
Review Detail of RobynHood in Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Review detail


Warning: Very Minor Spoilers on Roland This is one of the best novels on this website with many colorful characters and a plot that is for once unpredictable. There are no arrogant young masters to instigate a fight and lose, nor are there family elders who fly into the rage at any and every humiliation. People are calculating and patient, as intelligent living beings probably would be after hundreds if not thousands of years. Our main character is Roland Mist, and he is a fascinating protagonist who I cannot give justice to in a review. I will tell you, however, that the story starts with him already over three hundred years old and a legend in his own right. This sets the very interesting stage for the plot because Roland is no neophyte. He is someone who has made his mark on the world and knows a lot about the world. Thus, the world building requires more time than most stories because Roland would logically already know most of the information we learn. That is not to say the world building is bad by any means. It may be slow and like an info dump at times, but it is still a vibrant and living world that surpasses that of most other novels. Events happen without Roland's intervention like the world should. While Roland does seek to save the world, he is only a speck in the scale of such a world, so life moves on while he is busy on his projects. The characters also keep this world fresh with the very fun and entertaining cast of Gentlemen and others. The Gentlemen are the source of much of the entertainment with their hilariously weird personas and strange and nausea-inducing perversions. The latter is, of course, mainly dominated by he-who-must-not-be-named, a dracon with such power and perversion that even the heavens try to smite him daily and fail. The characters make following the story a joy, but while characters can and often do carry the plot for stories, the plot should be interesting for a good novel. This story does not fail to deliver as always, and there are many plot reveals and twists that will make you question what you have read previously and theorize about the storyline. The more you learn about the world and Roland, the more you'll find yourself engrossed in this story. Needless to say, I recommend this novel wholeheartedly. ** The story begins somewhat slowly, but please stay with it for a few chapters. It picks up really quickly, and the humor should placate you regardless. The only minor complaint would be the translators because this novel has changed translators multiple times, so things were sloppy at times, especially during transitions. I do not know if the recent translators have fixed these issues, but please heed this warning. The novel is still absolutely worth your time even with these minor issues.


Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Angry Squirrel

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