
Review Detail of MrNao in NEET Receives a Dating Sim System

Review detail


I started this novel with ZERO expectations (caps are necessary to reinforce how low they were, Mb) and oh boy it's good. Going by order: Translation. I love it, it oozes with quality as very rarely I spotted any kind of grammar or edition mistake, references were properly translated and it feels just right. Updating stability. I just finished catching up but in light of how good the translation is they have my vote of trust. Story development. It's very well paced and it's obvious the author is a huge fan of Japanese subculture which he integrated in this work impeccably. It basically is a refreshing twist of the Japanese romcom with the ever popular reincarnation trope, don't let it turn you down if you are tired from it however since it very rarely makes use of it, the MC is more focused in living and enjoying his new youth rather than being OP (...which he kinda is slowly turning into, but not really focused on it) Character design. MC is an otaku; he feels like an otaku; he lives how he wants... pretty much resumes his personality. The author takes classical archetypes in Japanese stories and make them his, you can pretty much identify them right away but they still feel like people and not just props standing there just to make the MC (and by extension the readers) feel good. World background. This is its weakest point, not bay any means bad however, the story follows a fairly ****** plot (slice of life) with some fantastical elements here and there, which inherently makes the world-building of those fantastical and exciting matters hard to introduce without forcing the reader to sit through chapters full of expository information; not to say it's not there but don't expect to understand the inner workings of the world right away and have a clear picture of what role the MC plays in it. Overall I fell in love with this novel and can't wait to read more about it, if I really have to point any flaws... it would be the tittle, it sounds really bad and it was what maintained me away from this excellent work x) (...and goddamnit I want MC to go for his apartment's landlord, praying strongly for it to happen ;-; dem booty...)

NEET Receives a Dating Sim System

Idle Fish Goes Ashore

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How come sim ple gets censored?!

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