
Review Detail of fwj in King of Gods

Review detail


I last wrote a review 10 days ago...supposedly this was when the translator was coming back from what seems like a month long vacay...fine. But.... Despite repeated promises of chapters, which was contingent with its ranking, the translator has failed again to produce his bottom line. The translator has no issues begging for votes though. And sheep follow. As one told me 10 days ago...just wait, it's now 10 days later and only 10 new chapters. That was when it was still 1/42 chapters in the queue completed. As of now...according to what the translator promised, the queue is growing ever larger and releases ever slower. Also, rumor has it the translator has also blamed the lack of releases on the readers b/c they didnt vote enough...always someone or something else fault with this translator. I would not be surprised if the translator lied about his hard drive crashing or some other b/s story...once he decides to man up and stop hiding. Sad and amusing. Dropped this novel due to dishonest translator. Point blank. Will find free links if u really wanna come back to it, but I'll never waste mines on a completely dishonest person. Many of the same cookie cutter cultivation novels out there. This one is really no different.


King of Gods

Fast Food Restaurant

Liked by 27 people




translator once said that he had no wifi for two days as a exuce that he didnt upload anything new after promising he will upload stuff for sure or he will be real angry at himself (angry because he broken 3x promises in just two weeks to increase the crappy realese rates, still 0 developement.)