
Virgo Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Virgo Adventurer Wizard

    Monsters suddenly appear and begin to wreak havoc on all the inhabitants of the earth, and they allegedly get the power of the god of darkness. To protect themselves from monsters, humans study the magic book given by the god of the sun and thunder, then those who study it will be known as a magician. In a small village, a boy named Virgo who has no magical talent is stranded on a mysterious island filled with deadly beasts, the island cannot even be detected by magicians. On the island, Virgo meets the power core of the god of darkness that has been sealed, Virgo who wants to return to where he came from must agree to become the heir to the power of the god of darkness and complete a mission to prevent the rise of demonic forces. Follow and continue to support Virgo's journey.

    Umam_Young · Fantasy
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    Perfect Marriage : The CEO's Scandal

    (WSA_2022) Mature Romance, perhatikan batas usia anda. Sinopsis. Meet Crystal Richard, sang berlian yang terbuang dari istananya pasca seorang wanita jahat menghancurkan pernikahan suci kedua orangtuanya. Reagan West. Hidupnya yang begitu sempurna tiba-tiba terusik akan permintaan sang kakek yang memaksanya untuk segera menikah. Dan pilihannya saat itu jatuh pada Crystal, gadis yang dia tolong didepan club. Virgo Kane adalah seorang profesor muda yang memilih pindah ke Amerika Serikat untuk tinggal dan berkarir disana pasca terjadi kesalahpahaman dengan Reagan. Dan kepulangan Virgo ke Inggris kali ini menjadi titik balik dimana semua masalah besar dimulai saat dirinya terlibat cinta segitiga dengan Reagan, sahabat baiknya. Lantas siapa yang pada akhirnya Crystal pilih? Reagan atau Virgo, lelaki yang membuatnya merasakan cinta untuk pertama kali atau laki-laki yang membuatnya mendapatkan cinta untuk pertama kalinya? *** "Semuanya akan baik-baik saja jika aku tidak tergoda untuk mencintaimu, Reagan," ujar Crystal lirih memberikan pengakuan jujurnya. "Cinta? Kau percaya pada kata-kata sampah itu?" Crystal menyeka air matanya dengan tangan gemetar. "Ya dan aku kini menyesalinya." “Apa? Menyesalinya? Tidak salah? Bukankah kau dan Virgo sudah berselingkuh dibelakangku?! Jangan kira aku tidak tahu Crystal, aku tahu semua rahasia busukmu bersama Virgo sahabat baikku itu!!”

    nafadila · Urban
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    Penyihir Petualang Virgo

    Monster tiba-tiba muncul dan mulai membuat petaka bagi semua penghuni bumi, Mereka di duga mendapatkan kekuatan dari dewa kegelapan. Untuk melindungi diri dari monster, manusia mempelajari buku sihir yang di berikan oleh Dewa matahari dan Petir, lalu mereka yang mempelajarinya akan di kenal sebagai seorang penyihir. Di era ini seorang anak laki-laki bernama Virgo yang tidak memiliki bakat sihir terdampar di sebuah pulau misterius yang di penuhi hewan buas mematikan, pulau tersebut bahkan tidak bisa di deteksi oleh para penyihir. Di pulau itu Virgo bertemu dengan inti kekuatan dari dewa penjaga kegelapan yang telah tersegel, Virgo yang ingin kembali ke tempat asalnya harus setuju menjadi pewaris kekuatan dewa penjaga kegelapan sekaligus menuntaskan misi untuk mencegah bangkitnya kekuatan iblis. Ikuti dan dukung terus perjalanan Virgo ^_^

    Umam_Young · Fantasy
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    My prince my bad boy

    Shandy Satria Hermansyah, merupakan anak dari keluarga konglomerat kaya raya.Yang memiliki aset perusahaan sampai luar negeri dengan Saham yang sangat besar.Keluarganya menjalankan perusahaan di London hingga Amerika. Dia merupakan Hermansyah generasi ke tiga , bersifat dingin,sombong dan sering mempermainkan cinta semua cewek. Dia sering bergonta-ganti pasangan dan setiap cewek tergila-gila dengannya. Di sisi lain ada seorang cewek berusia 1 tahun lebih muda darinyanya, dia adalah Livia. Cewek Master Fisika yang memiliki zodiak virgo ini sangat dingin pada siapapun cowok, maupun cewek. Namun ia hanya bisa akrab dengan ke dua sahabatnya Syila dan Dita. Sampai akhirnya datanglah cowok yang bernama Steven yang merubah sifat dinginnya. Randy louis Steven, cowok blesteran Amerika Indonesia ini adalah adik tiri Shandy. Perang dingin antara adik kakak ini selalu Ramai dan banyak mengundang perseteruan. Livia akan memilih siapa, akankah ia akan memilih di antara kakak beradik ini?

    Naayma_Zara · Teen
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    >>>> Dibesarkan di keluarga yg Bergelimang harta, Tak membuat seorang Lavinan Virgo menjadi gadis yang bahagia. Semua tuntutan, ego, dan seluruh bagian hidup nya hanya sebatas boneka di mata kedua orang tuanya. Sampai pada ia bertemu dengan seorang Chino Moreno yang mengubah hidup nya dengan sekejap hanya dalam suatu kontrak dimana ia akan dihamili dan ditinggalkan. "Cintai aku, sebagaimana kau mencintai bayi ku" - Lavina Virgo Wintara "Bayi ku, bayi mu. Milik mu, berarti milik ku" - Chino Moreno -----------------

    Vkook_Nomnom · Urban
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    Leo & Virgo

    Virgo Jovanka seorang gadis manis yang gemar mengepang kedua rambunya dengan menggunkan pita berwarna hijau neon, dirinya juga sangat jago memainkan salah satu alat musik yakni gitar. Tapi Virgo juga sering mendapatkan ejekan dari teman seangkatannya karena penampilan nya yang cupu dan Gheky. Leo Aditama, salah satu seorang Badboy dan Goodboy sekolah, Leo di SMA nya terkenal karena ketampanan nya dan sikap dinginnya, walaupun demikian dirinya mempunyai fans wanita banyak di sekolah. "GUE SUKA SAMA LHO, Lho mau jadi pacar gue, " "Cantik lho, sana pergi aja jajan sama mamanya, " "Jadi kamu nolak aku, Le, " "Iya gue nolak lho, PUAS, " Sebuah kisah perjuangan cinta Virgo kepada Leo, akankah Leo akan membalas perasaan Virgo atau malah sebaliknya.

    DheaSabrina · Teen
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    My Husband Is A Billionaire in Private

    Virgo is the illegitimate daughter of a famous conglomerate, the Berpolt household. She was cherished deeply by her biological father, hence, becoming the eyesore to the true Madame and the heirs. To quell their anger, Virgo chose a husband among the servants – the one that saved her life. She would come to fall in love with her sweet and innocent husband. Unbeknownst to her, Walter has been living a double life nobody in their family could imagine. What happens when Walter actually ends up falling in love with Virgo? And who is Jaughnn Hudcht Dean? What will happen to their love that started on the wrong step?

    Itiramisyu · Urban
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    Zodiacs: Virgo

    With the gods on the brink of war, and the natural balance of the universe threatening to tip, this mystery could is the last hope. But have the gods chosen correctly?

    macymae24 · Fantasy
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    Virgo is mine

    Menjadi pria tampan akan selalu di inginkan para wanita, meskipun perilaku mereka suka membully dan melecehkan perempuan. Kata Manusia, Tampan atau pun cantik adalah segalanya, Ucap orang-orang yang hanya mementingkan Wajah namun tidak dengan Sikap. “Vir, Udah kali mainin anak orang. Kamu mau di tuntut karena pelecehan ?.” “Lu itu ga usah ngurusin hidup gue, Lindungi aja temen lu yang jadi sasaran gue.”

    ema_helma · Teen
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    Virgo Dan Alaska

    Virgo Dan Alaska adalah dua remaja yang ingin bersama, tetapi asumsin virgo membuat hubungan semakin tidak sehat kala itu, Alaska mengikuti sebagaimana Virgo memperlakukannya, sampai pada akhirnya semesta mengambilnya

    efdiscleap · Teen
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    Virgo Waterpark & Its Seven Slides

    P.S. This story contains lots and lots of 21+ scenes, but of course it's still got its plot twist which'll make readers curious to complete reading it until the end. Go ahead only if you're comfortable with it. Virgo Waterpark – a vast, always crowded, and always fun waterpark right in the middle of crowded, modern, sophisticated, and never sleeping Tokyo city. It was built by a quite well-known mixed Japanese Indonesian businessman, Toshiro Jeffry Nakamura. The name of the waterpark is given based on the name of the woman whom he loves and adores immensely truly and deeply. The woman is also a mixed between Chinese and Indonesian, whose name is Virgo Belle Huangwira. In Virgo Waterpark itself, there are lots and lots of slides as well as many other water games. There are seven largest, highest and most thrilling slides for the thrill-seekers as well as water-games lovers. Each slide has their own stories until there comes an ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ lain behind those seven slides. All of those sound queer, illogical, or perhaps absurd. All of them don’t even make sense at all. However… As long as you believe… As long as you take them for granted, the ‘urban-legend’, or so-called ‘superstition’, or so-called ‘belief’ will certainly… come true… Will you dare to prove it?

    ATua · Urban
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    I Am Virgo

    I am Virgo. A story of a middle-aged woman finding her true self, taking the path of a heartbreaking and romantic journey-meeting family, friends, enemies, and lovers along the way. But is it all worth it? Will her efforts pay off for what Virgo has been looking for? Little does she know, the answer to finding herself was in front of her all along.

    bored_af · General
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    I Met The VIRGO GANG

    What will be your reaction if you meet and greet a gangsters---a hot, cool, and handsome gangsters? Maybe, you will feel lucky because they noticed you. Maybe you are smiling ear to ear while talking to them. But Fritzzel Garcia is different from the other girls. Instead of being happy and lucky, she treat the gangsters as harmful as she can. Is this a war or they'll going to be friends? VIRGO Gang VS. One girl? ***** DISCLAIMER: This story is written in tagalog ang english language. This story contains violence, strong words, brutality, illegality, cruelty and bloody scenes as well. Read this to make you laugh, smile, inlove, sad and happy. All rights reserved. © JenyxViolet IMTVG April 2019

    JenyxViolet · Teen
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    13th Knights of Virgo

    Virgooooooooooooo · Sci-fi
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    Kisah Cinta Di Sekolah (Virgo & Libra)

    kisah cinta di sekolah berawal dari pertemuan di festival kampung

    wong_sepele · History
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    Nobody Else's

    Mars enters Pisces, giving Beckett Cooper the opportunity to assert himself when it comes to a secret infatuation; his best friend’s younger brother Levi. But can Beckett trust what’s in front of him and be brave enough to take what he wants?<br><br>With Venus in Virgo, people usually become more reserved, but Levi Byrne always takes the opposite road of what’s expected of him. So, instead of pulling back, he reaches out for a man he’s been interested in for years; Beckett Cooper.<br><br>Is it the celestial bodies aligning to bring together two people destined for each other? Or is it a simple tale of boy meets boy, boy likes boy, and boy wants to kiss boy? Do Beckett and Levi even care, or are they too busy getting to know each other ... and falling in love?

    Nell Iris · LGBT+
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    The CEO's Scandal

    Synopsis. Meet Crystal Richard, the diamond thrown from her palace after an evil woman destroys her parents' sacred marriage. Reagan West. His perfect life was suddenly disturbed by his grandfather's request, which forced him to get married immediately. And his choice at that time fell on Crystal, the girl he helped in front of the club. Virgo Kane is a young professor who chooses to move to the United States to live and have a career there after a misunderstanding with Reagan. And Virgo's return to England this time became a turning point where all the big problems began when he was involved in a love triangle with Reagan, his best friend. So who did Crystal choose in the end? Reagan or Virgo, the man who made her feel love for the first time or the man who made her fall in love for the first time? *** "Everything will be fine if I'm not tempted to love you, Reagan," Crystal said softly, giving her honest confession. "Love? You believe in those rubbish words?" Crystal wiped her tears with trembling hands. "Yes and I now regret it." "What? Regret it? Not wrong? Aren't you and Virgo having an affair behind my back?! Don't think I don't know Crystal, I know all your rotten secrets with my best friend Virgo."

    nafadila · Urban
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    Gio: Disabilitas Boyfriend

    "Yang selalu berusaha terlihat walau kamu tak peduli." Nathaniel Gio Alfaro. Seorang cowok penyandang disabilitas yang sedang menjadi mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi negeri di Bandung. Terpilih sebagai presiden mahasiswa, yang membuatnya menjadi populer kembali. Seorang 'Great Leader' telah kembali setelah mengalami masa sulitnya karena sebuah kecelakaan yang hampir saja menghilangkan nyawanya. Karena kecelakaan itulah, Gio menjadi mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas. Gio tidak bisa lagi mendengar selama hidupnya. Dia mengalami ketulian karena kecelakaan tersebut. Gio sedang mencari sebagian jiwanya yang hilang karena seorang gadis Virgo. "Aku yang dulu seorang pemburu bahagia. Kini berubah menjadi pemurung yang tidak mengerti bagaimana caranya menjadi bahagia." _Nathaniel Gio Alfaro

    Produktif_smart · Urban
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    "So do you agree to this Ms Aliyu?"he asked "......yeah but I've got certain conditions." She replied looking up to him "Which are?" He enquired "First of, I'm not an employee of yours." She said. He narrowed his eyes at that. He doesn't like when the question or defy his authority. ".... most important of all." She paused with a serious look on her face. " ... No catching feelings. " Aisha Aliyu, a strong willed vibrant young lady who is in her fourth year of undergraduate studies in Interior decor & designing in the university strives hard to meet the ends of such a big a economy which she is not accustomed to. Been the daring type she registers on a website for escorts as a way of having a new experience. But hardly did she know that sealing that contract with one of the most successful businessman in the US would change her life totally. Michael J Donovan, a very successful businessman in his late twenties is no where near the path of relationships. He loves his freedom, his job and is a total control freak. But sometimes it just takes one second with the right person to turn everything around. He ran away from anything emotion related but finds himself in an irrevocable situation after agreeing to her conditions in the contract. Would there be a possibility for a turn back point in their lives after such decisions? Given their differences at every aspect of their lives. Get in the lives of two controversial people, whose paths get intertwined by a contract and leads them to something in which they never believe. See their funny moments, crazy characters and daily habits.

    daughter-of-virgo · Urban
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    Chest of Greed

    A chilling anthology of short stories that delve into the darkest recesses of human nature, exploring the insatiable desire for wealth and power. As the anthology progresses, each story plunges deeper into the psychological horrors unleashed by greed. From cursed artifacts to ancient relics, the chest serves as a conduit for the characters' most primal desires, leading them down a path of destruction and despair. Through atmospheric prose and spine-tingling suspense "Chest of Greed" explores the timeless theme of greed and its devastating consequences. Readers will be captivated by these haunting narratives, each a cautionary tale of the darkness that resides within us all.

    Virgo_owl · Horror
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