
Review Detail of ApocaRUFF in Pet King

Review detail


Both well written and well translated, for the most part. Some chapters are apparently cut in half prematurely simply to harvest more spirit stones, but the wuality of the writing/translation makes it easy to forgive. There are some inconsistency issues in the first 150 chapters, and sometimes when new characters are introduced, in relation to names and gender designations. It took quite a while for the translators to stop flipflopping between using grandma/grandpa and she/he and just use 'it' for one character in particular. Thw fact that this is a slice of life, but still has decent story pacing, and the fact that chapters are prematurely cut in half (if a chapter is written in one sitting and picks up immediately after the previoua chapter was stopped... Why is it a new chapter?) Means that itll coat you probably $50-100 to get up to date with the latest chapter. Ive already spent $14 and barely hit chapter 200. I dont know if I'll continue after i run out of stonea this time, despite how much the story interests me.


Pet King

Jie Po

Liked by 1 people




Yea I want to cry! I want to invest my stones and support this author. The comment section becomes dead immediately after stone chapters. But it’s too expensive..