
Alienabduction Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • altalt

    Unwanted Freedom

    For those who don't know Lexi, Know her as the school queen She has it all...................Fame, Axel[The school prince AKA her boyfriend]Money and of cause good grades. But she's not happy and before you decide "NO", it has nothing to do with her family. As perfect as her school life is her family is also perfect, Moms a famous actress ,Dad has a multibillion business. With 2 Brothers built to die for [words of her school girls not her] . She just doesn't seem to ever be happy, left for her she's never been truly happy. But what happens when she goes for a late night walk wishing for a meaning to her life. To have freedom rom her life. Will her wish go unanswered or will she wish she never prayed at all??? ................................................................................................ Krillin and Lex are heirs to the throne of planet Lyrnx. A planet who uses humans as pets, put them on leashes, give them collars, even built a school for them. In best case scenarios Marries them. But these princes don't want a pet, HECK they wish they never got a NEW PET, not seeming to forget the betrayal of their first pet/First Love. Will they ever accept a new pet, no matter how rare their new pet is? Will they ever love their new pet??? Or will they make its life a living hell??? And how is it their fucking business that she's black???? #alienabduction

    Alex_Eze_1598 · Sci-fi
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