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  • Time paradox

    AngelOfTheAbyss · Sci-fi
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  • time paradox

    Terra planet. planet whith population of less than 100 million, despite its vast area and fertile resources. The main reason for this discrepancy is the existence of ethereal beasts. The biological difference and the structure of these monsters are so diverse that you may not see the same species twice during normal life. Humanity has been able, during 1200 years of recorded civilization, to record thousands of species. There are not many similarities between them, except for three characteristics, because of which the human race was almost extinct several times. Irrationality, enormous reproductive potential, evolutionary or adaptive capacity directed primarily at obtaining the strongest, fastest, deadliest organisms. On the other side, there is a reincarnation from Earth called Noah who is a product of the darker side of humanity, a brainwashed person with twisted goals and ideology. Apparently the harsh nature of this world and the living conditions of it are incompatible with Noah's goals. Author's note: Noah is not the main character

    Time_Traveler_0362 · Fantasy
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