
Cia Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Jeonsepx · Fantasy
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    Until I Met Him!

    Clare, a room service staff met a rich businessman named Michael. Both of them gets attracted to each other and spent a sexy romantic full of lust journey to New Zealand. During the journey, Michael feels falling for her and wants more time with Clare and asks her to go with him. Which made Clare reveal her worse past secrets which can cause trouble for both of them in the future. But Michael assured her past will not come in between and they can have a good time together. Clare agrees and the problem started after Michael's relatives and friends come to know about Clare's past. How they still manage to stay in love, stay together is the story you will know next.

    Cia · Urban
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    Uma Noite Selvagem

    Lucinda Perry, uma reclusa social e workaholic, faz uma promessa a si mesma de se soltar no seu vigésimo quinto aniversário e até mesmo conseguir uma noite de amor casual se ela conseguir a tão esperada promoção no trabalho. Poucos dias antes do seu vigésimo quinto aniversário, ela é promovida para uma posição superior e para a sede em outra cidade. Tendo que passar a noite do seu aniversário em uma nova cidade, ela vai à boate onde conhece um belo desconhecido, Thomas Hank, que se oferece para ser seu caso de uma noite depois de ver sua lista de desafios a cumprir, que incluía ter uma noite de amor casual. Thomas Hank, depois de ter sido usado por várias mulheres no passado, está determinado a conquistar a mulher dos seus sonhos que o amaria por ele mesmo e não por sua riqueza. Então, quando ele conhece a fofa e ingênua Lucinda Perry na boate, ele decide esconder sua verdadeira identidade dela e descobrir se ela valia a pena. ***Trecho*** O que é mais divertido do que um personagem secundário louco? Diga olá à Sonia e ao Bryan. O coração de Sonia parou de bater por um segundo e, em seguida, diferentes pensamentos começaram a voar em sua cabeça naquele mesmo momento. Bryan Hank? O seu crush celebridade estava ajoelhado bem na frente dela e pedindo-a em casamento? Ele a estava confundindo com outra pessoa? Seria possível que isso fosse uma encenação, ou talvez fosse uma daquelas pegadinhas de celebridades, e havia câmeras por perto esperando para capturar sua reação? Ou talvez ela estivesse sonhando? Sonia se perguntava enquanto olhava ao redor, mas tudo o que via eram espectadores curiosos. "Por favor! Seja minha esposa e me torne o homem mais feliz da Terra", disse ele em voz alta, chamando a atenção de todos. Seu editor, para quem ela tinha esperado por mais de uma hora porque estava tentando fechar um acordo com um produtor de cinema interessado em uma de suas histórias, apareceu naquele momento, "Sonia, você conhece o Bryan Hank?" Seu editor perguntou em genuína surpresa ao ver a cena diante dele. Parecia ter passado uma hora desde que Bryan se ajoelhou, mas só tinha passado um minuto. Bryan sabia que nenhuma mulher seria louca o suficiente para aceitar uma proposta tão maluca e, mesmo que alguma fosse, seria fácil pagar-lhe e cancelar toda a situação, já que tudo o que ele queria era um escândalo que pudesse vir disso. As manchetes seriam sobre sua proposta de casamento rejeitada ou seu suposto noivado, o que seria suficiente para tirar Sophia do gancho. "Sim!" Sonia respondeu, balançando a cabeça empolgadamente e estendendo o dedo para que ele colocasse o anel. "Sim?" Bryan perguntou confuso ao ouvir sua resposta. "Sim! Eu serei sua esposa e farei de você o homem mais feliz do mundo!" Sonia disse rindo e mexendo os dedos até que Bryan deslizou o anel neles. Surpreendentemente, o anel era de seu tamanho exato e cabia perfeitamente em seu dedo, como se tivesse sido feito especialmente para ela. O som de aplausos irrompeu ao redor deles enquanto Sonia se levantava com um grande sorriso no rosto e abraçava Bryan antes de beijá-lo nos lábios. Bryan ficou um pouco surpreso com a audácia dela, mas rapidamente se recuperou já que este era o seu jogo, e ele tinha que participar. Afinal, ele tinha sido quem a procurou primeiro. Então, quando ela tentou interromper o beijo, ele segurou o queixo dela e lentamente mordeu seu lábio inferior antes de separar seus lábios com a língua e sugar de maneira provocante, arrancando um gemido de Sonia. Sonia se sentia tonta. Isso era bom demais para ser verdade. Só podia ser um sonho. Como mais ela poderia explicar que um momento estava sentada no saguão de um hotel esperando seu editor, e no seguinte estava noiva de seu crush celebridade e o beijava bem ali, em público?

    Miss_Behaviour · Urban
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    The Italian God

    “I said,  go" I warn her. She scoffed and cursed in Russian under her breath. But made her way to the door. "It was nice meeting you" she addressed Maya who I think passed out. I walked to the pole and started untying her hands. I did it slowly so I wouldn't hurt her already bleeding fingers. She is going to be in a lot of pain tomorrow. I caught her before she fell and her face contracted in pain. My suit had blood on it as well, not that I cared. I carried her against my chest looking at her face. Her hair was a different kind of red. God I fucked up big time, she will definitely kill me. I walked with her in my arms out of the basement. "Oh god" I hear, I walked in to the living room. It was filled with Aria and some of her friends, also Enzo and Alessio, who was shaking his head at me when he saw Maya. "Who is she" I hear the girls whispering "Call the doctor" I tell them carrying her upstairs to my room. I sat at the corner of my room with a drink in my hand. With a clean fresh suit. I stared at her unmoving body on my bed, she looks so small on it. The doctor came and checked her body, she had bruised all over her body, a small concussion and her ribs were bruised. Veronica might have went over board this time. He cleaned her cuts and left a ton of medicine she has to take for the pain. He also attached a drip to her cause she was dehydrated. I cleaned her with wet towels and changed her filthy clothes. I was so thankful she didn't wake up, I didn't know how she would react to me seeing her naked. I noticed small cuts and scars on her upper thigh. She also had old ligature marks on her wrists. Something happened to her and I was going to find out what. I put her in one of my shirt and let her sleep. I had to chance into a new suit, my other one was covered in her blood. And I was meant to be at a party very soon. I had to make sure every gun and anything that can be used as a weapon was taking out of my room, I don't want her hurting anyone or me. And I know when she wakes up, she is going to want to kill me. I don't know what to do with her now and I couldn't let her go, she's seen too much. CIA agent Maya Reed is undercover in a mission In Italy, for the past 3 months. When her partner gets killed and all hell breaks loose. She gets kidnapped by the most power Mafia boss in Italy. She tries to escape still having faith that the Americans are looking for her. Not knowing they think she died. Lorenzo … Cold. Ruthless. Killer. I am respected and feared by all. I wasn’t put on this earth to love or be loved. I was put to be a killer, to be feared. When I find a strange girl in my club , killing two of my best costumers. I don’t let her live out of compassion. She’s a trinket, my plaything.

    cluelessgixl · Teen
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    "Apa kamu bilang, Cia?? Kuli bangunan?? Apa Papa nggak salah dengar?? Kamu mau menikah dengannya??" "Memang apa salahnya menikah dengan kuli bangunan? Setidaknya dia tidak pernah menduakanku!" Felicia melirik ke arah adik tirinya yang tersenyum licik. "Mau dikasih makan apa kamu nanti?? Cinta??" Papa Rangga semakin meninggikan suaranya. "Makan nasilah, Pa, pakai sambel plus lalapan!! Makan cinta doang mana kenyang?!" Felicia menyahut pertanyaan sang Papa dengan ketus. Begitulah pertengkaran yang terjadi siang itu di kediaman Atmadja. Ratu Felicia yang baru saja ditendang oleh sang kekasih —karena memilih menikah dengan adik tiri Felicia— tak sengaja terlibat cinta satu malam dengan seorang kuli bangunan bernama Kaisar. Hubungan satu malam tanpa cinta dan juga kesadaran itu nyatanya telah membuahkan hasil di dalam rahim Felicia. Membuat hidup Felicia yang sempurna menjadi porak poranda. Syukurlah, Kaisar berjanji akan bertanggung jawab dan menikahi Felicia sampai anak itu lahir dan mendapatkan pengakuan sah negara. "Sadar diri sedikit! Gue dokter! Elo cuma kuli bangunan!" Felicia yang tersulut emosi tanpa sadar menghina Kaisar. "Ya, udah. Gue pergi!" "E ... tunggu!! Kalau elo pergi siapa yang jadi bapaknya?" Felicia menarik lengan Kaisar. "Cari aja sono di rumah sakit! Lo kan dokter, kali aja nemu orang yang mau jadi bapaknya!" seru Kaisar ketus. "Ihh ... kok gitu sih!! Makanya kalau punya telur jangan besar-besar kayak telur bebek, donk! Masa sekali doang langsung jadi!!" sahut Felicia. Wajah Kaisar sudah semerah kepiting rebus, memangnya waktu itu mereka lagi bikin martabak special, sampai telur bebek dibawa-bawa?! "Memangnya siapa yang minta duluan??" balas Kaisar. Jleb! Nancep banget di hati Felicia, kan' malam itu Felicia yang duluan yang minta. Kalau pas perjanjian nikah mereka saja sudah seribut ini, gimana kabar biduk rumah tangga setelah upacara pernikahan mereka, ya? Nambah kacau? Atau malah bakalan muncul benih-benih cinta? "Kok kamu enggak pernah pakai cincin kawin kita sih, Kai?! Kamu sebenernya cinta nggak sih sama aku?" ~ Ratu Felicia Atmadja. "Kamu nggak pernah pakai cincin kawin kita, Cia. Jadi aku sadar diri, aku nggak mau bikin kamu malu karena punya suami kuli bangunan kayak aku." ~ Kaisar Hero Samudera. Terus, gimana kalau ternyata ada rahasia besar di balik hidup Kaisar?? Lalu, balas dendam Felicia ke mantan pacarnya bakalan berjalan mulus enggak, ya?? — ***** — Hai, Bestie!! Othor datang dengan promosi novel othor yang baru. Ada ide tambahan enggak buat cerita ini?? Sweet, Belleame ~ Cover Milik Saya ~ Dilarang mengcopi paste novel ini dalam bentuk apa pun. Segala bentuk plagiat akan saya proses secara hukum. ~ Fiksi!! Kesamaan nama, tempat, dan kejadian adalah kebetulan semata. ~ Mature Content (21+) ~ Addiction, Drug Use, Violence, and Harsh words. Not for Kids!! ~ Seperti novel saya yang lain, genrenya dark ya. Jadi buat yang cari novel romantis dan sedikit wild, novel ini mungkin cocok. ~ WSA 2022 Happy reading … Bellecious. Hanya kisah cinta biasa, namun bisa membuatmu merasa luar biasa ^^

    BELLEAME · Urban
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    Sins of the Badge: Mafia Daddy's Lust

    “The thought of you chasing me makes my c*ck hard. You will become mine sooner or later,” Killian drawled, pressing his body to mine. “You shameless, foul-mouthed criminal, I will never submit to you.” *** CIA Director Vance Adira relocated to New York City to track down the most ruthless mafia man in the entire state—Daxia. Little did he know, Killian Ryuu is the face behind Daxia, and he has his sights set on Vance. The more Killian infiltrates Vance’s life, pushing him beyond his limits, he can’t help but give in to the way his body reacts to Killian. Vance is torn between taking down Daxia and giving in to his feelings for Killian. It’s the thrill in the chase that draws them together as Vance breaks the rules that he vowed to abide by the badge while Killian pulls him into the deep dark sins of attraction. Who will be caught in the web? The spider or the fly? Sins of the Badge: Mafia Daddy’s Lust is created by Anna Baibe, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

    Anna Baibe · Urban
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    Ace of The Dragon Division

    There’s SIS in great Britain, CIA in the US. In Huaxia, there’s Dragon Division, known as the mysterious power of the East. When a soldier that originally failed to be selected to join, appeared on the Dragon Division’s list again, no one noticed, that this inconspicuous and humble-looking guy was actually the Dragon King of the division, the one that’s most difficult to deal with. Mercenary: “Report, our squad is under attack, suffering heavy casualties!” Commander: “How many enemies are out there?” Mercenary: “Just… just one! There’s a joker card in his hand.” HQ: “What?! Hurry, retreat!”

    Dust Wind · War
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    Pernikahan Sementara

    Arsyilla Ayunda, gadis menawan yang baru berusia 17 tahun. Gadis itu baru merasakan yang namanya masa puber. Ya … dia telat merasakan puber karena sifatnya yang terlalu kekanakkan, tapi tidak manja. Lagi senang-senangnya mengenal cinta, Cia (panggilan akrabnya) harus menerima kenyataan pahit, almarhum kakeknya yang telah meninggal beberapa tahun silam meninggalkan wasiat yang membuatnya ingin hilang dari muka bumi. Wasiat gila itu berisikan tentang perjodohannya dengan seorang pria yang memiliki selisih usia sepuluh tahun darinya (udah pasti si pria yang lebih tua). Bahkan perjodohan itu sudah terjadi saat dirinya masih menjadi benih dalam kandungan sang ibu. Sialnya lagi ‘situa bangka’ (julukkan Cia untuk pria yang dijodohkan dengannya) itu adalah guru sekaligus kepala sekolahnya. "Saya, nggak mau nikah sama BAPAK!” "Kamu pikir Saya mau?" "Kalau gitu ngomong dong! Jangan diem aja kayak ban kehabisan angin." "Saya tidak mau membuang energi, tidak merubah apapun." * Mahardhika Addhipratma Sanjaya, pria berusia 27 tahun, memiliki wajah tampan dan tubuh sempurna. Pria berkepribadian dingin itu di paksa menikah dengan remaja labil, cucu dari sahabat kakeknya. Bisakah dia menjalani perjodohan ini? Mampukah dia bertahan demi tujuan tersembunyinya? Lalu bagaimana dengan Cia? Bisakah gadis itu melewati cobaan ini dengan waras? Gadis barbar itu menganggap kisah hidupnya seperti sinetron azab. Dimana dirinya terkena karma karena terlalu sering berganti pacar. 'Oh, Tuhan! Bisakah Engkau membuatku menjadi zigot lagi?’ jerit batin Cia. Nikmati kisah mereka yang akan membuat kalian tertawa, menangis, sedih dan juga bahagia. Pastinya baper parah ....

    Ardhaharyani_9027 · Urban
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    Houseboat on the Nile

    Quinton Mann is CIA through and through. Mark Vincent is WBIS for life. There is no way they could end up as anything other than adversaries -- and yet, Quinn takes Mark out to dinner on his birthday -- the one no one is supposed to know about -- and gives him one hell of a present in the restaurant's restroom. Mark, not to be outdone, has decided to escalate this game, because it has to be a game, right? There's no way it can be anything else.<br><br>But as the game continues, as Quinn shows up to a WBIS funeral, as a friend of Mark’s penetrates the CIA computer network to get information on Quinn, as Mark breaks into Quinn's house and gives Quinn a very interesting encounter, both Quinn and Mark realize that this is becoming the most real thing in their lives.<br><br>Can they find a way to do their jobs and keep this surprising, intriguing connection?

    Tinnean · LGBT+
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    I Married The Asshole

    Malachi "Kai" Jacobson, the youngest son of CIA agent Landon Jacobson and former model Monica Martin. He met and fell in with a man by the name of a Rick Carson when Kai had graduated high school at the age of 18. Despite his family and friends warning him that Rick was bad for him, Kai moved in with him and not even a month into the relationship Kai realized the mistake he made and tried to leave Rick but the older male threatened to kill those that Kai loved if he ever left. But Kai knew he had to leave if he was going to survive. So one night when Rick has gone out droning with his friends, Kai took his chance and fled. He knew he needed to get as far away as he could even if it meant living his family and friends behind. Ezekiel "Zeke" Robertson,is one of the toughest and ruthless men in the world. He's feared all over world. He lost his mother and unborn brother at the age of 15 after his father killed the leader of a rival gang. At the age of 23 he finds himself laying in a pool of his own blood during a trade gone wrong and that's when he meets CIA agent Landon Jacobson who he forms an unlikely friendship after he saves Zeke from the rival gang. As time passes Zeke learns that Landon has a son that he's been searching for since he ran off with his boyfriend. Knowing that he could potentially die if his plan goes wrong, Landon arranges his son to marry the ruthless mafia leader upon him finding Kai. He knew that Zeke would protect his son no matter what and he knew that his son would be in good hands under Zeke's protection. So what happens when Kai and Zeke meet? Will love happen or will Kai continue to run to get away from Rick? Well a lot is bound to happen when you meet the worlds ruthless mafia leader and learn that you have been married off to him for protection.

    Arabella Tomlinson · LGBT+
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    Ele Roubou-me do Meu Marido Preguiçoso

    [Conteúdo Maduro.] “Esse bebê é meu, e você também,” Ele declarou, apontando para a barriga de Kate enquanto seus profundos olhos verdes olhavam para Kate, como uma víbora pronta para atacar. Kate não podia acreditar que ele - Henry Grant, seu novo chefe oito anos mais novo que ela, fosse o pai de seu filho ainda não nascido. “Deveríamos estar juntos por padrão. Mas vou te dar uma escolha. Vá e sofra com seu marido inútil, ou venha comigo, vou te mostrar a diversão que você perdeu.” ===== Nos últimos cinco anos de seu casamento, Katherine “Kate” Woods, 32, sempre acreditou que era infértil. Ela não conseguia conceber um filho e seu marido inútil, Matt, sempre a insultava por isso, chamando-a de mulher inútil, apesar de nunca encontrar trabalho, forçando Kate a ser a única responsável pelo sustento da família. No entanto, ele ainda teve a audácia de traí-la com sua própria irmã! Com o coração partido, Kate fugiu ao seu escritório tarde da noite com quatro garrafas de vinho tinto forte. Para sua surpresa, ela não estava sozinha. Um jovem bonito estava em seu escritório, olhando para ela. Ele se recusou a dar seu nome, mas se ofereceu para lhe fazer companhia naquela noite. Com luxúria e álcool correndo pelas suas veias, Kate abandonou-se prontamente aos seus instintos mais básicos e reprimidos, seduzindo o visitante sem nome, mas disposto. Em sua embriaguez, ela declarou ousadamente: "Se meu marido quer dormir com todas as mulheres da terra, então dois podem jogar esse jogo." Ela não se importava se eles fizessem isso cru, já que ela sempre pensou que era estéril. Só para se encontrar olhando para um teste de gravidez positivo um mês depois. Kate Woods, a suposta 'mulher estéril', estava grávida. O estranho conseguiu em uma única noite o que Matt não conseguiu em cinco anos. - Agora que Henry lhe deu uma escolha, Kate deixaria seu marido inútil e mergulharia no mar da incerteza com este jovem? Ou ficaria com Matt, seu marido que a traiu em prol das suas famílias? - Capa Oficial Encomendada. - Entre em contato comigo: Instagram: @ForeverPupa -

    ForeverPupa · Urban
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    Wolf Girl and the Children of the Moon

    Native American Jessica Chavez just wants to be a normal teenager. But with her father the Chief of the local Ute tribe, this proves difficult. Then Dakota Ouray moves into town, and Jessica’s life is turned upside down... in more ways than she could imagine. Dakota is handsome and mysterious, but there’s also something different about him that she can’t quite place. There are murders happening in town, but only under the full moon. Jessica finds it strange, but quickly brushes it off... until she finds out the truth of her heritage. Soon, circumstances unfold and she discovers that the truth is more sinister than she thought. Can she and her pack stop this evil and save the town before it’s too late? *** “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Michelle asked. I really must have looked bad for Michelle to be this concerned. “I can drive you home and my dad can follow us....” Michelle rambled on, but I could hardly hear what she was saying. The buzzing in my ears was now a roar, like a freight train running back and forth through my head from ear to ear. “I have to go, Michelle,” I said, pulling away from the curb, barely giving her time to close the door as I sped off. But I didn’t make it home. I made it as far as Granby Lake when the shaking was so uncontrollable that I had to pull over. I threw the car into park and the keys under the mat in the driver’s seat. My body was shaking and quivering as pain coursed throughout my body. I screamed, almost a howl, as I ran for the woods. I didn’t know why, but I had the sudden urge to run, to let the coolness of the evening air soothe my skin... to be free. My body shook uncontrollably as I ran faster than I had ever run before into the forest. The quivering ran from my hands and traveled throughout my body as I ran even faster, pushing harder, losing control of my body. What was happening to me? I screamed as I looked down to see my hands shimmering, changing into giant silver paws, but my screams ended in a howl as the quivering traveled down the length of my body, morphing and changing every cell. By instinct, I leapt into the air and my clothes shredded into pieces. I landed on four paws, running even faster. To where? I didn’t know. Was I going crazy? I looked around and nothing looked familiar. Where was I? “This can’t be happening to me!” I thought, sprinting through the forest into the Colorado Rockies, as variations of pine and aspen rushed pasted. If I were in my human form, I would have been crying. As it was, dampness seeped from my eyes, soaking the fur underneath. I was almost to Wyoming when I heard voices inside my mind. I am going crazy! I thought to myself, as my powerful claws dug into the lichen along the forest floor, propelling my body even faster. To where? I didn't know. *** *AUTHOR NOTE: Please also check out my other books now available on Webnovel! Adult Novels: - The Alpha's Companion (This is the story of Julian, the Alpha Supreme, and Lacey) - Bought by the Billionaire Prince - Christmas Cove Young Adult Novels: - Star (CIA Vampires) - Thou Shalt Not Kill - A Cambria Faity Tale - Cambria

    Theresa_Oliver · Fantasy
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    Phone App: Portable Armory

    CIA. FSB. How can I be involved in all of this? How can anything happen so sudden? Is everything has a secret meaning nowadays? Does the government always hiding something from us? Everything went from dealing with street thugs to dealing with a conflict between the CIA and FSB. The clock is ticking. Got to find that nuke fast. --------------------- This book contains a lot of technical terms.

    MaxwellKHA · Urban
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    Diary Cia

    Anneke Felicia, seorang gadis remaja dengan berparas cantik dan lucu dengan semurai coklat serta bola mata yang mirip balita dan tubuhnya yang mungil membuat kesan gemas untuk siapapun yang melihatnya. Meskipun ia telah duduk dibangku SMK namun jika dilihat dari fisik, gadis itu nampak seorang gadis yang duduk dibangku SD. Kebahagiaan dan keceriaan merupakan cirikhas untuk gadis itu, namun karena sebuah kejadian gadis cantik tersebut berubah menjadi gadis malang yang mengidap penyakit Self Injury dan Depresi. Kegelapan, sendiri, pisau dan juga darah menjadi saksi bisu atas semua penderitaan yang dialami gadis yang kerap dipanggil Cia. Namun kedatangan seorang pria tampan yang bernama Kenzi Reifansyah membuat pelangi yang telah hilang kembali hadir dalam kehidupan Cia. Kebahagiaan dan keceriaannya kembali, namun tak disangka Kenzi justru malah membuat gadis malang itu semakin menderita karena kisah cinta diantara mereka.

    adpdita · Teen
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    You Were Made for Me

    After one year, eight months, and five days -- after both being shot, after Mark Vincent rescuing Quinton Mann from kidnappers and Quinn rescuing Mark from a rival anti-terrorist organization, after dealing with deaths in the family and betrayal in the workplace, the CIA spook and the WBIS spy are going to get married. <br><br>“I hope you feel deeply loved, for you are. I have no greater gift to offer you than my heart, and I give it to you freely. I promise I shall always do my best. I feel honored to be your husband, and I ... I’m happy to call you mine.”<br><br>Those are Quinn’s marriage vows to Mark. Mark’s vows remind Quinn he’d promised forever.<br><br>Their story hasn’t reached its end yet -- there are questions that still need answering. What will happen to the spy and the spook and the people they love when those answers are finally uncovered?

    Tinnean · LGBT+
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    Mann of My Dreams Book 5: Complications

    In 2002, Mark Vincent, onetime senior special agent, ran into John, a troubled little boy, at a local McDonald’s. Concerned, although it wasn’t his business, he gave the kid his business card and left.<br><br>Three years later, Mark is director of his department at the WBIS and married to Quinton Mann, the former CIA spook who now writes spy novels. They’ve settled into a life of quiet domesticity and are even considering adopting a cat.<br><br>All this changes when John, now using another name, barrels into Mark’s life with a secret no one expects and on the run from an organization that wants him despite the collateral damage.<br><br>What will Mark, the man known as “the best” in the intelligence community, do when he learns what this secret is? Will it affect his relationship with Quinn? And how complicated are things going to get when Mark decides to get involved?

    Tinnean · LGBT+
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    CIA or CEO

    Deamlsr · Fantasy
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    CIA Rebirth Chronicles

    In 1941 Hitler set out to make supersoldiers in the war against the Russian and American Armies, During this time a team of Hitler's scientist not only successful achieve their goals of making an invincible soldier but also genetically inhanncing the ability to will God like demonic powers, In this story of a boy born of war, what will he become a savior or will he unleash the hellish powers he was given to rule over all mankind.

    SenpaiCrazy · Horror
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    Fuck the FBI we the glorious CIA don’t discriminate against anyone. Plus we hate webnovel fuck you webnovel you money hungry pigs.

    CIA_GOD · War
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    Marrying a CIA is not easily

    Claire is a like a regular high school girl who gets bullied for her figure and hair colour. She and her friends are wanting to one day become famous for their dancing skills, while she is about to finish and enter university, but somehow one day after school and she was walking home she met a guy who saved her life from getting raped and even suggested they get married even though this is the first time they have met. Read how Claire's life slowly shifts into something unexpected when she realizes who the male she is marrying to is true behind the eyes.

    Rossy213 · General
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