
Review Detail of PawelK in The King's Avatar

Review detail


Read first 73 ch, and I've got to say, this novel is overrated thus far. Shallow story, the rest just average. I will revise this review once I get to read more chapters.

The King's Avatar

Butterfly Blue

Liked by 6 people




After 200 chapter you will know why we rate it that high


If you think this is average then what novels in the game genre are better? I'd be happy with any recommendations close to the level of this.


Moonlight Sculptor

AlZander:If you think this is average then what novels in the game genre are better? I'd be happy with any recommendations close to the level of this.

Lol moonlight is really entertaining but I don't think it's better. I can turn into anything I sculpt therefore can solve all quest.


Then maybe try Prince Revolution! novel.

AlZander:Lol moonlight is really entertaining but I don't think it's better. I can turn into anything I sculpt therefore can solve all quest.

There's nothing shallow about TKA. Lol. Everything mc did had deep meaning. Even when he decide to retire in ch 1, it was explained later how deep it went. His hands were tied. He had to sacrifice himself for the one held dear and the love he had for Excellent Era. Even though EE people despised him, he loved the team that he built from the ground up. Most importantly, Lord Grim was the dream of a dead friend, so how could he let the dream stay buried? That's why Glory players finally met a true unspecialized character, Lord Grim.


You find out all of this around ch 400 (kinda late?). Shallow might've been a wrong word to use, but still comparing with many great novels, this one is lacking in many aspects.

walraevens:There's nothing shallow about TKA. Lol. Everything mc did had deep meaning. Even when he decide to retire in ch 1, it was explained later how deep it went. His hands were tied. He had to sacrifice himself for the one held dear and the love he had for Excellent Era. Even though EE people despised him, he loved the team that he built from the ground up. Most importantly, Lord Grim was the dream of a dead friend, so how could he let the dream stay buried? That's why Glory players finally met a true unspecialized character, Lord Grim.

Well, since you are recommending LMS to read, you must like it very much. I've read it, liked it, then grown tired of it after hundreds of chapters. My thoughts: too childish. Repetitively harping on the fact that Weed had suffered a lot to get readers' support and pity. And too much game content, the information overload makes it tiring to read after a while. The Great Thief is a better rewrite of LMS. You should try it. Of course TKA is the best though.

PawelK:You find out all of this around ch 400 (kinda late?). Shallow might've been a wrong word to use, but still comparing with many great novels, this one is lacking in many aspects.