
Review Detail of Keikokumars in The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism

Review detail


The story is just another face slapping story disguised as trying to be enlightening. that is still fine but what I couldnt accept that for a monk that posses otherworldly power, still it coulndt escape the trope everyone is ganging up on china, and being racist to them. if you want to read a story of a racist monk, here you go. a monk teaching that should transcend humanity made up patriotism and nationalism, a religion that about soemthing more than just race and even species become a story about a patriotic monk that only enlighten China. I guess Buddha only favor the chinese. the earlier chapter is fine and I held hope for this story. but then come the mandatory korean or japan people being a dick and racist to chinese for some reason This is a self mastubatory piece for China

The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism

Yimeng Huangliang

Liked by 21 people




yeah but the majority of those 70% are poor, which the author of this is probably not

Oto:That’s not racist in the slightest. It’s a fact that is supported by scientific studies. Just like China, nearly 70% of all Americans never leave the country in their lives. Is that racist too? Lmao you’re clearly part of the circlejerk too.

If you read carefully, yes, there are people being racist to the Chinese, which does exist in real life. You can't deny that racism doesn't exist. How they are handled in this book shows that the author isn't racist. He shows things from a more neutral stance, and doesn't put the blame on them. This book is about spreading positivity, nothing racist. Even the Buddhist teachings mentioned in this book are universal.


I think you're missing the point he's trying to make. Chinese authors seem to really enjoy (possibly because it gets them brownie points with the PRC) painting foreigners—especially Korean/Japanese/Americans—as racist individuals with less intelligence and class than the Chinese characters. It is undeniable that there is an abundance of racist elements in many of the novels on Webnovel, and this novel is all the same. Stereotyping someone to act or be a certain way because of their race is racism. If someone writes with presumptions such as asians are good at math, or other things, it's racism. I'm willing to bet a large majority of these Chinese webnovel authors have never left their country and actually been to one of the countries they're writing about, so their perception of those countries is simply a circlejerk of the propoganda they're spoonfed from the PRC. In short, just because the novel isn't making direct racist remarks, it is still being indirectly racist. To claim otherwise would be to feign ignorance.

CKtalon:If you read carefully, yes, there are people being racist to the Chinese, which does exist in real life. You can't deny that racism doesn't exist. How they are handled in this book shows that the author isn't racist. He shows things from a more neutral stance, and doesn't put the blame on them. This book is about spreading positivity, nothing racist. Even the Buddhist teachings mentioned in this book are universal.

Saying that authors have never left their country is quite racist... They are quite rich you know...

Oto:I think you're missing the point he's trying to make. Chinese authors seem to really enjoy (possibly because it gets them brownie points with the PRC) painting foreigners—especially Korean/Japanese/Americans—as racist individuals with less intelligence and class than the Chinese characters. It is undeniable that there is an abundance of racist elements in many of the novels on Webnovel, and this novel is all the same. Stereotyping someone to act or be a certain way because of their race is racism. If someone writes with presumptions such as asians are good at math, or other things, it's racism. I'm willing to bet a large majority of these Chinese webnovel authors have never left their country and actually been to one of the countries they're writing about, so their perception of those countries is simply a circlejerk of the propoganda they're spoonfed from the PRC. In short, just because the novel isn't making direct racist remarks, it is still being indirectly racist. To claim otherwise would be to feign ignorance.

That’s not racist in the slightest. It’s a fact that is supported by scientific studies. Just like China, nearly 70% of all Americans never leave the country in their lives. Is that racist too? Lmao you’re clearly part of the circlejerk too.

CKtalon:Saying that authors have never left their country is quite racist... They are quite rich you know...

Instead of being able to deny the argument and have discourse in a normal, the only thing you’re able to do is gaslight me, which just shows how right I am about the circle jerk.

CKtalon:Saying that authors have never left their country is quite racist... They are quite rich you know...

Another Dog

xmxzmKCn_xxzx:yeah but the majority of those 70% are poor, which the author of this is probably not

Thanks for the heads up. Im not touching this one.