
Review Detail of PanYuZi in Way of the Devil

Review detail


Deep Blue, the translator, is amazing. He works a regular job AND he translates for Qidian. As someone who has experience in translation myself (in Japanese, not Chinese), I can testify how HARD it is to translate stories. Yeah, machine translation is a thing. And there are plenty of ****ty translators out there. But translating something really WELL is hard as f***. And the chapters for this novel are deliciously LONG. Think about it. Deep Blue has to work his regular job so he can SURVIVE on a day to day basis, and he translates these chapters because he's NICE enough to feel responsible and not leave us hanging. I think they only get like $30 or $40 from one chapter? Considering the length of the chapters of this novel, that could be 4 or more hours of work. That's lower than minimum wage, at least where I live. Minimum wage is $10.50 here, and $14.50 up north. The cost of living here is ridiculous. $1000 a month would not be able to sustain you unless you had 2 roommates and had the cheapest form of healthcare and car insurance (here it is illegal not to have either) that was still being subsidized by your job. I don't know where Deep Blue lives but I guarantee you, this translating gig is something he does to be NICE, not to make money. So don't give Deep Blue s*** for being slow. He doesn't have to do this. He could just drop it. It breaks my heart to see a bunch of people giving Deep Blue s*** for not posting tons of chapters up a week. Some of their comments are extremely disrespectful. He doesn't have to do this. He only does it out of the kindness of his heart. That all said, this novel is really good. It has elements of horror, cultivation, comedy, and just overall goodness. I honestly thought it would be pretty lame, based on the cover art and the synopsis, but it turned out to be one of the most interesting novels on the site for me. I don't care if the updates are slow. There's tons of other novels to keep me occupied while I wait. Some of them are really good, you just have to find the ones you like. Why not try reading books from your own culture if you absolutely despise the other novels on Qidian? Either way, please stop being so disrespectful to the translator in your comments. Thank you.

Way of the Devil

Get Lost

Liked by 3 people




There should be a balance between speed and quality. At least this novel doesn't use overly complicated or ancient style Chinese. I do not see why releasing 2 chapters a month should be acceptable. I would expect 1 chapter a day at least. Just go premium like the other top novels (Library of Heaven's Path) etc. I am not asking the translator to do charity work here. Btw Deep Blue and Xintuz are the same person? Older chapters show Deep Blue as the translator and newer chapters show Xintuz.


It's okay to be slow, but even being slow has it's limits. At least, Deep Blue should make 3 chapters a week to fulfill his responsibilty as the translator.