
Shitpost Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • NoNameDeity's Shitpost

    The husk of an old shell, this was the previous place of Final Boss of the Multiverse, but it was sadly move, left here to collect digital dust. So I decide to just write random stuff here, you can still see the Final Boss of the Multiverse chapters here but stop somewhere around 10+

    NoNameDeity · Fantasy
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  • Rebirth of Ultimate Sword God

    Chen Tiannan, seorang penguasa Tiga Alam Dewa tewas di kepung 10 Kaisar Langit karena sebuah kitab legendaris yang menjadi perebutan semua orang. Namun, dia tidak membiarkan hal itu terjadi! Ia terluka parah dalam pertempuran itu, bahkan mungkin merenggut nyawanya kapan saja. Dengan kekuatan yang tersisa, Chen Tiannan mengutuk para Kaisar Langit yang masih hidup dan bersumpah akan membalaskan dendam ini suatu hari. Lihat bagaimana ia akan membalas dendam. Bunuh semua musuh! Lindungi gadis-gadis! Perbaiki kesalahan! Baca kelanjutannya!

    Kang_Shitpost · Eastern
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  • The Blood Dystopia. May Contain Vampires !

    (On hold for reasons, still a nice intro to the vampires in main novel) Edgy vampires, but with a touch of comedy. Who the hell writes a dystopia like that!!!!! It ain't supposed to be fun! It's supposed to be dark! Dystopia is Greek for bad place! #It needs an elite group that enslaves the population! Okay you have that. #But what about limited resources hoarded by a few? Also got that ... #What about living conditions it needs to be... Ok you have that covered. #What about a forced worship of a god!? And you have that too. #Death games !? You can't have ,....you got that too.... #A deadly world where even going outside is .... Checks out. That...that .... it ain't a dystopia if there is comedy ! You just ...can't ! You can't !!!! #This author is a dumbass !! He calls himself a professional shitposter already? Either way don't read it ! This novel bad ! Real bad !

    Zombie · Fantasy
  • So What if I Failed as a Hero?

    The protagonist was once a force enough to destroy the world when he’s younger, but now, he’s regressed to a day-to-day worker! How the hell did it end up like this? Follow our ugly, and annoying MC on his misadventures to the path of redemption! Well… I’m not forcing you… but maybe I can scam you by adding an annoying, rowdy cast! Tell me, aren't you enticed with that summary? Hmmm… no… who am I kidding… let me do it again… since that doesn’t sound too enticing... In a world where Superhumans are revered as saviors (and idols), our protagonist was once standing at the pinnacle. But that was when he’s younger. Now, he’s a forlorn part-timer working multiple jobs to make ends meet. He’s also out of shape, and doesn’t look the least bit like the world-beating Superhuman he once was. What happened here? Follow him… uhhh… I don’t have a name for him yet… in his misadventures towards the path to redemption! Even if he’s still armed with the ridiculous power of his youth, he still has to get his life together! Throw in a cast of misfit idiots with dumb powers, and his annoying tale is born! ~~~ I'm just a random gorilla studying in the city, shitposting is my daily hobby, but it seems like I've picked up another. Anyway, come one, come all, I'm selling my supply of bana— huh? No way!!! You won't get even a banana peel from me! If you can bear to take this virtually annoying ride with me, I welcome you. (Drop your stones, I like being stoned... OF COURSE I DON'T LIKE IT!!! I'm a collegiate gorilla, my mom will kill me by stoning!!!) Arigato?! Special thanks to plumber with a red hat. Cover is a free to use stock photo.

    Konkey_Dong · Fantasy
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  • The Boy with a Dream

    This is a story about a boy with a dream, and towards that dream, he had to face many struggles, problems and people to achieve it. The path paved towards that dream is one that is filled with things unimaginable. I will be changing some details from time to time from earlier chapters because I feel like I could explain some details better or grammar errors This is my first story, please leave your criticisms on the comments below, I also appreciate shitposting Chapter Posting: I would be posting 3-4 chapters a week but if the story picks up steam I might make it to 7 chapters a week. I really want the story to be an experience and not just a story

    frozen_starfall · Fantasy
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  • A Hillbilly in another world with a shotgun

    When a mysterious ritual transports a group of unsuspecting individuals to the world of Tamariea, they find themselves in the midst of a kingdom desperate for heroes. Among them is an unassuming hillbilly named Joshua, who, rather than being bewildered by his new surroundings, seems more interested in his moonshine and shotgun. As the kingdom's leaders try to rally the newcomers to their cause, Joshua's down-to-earth attitude and formidable weapon make him stand out. From confronting bandits to navigating the intricacies of a new world, Joshua's adventures are just beginning. But in a land filled with magic, knights, and otherworldly creatures, it's his shotgun and unique perspective that might just make the difference. ------------------------------------------------------ I came up with this idea while my buddy was playing Blade and Sorcery with a gun mod. He evaporated an axe wielder with a M97 and made a Kurt Kobain joke in a HillBilly accent Leading to this somewhat of a shitpost story of a well-educated Hill Billy blasting and drinking his way through another world. Thanks to my Buddy Atomic for the awesome Blurb and helping me with chapter 4 and other things. I decided to Re upload this from Wattpad to Here i take a while to get chapters out and i wanted to see if it would be popular in other sites.

    BananaJoe01 · Fantasy
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