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    hawa_hamed · Fantasy
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    The Duke's Substitute Bride is a Maid

    As a maid of the royal family, Irene was sent to learn etiquette by Princess Marla to take her place in marriage. Her partner in a marriage was the brave and fierce General Ronald, who had just been granted the title of a duke! Rumor has it that Ronald was cruel, bloodthirsty, and did not care about women. To even seduce or betray him was to court death. Irene shivered in her wedding gown. She did not know how many days she would survive being around him. Ronald asked, "Wifey, why are you shivering?" Irene responded fearfully, "I… am a little cold..." The tall man smiled and pulled her into his embrace, and their body temperatures rose. One day, the substitute marriage came to light, and thus her marriage with the duke was void. Everyone thought that whatever she had to face next was terrible. However, the duke held her face and said, “Regardless of whether you’re a princess or maid, if you were to marry, it can only be me!”

    HP · Fantasy
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    My Vampire System

    The human Race is at war with the Vicious Dalki and when they needed help more than ever, THEY started to come forward. Humans who had hidden in the shadows for hundreds of years, people with abilities. Some chose to share their knowledge to the rest of the world in hopes of winning the war, while others kept their abilities to themselves. Quinn had lost everything to the war, his home, his family and the only thing he had inherited was a crummy old book that he couldn’t even open. But when the book had finally opened, Quinn was granted a system and his whole life was turned around. He completed quest after quest and became more powerful, until one day the system gave him a quest he wasn’t sure he could complete. "It is time to feed!" "You must drink human blood within 24 hours" "Your HP will continue to decrease until the task has been completed" https://discord.gg/kqCxfZF6xH Instagram: JKSManga OTHER WORKS My Werewolf System My Dragon System

    JKSManga · Fantasy
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    Apocalypse: I Can See the HP Bar, Killing Monsters Drops Loot

    April 4th. The apocalypse descended, mountains and rivers shattered, and the human world turned into purgatory. April 5th. "Brother Wang Tao, before I die, I ask you for a favor, please take care of my wife..." April 7th. Wang Tao unexpectedly discovered that he could not only see the HP bars of living creatures but also that the creatures he killed would drop loot! "Rest in peace, Big Brother. I will definitely take good care of your wife!"

    Mountain Ghost Holds the Pen · Sci-fi
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    "Guildbane: Battle for Domination," the virtual MMORPG that has taken the world by storm, players enter a realm where guilds vie for ultimate supremacy. Set four years before Xin awakens from a coma, the game has undergone significant changes and evolved into a battleground for strategic guild warfare. With immersive gameplay, intense player-versus-player combat, and a focus on guild clashes, players must navigate a dynamic world where alliances are forged, rivalries are kindled, and the ultimate goal is to dominate the game's virtual landscape. [CONGRATULATIONS! You’re the LAST player in your generation to enter this game at the exact time of our anniversary date!] You don’t have to rub it on me. Xin muttered. He was keenly aware that his peers left him behind. [You received a GIFT!] Xin was baffled. Maybe because it was his birthday, or it was an anniversary thing? Opening the gift, his avatar glowed, but he didn’t feel like anything had changed. He opened his stat box. ‖ S T A TU S ‖ HP: 40 MP: 20 STR: 2 DEX: 2 CONS: 2 INT: 2 WIS: 2 CHA: ꝏ ‖ E N D ‖ Xin’s head bobbed to the side. “Huh?”

    MiuNovels · Games
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    Mi Sistema de Vampiro

    La Raza Humana está en guerra con los crueles Dalki y, cuando más que nunca necesitaban ayuda, ELLOS comenzaron a salir a la luz. Humanos que habían estado escondidos en las sombras durante cientos de años, personas con habilidades. Algunos eligieron compartir su conocimiento con el resto del mundo con la esperanza de ganar la guerra, mientras que otros guardaron sus habilidades para sí mismos. Quinn lo había perdido todo en la guerra, su hogar, su familia y lo único que había heredado era un viejo libro desastroso que ni siquiera podía abrir. Pero cuando el libro finalmente se abrió, a Quinn le fue otorgado un sistema y toda su vida dio un giro. Completó misiones una tras otra y se volvió más poderoso, hasta que un día el sistema le dio una misión que no estaba seguro de poder completar. —¡Es hora de alimentarse! —Debes beber sangre humana en 24 horas —Tus HP continuarán disminuyendo hasta que se haya completado la tarea.

    JKSManga · Fantasy
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    Online Game: My Health Point Has No Limits

    "It was the year 2030 AD. The origin universe game “Divine Revelation” made its grand debut. In this game, the in-game currency could be exchanged for real money, which attracted countless players. Even countries were getting ready to enter the game. But no one knew that Li Yi who had fallen in the War of the Gods returned to this very day when the game was launched with ten years worth of memories from the game. And this time, Li Yi received the SSS Rank Talent - Blood Devour. [SSS Rank Talent, Blood Devour: After slaying any creature, the player would gain 1% fixed Health Point, and life regeneration speed. The effect of this talent can be stacked indefinitely] [Notification: You slew an LV1 Sika Deer, received 1 HP, 0.01 HP regeneration/second] [Notification: You slew an LV5 Elite Goblin, received 7 HP, 0.07 HP regeneration/second] [Notification: You slew an LV10 Legendary Boss - Aoi Flame Green Dragon, received…...] From them, an invincible being who had a health bar even longer than bosses were added to the game. “Report: Li Yi is cheating, the HP of the entire dungeon’s monsters added together is still less than his!” “Report: We attacked Li Yi with the joined force of a 1000 players army, but he only lost a slither of health!” “Report: Please tell me, how are we supposed to attack the city with Li YI standing in front of its gates?” Many years later, when the game started to fuse with reality, and the War of the Gods began, Li Yi stood at the front alone and faced the gods of the worlds. Only then did the players wake up, “Dear Sir, we’re begging you, please have even more HP!”"

    Foreign Region King · Games
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    Heir To The Mad Pirate

    3000 years ago, the world quaked and everything changed. Society went through a major upheaval that led to the fall of several societies and governments and the eventual rise of more powerful governments and organizations. In the current Era, an era where power decides and the encompassing sea is desired by all, a boy Hans Don Kruxe is born. Despite being born from parents who are both revered nobility in their own rights, Han Don Kruxe doesn’t get to live the idle princely life and unfortunately, when he turns nineteen, his world gets far worse than he can imagine. With his mother missing and his father his enemy, Kruxe thrusts himself into a dangerous world filled with humans and beings with abilities beyond normal but with the strong desire to save his mother, he becomes a pirate of the dangerous sea with nothing but a voice filled with promises by his side. “Lieutenants, captains, Vice-Admirals, Admirals, “forget about them, if my son is already being called a sea tyrant, then I sure as hell I’m becoming a grand admiral” Don Hashvil said with a chuckle not minding the several pressures that had been released on him. ****** Guys, truth is, though this book starts slow, just be a little chill, after all even the greatest of Aircraft are built on land... for now at least. Be patient my brothers and get introduced to greatness.

    Bad_Bishop · Fantasy
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    Meu Sistema Vampiro

    A Raça Humana está em guerra com os cruéis Dalki e, quando precisavam de ajuda mais do que nunca, ELES começaram a aparecer. Humanos que haviam se escondido nas sombras por centenas de anos, pessoas com habilidades. Alguns escolheram compartilhar seu conhecimento com o resto do mundo na esperança de ganhar a guerra, enquanto outros mantiveram suas habilidades para si mesmos. Quinn perdeu tudo para a guerra, sua casa, sua família e a única coisa que ele herdou foi um velho livro ruim que ele nem conseguia abrir. Mas quando o livro finalmente se abriu, Quinn recebeu um sistema e toda a sua vida mudou. Ele completou missão após missão e se tornou mais poderoso, até que um dia o sistema deu a ele uma missão que ele não tinha certeza se poderia completar. "Está na hora de se alimentar!" "Você deve beber sangue humano em até 24 horas" "Seu HP continuará a diminuir até que a tarefa seja concluída"

    JKSManga · Fantasy
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    Mein Vampir-System

    Die menschliche Rasse befindet sich im Krieg mit den bösartigen Dalki, und als sie mehr denn je Hilfe brauchten, meldeten SIE sich. Menschen, die sich seit Hunderten von Jahren im Schatten versteckt hatten, Menschen mit Fähigkeiten. Einige entschlossen sich, ihr Wissen mit dem Rest der Welt zu teilen, in der Hoffnung, den Krieg zu gewinnen, während andere ihre Fähigkeiten für sich behielten. Quinn hatte durch den Krieg alles verloren, sein Zuhause, seine Familie, und das Einzige, was er geerbt hatte, war ein altes Buch, das er nicht einmal öffnen konnte. Doch als das Buch endlich geöffnet wurde, erhielt Quinn ein System und sein ganzes Leben änderte sich. Er erfüllte eine Aufgabe nach der anderen und wurde immer mächtiger, bis das System ihm eines Tages eine Aufgabe gab, von der er nicht wusste, ob er sie erfüllen konnte. "Es ist Zeit zu essen!" "Du musst innerhalb von 24 Stunden Menschenblut trinken" "Deine HP werden weiter sinken, bis die Aufgabe erfüllt ist" https://discord.gg/kqCxfZF6xH Instagram: JKSManga ANDERE WERKE Mein Werwolfsystem Mein Drachensystem

    JKSManga · Fantasy
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    洛河落何 · Fantasy
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    HP: The Epiphany

    This fanfic is not mine it belongs to 'ynpeverell' on ao3. I am just posting it here on webnovel! ———————————————————————— Summary: The Marauder's Generation reads a book brought from the future by some future guests and changes the Wizarding World for the better. In which the marauder's era and the future generation read the book, "ink and parchment | blood and bones" (previously called starcrossed) Notes: Inspired by ink and parchment | blood and bone by Rose_by_another_name. THE BOOKS THEY READ WILL NOT BE CANON, IT WILL BE THE FANFIC ABOVE!! ———————————————————————— #fem!harry #sane-tom-riddle #Marauder's #dumbledore-bashing etc....

    Alice_chris_Noah · Fantasy
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    Mon Système de Vampire

    La race humaine est en guerre avec les Vicious Dalki et quand ils avaient besoin d'aide plus que jamais, ILS ont commencé à apparaître. Des humains qui s'étaient cachés dans les ombres pendant des centaines d'années, des gens avec des capacités. Certains ont choisi de partager leurs connaissances avec le reste du monde dans l'espoir de gagner la guerre, tandis que d'autres ont gardé leurs capacités pour eux-mêmes. Quinn avait tout perdu à cause de la guerre, sa maison, sa famille et la seule chose qu'il avait héritée était un vieux livre minable qu'il ne pouvait même pas ouvrir. Mais lorsque le livre a finalement été ouvert, Quinn s'est vu attribuer un système et sa vie entière a été bouleversée. Il a accompli quête après quête et est devenu plus puissant, jusqu'à ce qu'un jour le système lui donne une quête qu'il n'était pas sûr de pouvoir accomplir. "Il est temps de se nourrir!" "Vous devez boire du sang humain dans les 24 heures" "Vos HP continueront de diminuer jusqu'à ce que la tâche soit accomplie"

    JKSManga · Fantasy
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    HP The Guardian

    This is a shortened version of my original book - HP: The Guardian. What will happen when a Potter is trained by Nicholas Flamel himself. Everyone assumes that all Nicholas Flamel has done in his life was making a Philosopher's Stone. Maybe that's why they will be shocked when they witness Charlus Potter take the world by storm. This is not a WBWL story. Charlus Potter is Harry Potter's older brother. They will have a great relationship through out this story. You can add characters if you are my patron DISCLAIMER: Cover Page does not belong to me. Harry Potter belongs to J K Rowling Support me on Patreon for extra chapters. www.patreon.com/BrownAmerican

    BrownAmerican · Fantasy
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    Sistem Vampirku

    Ras manusia sedang berperang dengan Dalki yang kejam dan ketika mereka sangat membutuhkan bantuan, MEREKA mulai muncul. Manusia yang telah bersembunyi di bayangan selama ratusan tahun, orang-orang dengan kemampuan. Beberapa memilih untuk berbagi pengetahuan mereka ke seluruh dunia dengan harapan memenangkan perang, sementara yang lain menyimpan kemampuan mereka untuk diri sendiri. Quinn kehilangan segalanya untuk perang, rumahnya, keluarganya, dan satu-satunya warisan yang didapat adalah sebuah buku tua buruk yang tidak bisa bahkan dibukanya. Tapi ketika buku itu akhirnya terbuka, Quinn diberikan suatu sistem dan hidupnya berubah. Dia menyelesaikan pencarian demi pencarian dan menjadi semakin kuat, hingga suatu hari sistem memberinya pencarian yang tidak yakin dia bisa menyelesaikan. "Saatnya makan!" "Anda harus minum darah manusia dalam waktu 24 jam" "HP Anda akan terus berkurang hingga tugas selesai"

    JKSManga · Fantasy
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    The Heir of Merlin in HP universe

    Notice: This is under hiatus for indefinite amount of time, check out my other fanfic: Legend of Arcane emperor Typical reincarnation through non-typical accident throw our MC into the world of Harry Potter. Accompany him as he gets a support system, overturns the wizarding world, and creates miracles! Your suggestions to add plots are appreciated. Just write in the comments if you want anything: war, duel, or romance scenes. No harem! (With MC at least).

    AzureAsura · Fantasy
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    [HP] butterfly effect

    This is the story of a woman who struggled to study and graduated peacefully Sorting Hat: What was your greatest wish to come to Hogwarts? Aurora: I want to graduate peacefully, go back to school, and finally create with my own hands... Sorting Hat: Hufflepuff!! Here's a story that perfectly confirms Murphy's Law: Aurora: Remus, I just heard from those guys that there is a new teacher who is going to teach us Potions, supposedly Snape. Do you know him? I looked like they were desperate. Lupin: (A thousand words in the wind) Here's a story of Hufflepuff and Slytherin fighting wits and bravery all the way to the face: She pondered for a long time, and finally decided to write a letter for help: What to do if the fan article of the teacher is seen by the teacher himself, online, etc., is quite urgent. Here's a story about the saga: Old alumnus: You were a legend back then. I haven't seen it for a few years, is there anything more legendary to say and hear? Aurora: Does it count if you push down your dean?

    berichplz · Fantasy
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    《哈利波特》原作中:冈特家的长女梅洛普,苦苦暗恋里德尔家的少爷汤姆,但是却因为自己怯懦的性格、平凡的外表以及毫无魅力的内在而永远不可能引起对方的注意。 为了获得所爱,梅洛普趁着自己的父亲和弟弟被关进阿兹卡班的机会,对汤姆使用了迷情剂,并最终怀孕了。 只可惜,偷来的爱人永远也不可能真的属于自己,于是,在放弃使用魔法的力量控制自己的丈夫后,梅洛普被抛弃了。 而自打出生开始就一直生活在孤儿院里的小汤姆,则在长大之后拒绝相信自己父亲之所以会抛弃自己母亲的真相,并且还一手为自己打造了一个全新的名字——伏地魔。 薇尔利特,一个穿越到HP平行世界中的普通人。在她所认识的梅洛普已经不再是原作中的梅洛普的情况下,梅洛普的孩子文森特,还有可能成为原作中的伏地魔吗? ***** 套用《哈利波特》系列小说所有世界设定,但所有原作主要人物均不出场的平行世界故事。

    西南边陲 · General
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    Godlike Player in a Game-Like World

    Reminder: There is no power of friendship in this novel. (Warning: This novel has an r18 tag and contains mature content.) **** Raydon stared dazedly at the holographic texts floating in front of his eyes. ''How did I end up in such an event? '' [Planet]: B7890-D4850 [Race]: Human [Name]: Raydon Demugen [Title]: N/A [HP]: N/A [MP]: N/A [Strength]: N/A [Agility]: N/A [Stamina]: N/A [Luck]: N/A [Charisma]: N/A [Spirit]: N/A [Magic Equipment(s)]: N/A [Body enchantment(s)]: N/A [Dimensional Storage]: N/A [Time until awakening: 00:16:30] *** In a world with advanced technology and full-dive VR games, Raydon is the only person who has earned the "God" title thanks to his accomplishments and talent in games. But, due to some unexpected events, he lost his life and awoke in a different world. In this world, which appears to be similar to his own, he discovered that there are awakened people known as Item Holders. He soon became an item holder himself and started taking part in matches against other worlds to level up and get items with different skills. Using the abilities and knowledge that had given him the "God" title in his previous life, he started to make strides toward becoming a true God in this world. *** Remember to read the auxiliary chapter( Important Explanations) if you have any questions about the system or item holder terminology. *** Keep in mind that MC is, at heart, just a gamer who considers his life to be a game. He has a rational mind, but he'll make irrational decisions if it means more excitement, fun, and loot for him. *** Follow me on Instagram for character illustrations. Instagram: goldenlineagenovel The cover belongs to me. ''XimeoindeX'' Thank you for the golden touch. ***

    GoldenLineage · Fantasy
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    A HP & Percy Jackson xover: squatter

    https://m.fanfiction.net/u/143877/ by interprise_d

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