
Review Detail of Cobez in I’m Really a Superstar

Review detail


Early on, this novel was entertaining and seemed promising. Now at chapter 250, I can see just how wrong I was. I wish I read the comments before reading, as I really did waste my time. My biggest problem with this novel is the quote on quote "nationalism". While minimal in early chapters, the MC's "nationalism", or what I would refer to as racism, becomes rampant. The first time it was seen was when our MC learned Taekwondo (Early chapters). He berates the skill purely because of its Korean origin. While not too bad on it's own, this scene set up the later scenes, as there is more blatant racism against Koreans. There are stereotypes made against Koreans, and all of the Chinese people in this novel seem to hate them (Ch 249). Because of what one Korean star says, the MC makes fun of all Koreans for being the same. While technically not bad, the MC refuses to choose an English name when required by his job. (Near Ch 200) This on its own is not a problem. The problem I have with this is the sheer disrespect given towards English people. Our MC becomes angry and violent when forced to simply write a random name down as his English name. He is even told it can be anything and will most likely not even be used. So not only is there disrespect towards Koreans, but the English as well. Major problems aside, there is very little story development in the first 250 chapters. A plot is created, but is rinsed and repeated multiple times over. This is not prominent early on, but later chapters end up having a few grammatical errors every chapter. However, this does not really affect the reading experience. I put this after the major problems but I probably should not have. The main character is literally a borderline rapist. He has (on repeated occasions) groped sleeping women. During one scene, he fell asleep reading stories to his neighbors niece, and after our MC woke up before them, he decided to "feel around" his neighbor. Now if you have no problems with molesting and racism, feel free to read, as other than those things, it is quite entertaining. I know this novel came out years ago, but I just needed a place to vent. (:

I’m Really a Superstar

Chang Yu

Liked by 3 people




As someone whos read the entire novel i have similarly mixed feelings on this novel, on one hand i want to say you dodged a bullet and on the other you're missing out. As far as the nationalism goes, it pops up throughout the entire story, but at least he diversifies his hate and hates on japan, india and the US as well so it's less racist, just brainwashed national pride. I do have to agree with him refusing to have an "English name" though. It's like you're not the master of your own home if you can't use your own name, can't really hate on him for having pride. As for the rape, yeah it's bad but only happens in the beginning and ends when the author decided who the MC should pursue. Not saying that makes it okay btw, the fact he molests her repeatedly and ends up with someone else makes if feel even worse imo. All in all, it's pretty bad, very repetitive and formulaic. That said, I still came back time and time again till i finished reading it so it has it's charms. Praise and nostalgia aside, it has one of the worst kinds of ending a story can have which makes the novel a MASSIVE waste of time, if you ever feel tempted to continue reading it, just skip to the last chapter because there is no gold at the end of this rainbow, just disappointment.