
Review Detail of MasterlessSword in Kingdom's Bloodline

Review detail


Hey guys, this is the author, masterless sword(无主之剑). This is my webnovel id (yep, as a reader account instead of offical account, I duno why Qidian keep me from contacting the translator group for years so that I have to create an reader account on my own -- and pay the soulstone to read my own work in English on the app, just like everybody else). Just to let you know that I havent and will never drop my work on Kingdom's Bloodline, the story of Thales will continue til his end (or mine), at least in Chinese. Btw, I was never informed about the terminating of translation (its ok, the Qidian or Webnovel never told me anything about the online-selling situation oversea anyway, even when the translation started years ago). But pls feel free to contact me on my Weibo (weibo.com/u/6171559470) if u have any further questions, or you can just email me to 1615111844@qq.com. And yep, I can speak English.

Kingdom's Bloodline

Masterless Sword

Liked by 95 people




author please give some novel recommendations, i read all the chapters for kingdoms bloodline so I need to find a new novel!


Thank you Masterless Sword for giving us some info on what happened. This novel is very unique and very well crafted. I am extremely disappointed that Qidian/Webnovel did this, though not surprising. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to support you and the novel.


Thanks for writing such an awesome book for us. It is my most favourite book of all languages.I love how you build suspense and reversals. I also love how mystery is unfolded by many charcters with their own point of view as story progress. I also love your character all of whom are unique and have their own swag. Sadly webnovel doesn't appreciate good quality novel. **: You are much more awesome than your book.


Thanks for writing such an awesome book for us. It is my most favourite book of all languages.I love how you build suspense and reversals. I also love how mystery is unfolded by many charcters with their own point of view as story progress. I also love your character all of whom are unique and have their own swag. Sadly webnovel doesn't appreciate good quality novel. **: You are much more awesome than your book.


Hey pkhyber, thanks for u approval, knowing my work being appreciated really means a lot to me. But dont forget the book is originally written in Chinese, my English is not good enough for novel creating. So I tend to give the credit to the translators in Webnovel who link two different languages expertly and craftly, they make the reading and communicating possible.

pkhyber:Thanks for writing such an awesome book for us. It is my most favourite book of all languages.I love how you build suspense and reversals. I also love how mystery is unfolded by many charcters with their own point of view as story progress. I also love your character all of whom are unique and have their own swag. Sadly webnovel doesn't appreciate good quality novel. **: You are much more awesome than your book.

Thank you for ur support and understanding Hanlagend! I would not try to hide my disappointment on their decision yet I kinda understand their commercial and economical consideration on dropping my book, so I am doing OK now, just as in old time when there is no webnovel. I would definitely keep writing and creating(in Chinese of course), let's see what would happen in future. And just knowing ur supporting attitude is already a huge help and encouragement, I cant ask for more, thank u!

Hanlagend:Thank you Masterless Sword for giving us some info on what happened. This novel is very unique and very well crafted. I am extremely disappointed that Qidian/Webnovel did this, though not surprising. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to support you and the novel.

Your novel is amazing! I don't know why they dropped such a gem. I mean to ask though, you have some plans to restart the translation? Maybe with another translation group? I just want to keep reading it, is the best novel in Webnovel in my opinion.


Thanks for your recognition to my work. To be honest, I am already exhausted by the daily normal story writting, translation is another area out of my capablity and energy. Also translation——especially novel translation—— is a professional work requiring high-level skills in both languages and literature, I myself dont possess any resource or link in this area, not even a clue. So if anyone have any suggestion, I am all ears and open to any (legally)empirical possibilities in translation.

Hipc:Your novel is amazing! I don't know why they dropped such a gem. I mean to ask though, you have some plans to restart the translation? Maybe with another translation group? I just want to keep reading it, is the best novel in Webnovel in my opinion.

Question Masterless Sword? Where/Which site am I to go to to read the three baned chapters, though I can read in Chinese I much prefer to read in English. And lastly, please forgive my trasgression for reading your wonderful novel on ComradeMao(pirate site I believe). May Sunset goddess forgive me!


Here it go: https://archiveofourown.org/users/masterlesssword I actually uploaded all banned (or risky) chapters to both my wechat and AO3(archive of our own), in Chinese of course, and they're all for free. I can understand the reason of pirate reading(mostly students who cant afford), yet it is still a bad and unethical thing which damage the whole online novel industry (In fact, some of our our authors in China are now fighting the trends and intention of Qidian to carry out commercial strategy of “free reading” for more profits, which may repalce our remuneration into pure advertising fee, eventually leading our writting to line production for more clickrate or exposure). I wont condemn such action under current circumstance, but I also dont encourage it.

EndlessCliffs:Question Masterless Sword? Where/Which site am I to go to to read the three baned chapters, though I can read in Chinese I much prefer to read in English. And lastly, please forgive my trasgression for reading your wonderful novel on ComradeMao(pirate site I believe). May Sunset goddess forgive me!

Praise be the Sunset Goddess! I came here to seek knowledge; glad that I found an answer to my prayers. I worried for your health and the fate of this masterpiece. Out of thousands of stories I have read yours is the best. Had me weeping and cheering during the blood calamity arc and many others. I hope I will be able to find a good translation to your work eventually. Until then I will just have to live with Reverend Insanity and Tales of Herding gods; as well as other lesser works. The translation on webnovel was done expertly; I rather it not continued then be done poorly. After reading for almost five years I can wait a little while longer to continue Kingdoms Bloodline at the quality I have come to expect.

MasterlessSword:Here it go: https://archiveofourown.org/users/masterlesssword I actually uploaded all banned (or risky) chapters to both my wechat and AO3(archive of our own), in Chinese of course, and they're all for free. I can understand the reason of pirate reading(mostly students who cant afford), yet it is still a bad and unethical thing which damage the whole online novel industry (In fact, some of our our authors in China are now fighting the trends and intention of Qidian to carry out commercial strategy of “free reading” for more profits, which may repalce our remuneration into pure advertising fee, eventually leading our writting to line production for more clickrate or exposure). I wont condemn such action under current circumstance, but I also dont encourage it.

Thank you dear Author for informing. Its truly an an honor: your novel is one of the best, if not best novel on this site. Wish you all the best. I hope your work gets the recognition it deserves.


Thanks for your recognition! And most of the credits, as I believe, belongs to the translaters of endlessfantasy. May the Sunset Goddess be with you forever!

Blanket:Praise be the Sunset Goddess! I came here to seek knowledge; glad that I found an answer to my prayers. I worried for your health and the fate of this masterpiece. Out of thousands of stories I have read yours is the best. Had me weeping and cheering during the blood calamity arc and many others. I hope I will be able to find a good translation to your work eventually. Until then I will just have to live with Reverend Insanity and Tales of Herding gods; as well as other lesser works. The translation on webnovel was done expertly; I rather it not continued then be done poorly. After reading for almost five years I can wait a little while longer to continue Kingdoms Bloodline at the quality I have come to expect.

You are so kind in giving me such high approvals. I dont know if this novel is the best, but I can assure you that I will do my best.

Sakib_Qamrul:Thank you dear Author for informing. Its truly an an honor: your novel is one of the best, if not best novel on this site. Wish you all the best. I hope your work gets the recognition it deserves.

Hi there, thanks for ur great work, but what are these banned chapters? Wdym?

MasterlessSword:Here it go: https://archiveofourown.org/users/masterlesssword I actually uploaded all banned (or risky) chapters to both my wechat and AO3(archive of our own), in Chinese of course, and they're all for free. I can understand the reason of pirate reading(mostly students who cant afford), yet it is still a bad and unethical thing which damage the whole online novel industry (In fact, some of our our authors in China are now fighting the trends and intention of Qidian to carry out commercial strategy of “free reading” for more profits, which may repalce our remuneration into pure advertising fee, eventually leading our writting to line production for more clickrate or exposure). I wont condemn such action under current circumstance, but I also dont encourage it.

Hello from Russia. Great Novel, My fav. Thank you.


They were banned due to China’s extensive and extreme censorship laws.

gredisgood:Hi there, thanks for ur great work, but what are these banned chapters? Wdym?

Hello! I am so glad you like my work, enjoy it!

QuickRope:Hello from Russia. Great Novel, My fav. Thank you.

Hey man , firstly , thank you so much for giving such a masterpiece to us , the story just keeps me hooked for hours and hours ! ! secondly , great work sir author , this was the most splendid , most amazing , most thought provoking , a great novel that kept me on the edge of the seat at all times , simple amazing , authors and novels like yours are really hard to come by , most of the novels are generic plain and stupid at times but especially Kingdom's Bloodline along with 7 more novels have been extremely memorable . Thank You ! And best wishes to you and your future projects !!


I am so honored if my work could be helpful for you, thanks for. the encouragement! I believe there will be more good novels to be discovered.

Iron_Spider:Hey man , firstly , thank you so much for giving such a masterpiece to us , the story just keeps me hooked for hours and hours ! ! secondly , great work sir author , this was the most splendid , most amazing , most thought provoking , a great novel that kept me on the edge of the seat at all times , simple amazing , authors and novels like yours are really hard to come by , most of the novels are generic plain and stupid at times but especially Kingdom's Bloodline along with 7 more novels have been extremely memorable . Thank You ! And best wishes to you and your future projects !!

Hey Masterless Sword! Thank you so much for posting this info-dump review thingy. I had read up to about chapter 280ish when I caught up with the TL's and decided to wait and let chapters accumulate for a binge. I was really disappointing when I noticed the book was no longer being updated. In my opinion Kingdoms Bloodline is, bar none, the best created novel I have ever read on this site. Although there are a few others that I would place on par with it due to how they cater to my personal interests - The Kings Avatar for example will always have a special place in my heart - in terms of objective quality I have never found another novel that even approaches this one. The pacing, logical consistency, and character development have all been phenomenal, but above all else, your interconnected and complex plots always leave me stunned. I have never before, reading any novel - translated or not, had to stop reading, walk around, and take a moment to verbally praise the author on his amazing storytelling. Thank you for writing this book :)