has never vanished, slowly flowting in the endless void, until one day the void system appeared which started to change his fate. "Ding~Ding, congratulations host for activating the void system" "Ding~Ding, due to host being a beginner, the void system shall bestow the host a starter pack" "Ding~Ding, does host want to open the starter pack?"

    Razorfangzzz · Fantasy
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    hiv1 · Fantasy
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    ##unfinished jobs failed by other doctors(+13046594107 +27814279579

    ##unfinished jobs failed by other doctors(+13046594107 +27814279579 ) ** BRING BACK LOST LOVER +27814279579 +13046594107 ** MAGIC RING & WALLET FOR LOTTO, GAMBLING AND CASINO ** COURT & DIVORCE CASES ** UNFINISHED JOBS ** TRADITIONAL HEALING ** PREGNANCY PROBLEMS ** BAD LUCK ** QUICK BUYING & SELLING PROPERTIES ** BOOST YOUR BUSINESS ** CHURCH POWERS ** BOOST YOUR BUSINESS ** BREAST, HIPS AND BUM ENLARGEMENT ** PENIS ENLARGEMENT ** SEXUAL PROBLEMS (MEN & WOMEN) ** HERBAL CREAMS FOR SKIN LIGHTENING, RUSHES E.T.C ** HERBAL MEDICINE FOR ULCERS, DIABETES (SUGAR), HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, HIV/AIDS, AND MANY MORE DISEASES ** SEXUAL PROBLEMS https://www.witchcraftraditionalhealer.com/ https://sites.google.com/view/return-a-lost-lover-spells-/our-story https://sites.google.com/view/spiritsringlotter/home https://medium.com/@mamarizia/love-spells-in-south-africa-13046594107-53081a2efdd3?source=friends_link&sk=042b103700568fd2790d739c8949a2a5 https://www.witchcraftraditionalhealer.com/post/traditional-healer-in-los-angeles-california-13046594107-27814279579

    Daoist2YA4qr · History
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    Only One Virgin

    Abag, from Boki Local Government Area, in Cross River State, was a Chattered Accountant and was working in a Bank in Lagos. He was 40 years old, yet unmarried. And he resolved to marry a graduate, and that the graduate must be a virgin. The reason for this resolve was occasioned by one of his friends, Ajuluchukwu, that contracted HIV that developed to AIDS, and afterwards committed suicide after a laboratory test conformed that he was HIV positive- because of the stigma that is associated with it. Abang llearned from his father that two girls had graduated from their village. He asked his friends Bangkong and Johnson to investigate on the girls and recommend one for him. Meanwhile, the girls were not privy to this investigation. They found out that one of the girls was a virgin, while the other was not. Abang took leave and travelled to the village with hope to propose to the virgin, but unfortunately, another person had come and proposed to het, and left for Lagos with her. The remaining story is better read than told because it would answer many questions: Who infected Ajuluchukwu with HIV? Who is the person that proposed to the virgin and eventually left for Lagos with her. Buy and read it and you will be glad you did.

    DaoistjqyQmh · Fantasy
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