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  • Destined

    Sorry to disappoint out all my readers out there. Thank you for the support throughout all these times. I will be removing all the chapters as it seems that I am not eligible for WSA competition as my book was not contracted. The good news is I had been offered a contract and I will be participating in a new competition. I had amended the story a bit as well to suit the competition's theme. Do show your support in that book as you continue supports is my motivation to write on the book. The story will be completed and there will be no part two. So stay tuned for the update to know the ending of the story. https://www.webnovel.com/book/destined-with-werewolf-lakota-tribe_21401508805151005 this is the link for the new story Thank you!

    shal_lynie · Fantasy
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  • _Destined_

    madhu09260824 · Urban
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  • Choisi par le destin, Rejeté par l'Alpha

    Trinity, dix-huit ans, est différente de tous les autres loups-garous de sa meute. Pour commencer, il y a eu des circonstances inhabituelles entourant sa naissance, de plus, elle est le seul membre de la meute à ne jamais se transformer en forme de loup. Donc maintenant elle n'appartient vraiment à aucun lieu. Pas tout à fait humaine et pas tout à fait loup. Elle pensait qu'elle serait capable de vivre sa vie comme elle le voulait quand elle aurait eu dix-huit ans. Aller au collège, se faire des amis, s'amuser. Mais que doit-elle faire quand l'Alpha dangereusement sexy tombe littéralement sur ses genoux ? "Je ne suis pas humaine et je ne suis pas une louve. Je n'appartiens à aucun endroit ..." "...nous savons tous les deux que personne ne va prendre pour compagne, et même s'ils le faisaient, ils me rejetteraient de toute façon." Que va faire l'Alpha sexy et taciturne ? Les anciens le font organiser ces fêtes ridicules pour chercher une compagne. Il ne veut pas d'une compagne, mais il sait qu'il a besoin d'une compagne pour compléter le Cercle alpha. Sans une compagne, une Luna pour la meute, son peuple souffrirait. Et que va-t-il faire lorsqu'il tombe sur la fille que le destin lui a choisie et qu'il découvre qu'elle n'a pas de loup ? "C'est impossible !" Je rugis. "Il est hors de question que je prenne pour compagne une fille qui n'a pas même un loup. Elle sera trop faible. Elle sera inférieure. Elle ne sera pas assez forte pour être une Luna." "Je ne pouvais tout simplement pas l'accepter comme mon âme soeur. Pas complètement. Ce n'était pas sûr pour elle. Elle se ferait tuer. Et elle entraînerait ma meute dans sa chute." Quand ces deux se rencontrent, des étincelles vont sûrement s'envoler. Mais sera-ce de la passion, ou leur combat constant ? Aucun d'eux ne voulait d'un compagnon. Aucun d'eux ne veut du compagnon que le destin a choisi pour eux. Et aucun d'eux ne peut faire disparaître ce lien de compagnon. Que vont-ils faire maintenant qu'ils sont littéralement coincés l'un avec l'autre ? ***Avertissement de Classement*** Langage adulte Violence Contenu sexuel fort CE LIVRE EST SOUS UN CONTRAT EXCLUSIF ET IL NE DOIT PAS ÊTRE POSTÉ OU PUBLIÉ AILLEURS. Suivez-moi pour trouver mes autres livres ou me poser une question, merci de lire!!! SUIVEZ-MOI ET DITES-MOI CE QUE VOUS PENSEZ https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 https://www.instagram.com/dcinmi87/ ***L'ART DE COUVERTURE EST LA PROPRIÉTÉ EXCLUSIVE DE L'AUTEUR ET A ÉTÉ ILLUSTRÉ PAR VICTORIA DAYEN DE MSPUGLUVER'S ART***

    Deni_Chance · Fantasy
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  • Destined: the Vampire's Soulmate

    A human girl full of secrets, a vampire, and a city where both can live free. * COMPLETED * When Julia appears at the city gates, she's tired and scared. All she asks for is shelter, and she's willing to accept anything to avoid going back to the hunters. She brings with her a secret that would cost her her life. Leo is the one that senses her presence, and he doesn't like how all his instincts draw him to her. Yet, he can't resist it. When his urges become invincible, he proposes a contract. In exchange for protection and safety, he wants her everything. In a world where races are at war, two souls meet. Can love bloom from a bond that was forced from fate? Can their feelings become genuine, even if determined by destiny? WARNING: smut Cover from Heather_ANARE *** I caress her arm, reaching her hand. I bring it to my mouth and prick her forefinger with my fang. When a single drop of blood spills out, I pass my tongue on it, healing the wound I made. «Just as I thought,» I whisper. «Delicious.» Julia opens her eyes but soon turns her gaze to the side, light blushing covering her cheeks. Her breath is heavy, but she tries to hide it. It's that excitement from before, that feeling of expectation for something that won't happen. «But I won't bite. You can stop freezing every time. As you can see, I can control myself.» «You don't have to,» she mumbles, and I almost grab her again. Is she really this naive, or just stupid? But most importantly, does she say that every time someone aims at her blood? «You shouldn't say these words to a vampire.» «You're thirsty, and I am prey. I understand how you feel.» «You don't understand a thing.» «But I know that this is how things work. You need blood to survive, and I happen to have plenty.» «I don't want your blood.» She winces, and her smile falters. As if I've just offended her. Yet, she doesn't want to make me notice. «Sorry for not being to your taste,» she shrugs. What the hell? Ah, I just wanted to comfort her. Why is she pretending to be sad now? I grab her shirt and push her against the wall. I don't use any strength; I don't want to hurt her. I just want her to notice my presence, to feel cornered. To realise that she shouldn't say words that she would regret later. When she lifts her eyes to look at me, I kiss her lips with more strength than I have initially planned to. Though she doesn't complain about that. *** You can chat with me on discord: bit.ly/discordxiaohai Instagram: xiaohai_23 Facebook: Xiao Hai or Xiaohai_23 (FB page) Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/xiaohai_23 (you'll find my short stories here) My other stories on Webnovel: * Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen (historical romance, completed, ~350 chapters) * The Cursed Tyrant and His Reluctant Queen (historical and fantasy romance, ongoing) * Unexpected Gift (sci-fi romance, ongoing, free to read, 1k chapters expected)

    xiaohai_23 · Fantasy

    "Don't you just look so ravishing?" With a smile on her face, she teased the young ger. "Y-you……………" With a hot face, the young ger failed to say anything as he glanced at the shameless fermar who happened to be his partner. "Can't you see that he is so shy, Lord husband?" A melodious female voice joined in with a giggle, then others joined in. "We should let the youngest feel comfortable otherwise he will run away before the honeymoon phase comes to an end!" "Do you think that after receiving **** from our Lord husband, any one of us will just pack up and leave?" The room was filled with laughing, the peace was palpable, and even the young ger who had just been teased felt at ease. Who can escape the grips of Alita, a foxy, sneaky fermar? Growing up in a new world, a new era where things were not the same as they were before. The intergalactic age began after the apocalypse that devastated the planet and reduced it to ashes. Growing up on a little star just big enough to be a city, Alita had a grandiose goal to go and live on Eartha, the new Earth after the catastrophe, marry a lot of wives, have a stadium full of kids, and most importantly, let her family live comfortably. And the opportunity to make that dream true was given to her when she finally …..... Read the book to find out more....

    GEEGEE · Urban
  • We are destined.Let me pamper you

    "Duh, Fine! What do you want me to do?" Xiu Mei gave up, and Feng Jianyu gave a mischievous grin. His eyes shone in expectation. "I want a kiss" he spurted out. After a good silence of one minute, she scoffed, "pfft… dream on…" "Fine, if you're not giving then I'm taking one myself," "W-What? No way. You already took one last night… No more" Feng Jianyu sneered, "You call it a kiss? That was just a small peck. And it was you who broke it… Now finish where you left. ---------------------------------------------- On the night of Xiu Mei’s 16th bday, she came to know the biggest truth of her life. Devastated by the betrayal of her family, she ran away from her so-called home, taking nothing but her precious invention, on which she had been working nonstop for the last 4 years. ___ Feng Jianyu was a devilishly handsome man, who was powerful, cold, and ruthless. As the current President of the Feng Corporation, his only goal was to take his company to the unachievable heights. But fate had some other plans for both of them, and their paths crossed. Intrigued by her intelligence and talents, he tested her and gave her an attractive offer. Finding the offer interesting, she accepted it and worked hard. However, something happened, and they both ended up offending each other. __________ After 7 years, the mysterious Xiu Mei was a genius woman living in a beautiful villa with the most advanced security system. Nobody knows the reason behind living in security. She was forced to live with a handsome man inside her villa for an indefinite period. Though she welcomed him hesitatingly, to her horror, he was none other than Feng Jianyu. They both recalled their past but none of them spoke about it. Will she ever trust him and tell her story? What happened to her precious invention? Will their hate relationship be turned in to a love relationship? Will she find out about the big secret of her life? -------------------------------------------------- Original novel By dream_ash Join me on discord https://discord.gg/RudqR3q I edit the cover, but the photo belongs to their respective owners. I have no right over this photo. All credits belong to the owner.

    dream_ash · Urban
  • Destined to be Master Mo's wife; Su Mao and her Triplets.

    "My dear baby, look at what time it's; hurry up, or else we will be late." She answered back as she gulped some milk before glancing at the watch on her wrist. " Mother..." He pouted his lips sulking, he was spoilt and pampered the most among the three of them. " All right, all right.. stop whining and come over here.." he was the youngest one and his health has been complicated since birth since they were born prematurely, and had spent rather a better amount of time in the hospital that's why his health wasn't favorable. She lightly tapped on the vacant dining chair next to hers signaling him to shift over to get closer. Su Tang hastily climbed off his chair scurried over to the said chair and settled down beside his mother eying her either his puppy eyes that were adorably blinking, Su Mao bent over and carefully pecked his cheeks adoringly. "I love you, momma, you are the best." He cheered up before he heartily began having his breakfast. He had a special diet that was specifically meant for him due to health complications. "Mother.. you are being biased, this is total biasness you are doing momma.." Su Ting pouted her lips feeling aggrieved as her cheeks puffed out, why couldn't she also receive her kisses this early morning? they were all her babies, right? "Finish up first then I will give you a big one inside the car... Didn't you just say you are getting late?" She smiled brushing her off, she might be pouting and whining her lips but she was a deadly snake hiding in that childish face of hers. But deep down in her heart she knew that she had been treating them all equally, it's just that Su Tang was a bit dependent on her. "Humph..!" She grunted coldly ignoring her mother as she took her breakfast. They finished up before getting inside a low-key Mercedes Benz which had tinted glasses, and the body was painted black. She softly mumbled out while buckling her safety belt. "Rule number one" "Fasten the safety belt.." They echoed all together in response while doing exactly what they were supposed to. They hurriedly fastened their safety belts, Su Ting always sat on the passenger's seat while the boys sat down in the backseat. "Rule number two" Su Mao was done fastening her safety belt and now, she had switched the engine on. "Greet people in the car..." They echoed together as they began greeting themselves shaking hands. "It's good to have manners and greet your elders when possible so long as they respect you...." Su Mao never pressured them in any way, she gave them freedom, and at the same time, she let them be children as she never got to do that in her life. It was the most important phase in a child's life, she wouldn't deprive them of that. "Rule number three..." Su Mao twisted her head glancing at the boys in the back eying them, sometimes they were mischievous. "Geezzz mommy.. we have outgrown those rules, we are already so grown and big gentlemen...." Su Tong retorted back irritated, they were already this old but their mother treated them like one-year-old babies they were twelve years ago. ***************** Su Mao had just managed to occupy the Su company Presidential seat when she received a call from her half-sister... When she heard her voice, she understood that wherever she was, didn't have much time, thus she went over with the direction she had given her. Arriving there, her half-sister was on the brink of death and she had given birth to triplets... From being the Su company President to suddenly being a mom of triplets, with the sudden emergency, she had to make decisions... She was a young mom of three kids because she made a promise, but what kind of life awaits her? How would she manage to live her life fully after being driven out of the Su family and mansion? Was it worth sacrificing everything in the end?

    Kim_Li_0078 · Fantasy
  • Alpha's replacement bride is destined mate

    Considered a curse by her father, Emily was sent by her father to live in the remote countryside from the moment she was born. It wasn't until one day when she was an adult that she finally met her father. And her father had only one request of her, and that was to replace her sister and marry someone else. Her fiancé, Alpha Klaus, is said to be nothing more than a head wolf with an empty title, and he's short-tempered and cruel, but is that really the case? "Tell me, why did you run away from your marriage?" Alpha Klaus puffed on his cigarette, sunglasses hiding his face, "Did you not want to marry me because you were afraid of me?" She fled, he chased. Wherever she was, he found her. She was treated like grass by her family, he treated her like a treasure. He sheltered her from the wind and rain and healed her from all her wounds. He took her in his arms, a warm snort in her face, and he whispered in her ear, "Emily, I ask you to think of me every day, just as I miss you." I want the rest of your memories to be with me. " Note: This book deals with adult content, violence and dark magic.

    Bibo_Lili · Fantasy
  • A Destined Young Master Villain

    As soon as Trent became conscious of his reincarnation within a novel, he was promptly acquaintanced with an introductory mechanical system sound that identified itself as "Destiny." The novel is set in an imaginative realm where elements of science fiction, fantasy, swords, and magic intertwine. The main character possesses a merciless demeanor, astuteness, impeccable physical traits, overwhelming power, and an unrivaled temperament. Trent assumed the identity of Zenryx, whose background in this world exhibited great nobility and commanded a high level of prestige. He is consistently greeted with utmost respect and graciousness everywhere he goes. Power? Prestige? Wealth? Appearance? No one could even closely rival him. Trent demonstrated a preference for efficiency over exertion, as he adhered to the principle of "working smarter, not harder." However, Trent's exceptional talent and remarkable aptitude enabled him to consistently astound everyone, even in the absence of extensive training. Explore the intriguing portrayal of Zenryx's manipulation of the novel's protagonist and the intricate influence he holds over those around him. ================== Discord : https://discord.gg/ThqjWeCHZz

    Xerzxes · Fantasy
  • Married by Contract, Destined by Fate

    "St... Stay away" Her voice trembled in fear as he leaned closer, invading her personal space. His palms were pressed against the wall, caging her in his embrace while her tiny fists were making futile attempts to push him back. "So, you want me to go out to satisfy my needs when I have a beautiful wife at home?" His thumb stroked her lips, his eyes fixated on them, unyielding and hungry. "But you made it clear that your heart belongs to someone else and our marriage is nothing but an agreement" her heart throbbed with pain as she thought about it. After the horrific and pitiful past, all she yearned was for a man who could understand and love her but destiny has bestowed her a devil for a husband. "That's true" he cocked his head "But we don't love every chic we fuck. Do we?" His callous words shattered Roseline's world. All she wanted was to cry on her fate! Her pain was evident through her eyes but this didn't stop him from having what he wanted! ~•~•~•~ In an unexpected twist of fate, Orphan Roseline finds herself in a contract marriage with a ruthless Billionaire, Vincenzo De Luca. On the first night, she gets to know that he has married her on purpose, and the doors to his heart are securely guarded. He has money, looks, and fame but not the love which she has craved her whole life. She has an infectious laugh, he never graced his lips with a smile. She follows her path, he demands unwavering obedience. She is sympathetic, he is cold-hearted. Their personalities are worlds apart, yet both harbor secrets concealed behind their respective facades. Will Roseline be able to make her space in his heart or would she be cast aside once his hidden purpose is fulfilled? ~•~•~•~•~ Warning : Story contains mature content, light BDSM and dominating ML.

    dayyyyydreamerrr · Urban
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  • Destined to be a Black Pen

    When Russel Ferrer celebrated his early accomplishments as a writer, he was suddenly hit by a car and died on the spot. Russel was full of regrets for not finishing the last chapter of his best-selling book series. Using the last strength that he had, Russel wished for a miracle to happen and let him write his story for the last time. Gian Cres Val, the youngest son of Marquis Cres Val, has a weak and feeble body. He can't be a promising leader just like his father or be like his brother who is the leader of Red Tiger Knights. He can only stay inside their mansion most of the time and read all the books displayed in their library. But what they didn't know was that Gian has a secret. Gian Cres Val had traveled back in time. Gian now has the knowledge of what will happen in the future. And with the help of the Goddess of Destiny and Fate, Gian will possess a mysterious pen that can communicate with him. Returning in time, Gian plans to change the fate of his family. Reincarnated as a pen, Russel plans to write his novels again and make sure to write its ending. Bond with a twist of fate, Russel and Gian will help each other to accomplish what they need to do. [UNEDITED]

    PickledPlums · Fantasy
  • The supreme sovereign system

    Alfonso was a historian of earth who suddenly appear in the body of Alfonso Lockheart, a fallen prince that is the Lord of a formal city known as the wasteland valley, with infertile land and losing the protection of their god, the wasteland valley is land that is destined to be destroyer by the extreme weather and the attacks of beast. Alfonso was in a despair situation; however, he wasn’t destined to fall in this land, that is because.... [The supreme sovereign system welcomes its new host, with the help of the Greek gods as your allies, you will become the new sovereign of this land!]

    phamtonbullet · War