
Review Detail of sickoflif3 in Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Review detail


Where are the chapters at the front? If I gotta start this I wanna know what happens at the beginning as well. Furthermore, this story doesn't make sense if you start from the centre.


Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Feng Ling Tian Xia

Liked by 55 people




Qidan dont stard from the chapter 1 to translate because was translated for other group . You have to go this page http://***.novelupdates.com/series/otherworldly-evil-monarch/ to look for the chapters . For info of the novels always going there

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Then what is the pint ofbppsting this book on their site/app

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Thanks for the info

crazyforyaoiXD:Qidan dont stard from the chapter 1 to translate because was translated for other group . You have to go this page http://***.novelupdates.com/series/otherworldly-evil-monarch/ to look for the chapters . For info of the novels always going there

you can still read it no? qidian is providing their services and you are free do use it or not. these stories are still enjoyable even if you jump into the middle of the story, especially this one since it is really witty and funny. btw you can go to other websites even on your mobile devices, you are missing out on fun chapters if you dont.

PsykoCultivator:Then what is the pint ofbppsting this book on their site/app

I think u r a little bit rude in you answer.... Even if qidian is a free service if you are in the game u have to do better then the others because if you dont u are not a responsible, reliable in the service u have proposed. this is my humble opinon. a spoonful of sugar doesnt mean sweet...

chu_chan:you can still read it no? qidian is providing their services and you are free do use it or not. these stories are still enjoyable even if you jump into the middle of the story, especially this one since it is really witty and funny. btw you can go to other websites even on your mobile devices, you are missing out on fun chapters if you dont.

Your misunderstanding is rude. My answer is not rude in any way. Its just people on the internet demand a lot while paying no mind to how it is achieved nor if it is possible. So you thinking you understood my answer doesnt mean you really unterstand it

chiiisd_FB:I think u r a little bit rude in you answer.... Even if qidian is a free service if you are in the game u have to do better then the others because if you dont u are not a responsible, reliable in the service u have proposed. this is my humble opinon. a spoonful of sugar doesnt mean sweet...

Qidian can just get the previous translated chapters from NovelSaga and the rest like they ripped novels from WW previously


lol i think you should apologize to him, haha you quote the wrong quote. btw you dont adhere to your own standards: being nice to others. you just talk like you talk to a child by saying "My dear". I get that english is not your native language but since you know it yourself, you might want to be more careful in how you interpret things. he wasnt nice thats for sure, but he wasnt rude either. you can call it naughty or mischievious, but not rude or not having manners. btw i think he hints at how to get the first chapters is not easy if you do not want to just rip it off of other pages. I reall think you didnt get his answer lol

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Apparently they are just ignoring these comments

Melniklos:Qidian can just get the previous translated chapters from NovelSaga and the rest like they ripped novels from WW previously

I wonder if the administration ever bother to read anyway..

sickoflif3:Apparently they are just ignoring these comments

I don't think they are ever gonna read this anyways. They asked me to read other novels instead when I commented in the play store. And nothing was done about this issue.

Melniklos:I wonder if the administration ever bother to read anyway..

I dont know if you are interested but I found the initials chapters in this site. http://novelfull.com/otherworldly-evil-monarch.htm

sickoflif3:I don't think they are ever gonna read this anyways. They asked me to read other novels instead when I commented in the play store. And nothing was done about this issue.

Bom, como eu fui desqualificada para leitura e compreensão de texto em inglês eu resolvi postar na minha língua materna, pois quem sabe assim, eu não seja mal interpretada. Eu acredito que se você é grosseiro, mesmo que de leve, deve ser tratado da mesma forma e com isso não quer dizer que eu seja a ruim da estoria... Uma simples pergunta, se não é ofensiva, deve ser respondida, pelo menos, com cordialidade, se voce não quer ser cordial ou está de mal humor simplesmente não responda. Eu poderia contestar varias coisas que foram ditas mas estou com preguiça e sem vontade de me estender mais sobre o assunto portanto so deixarei duas dicas: 1ª- Não tem o que falar ou não sabe falar mantenha a boca fechada (equivalente a digitar) pois mesmo que você use palavras agradáveis ainda assim é ofensivo . 2ª- Nós não somos absolutos em nada então por que você não pode ser pelo menos simpático? Ai...Ai... Já estou vendo q serei chamada de agressiva, rude, mal humorada, impertinente, desagradavel, maliciosa, serão tantos adjetivos... (*.*) Portanto, Peço desculpas aos inocentes leitores por terem que ser expostos ao meu pequeno descontentamento, infelizmente, nessa bendita plataforma de leitura não existe uma forma de enviar essa mensagem de forma privada e com isso vocês acabaram sendo expostos a esse ligeiro desabafo. Ate mais e abraços xD


Wow intense fight




You can search in novelupdates. Google it


I know. But that's besides De point. Isn't the whole point of this app for us to be able to easily access to these books? By having the first half of it missing, why not I just read this book online instead of having this app?

weed190:You can search in novelupdates. Google it

Who's stopping you, uninstall the app, search on the internet browser and read to your hearts content. Instead of being ungrateful be thankful for what you get, there are plenty of licensing issues and Qidian might not have the necessary permissions to upload the initial chapters, If it was upto Qidian they would have uploaded every single light novel out there.

sickoflif3:I know. But that's besides De point. Isn't the whole point of this app for us to be able to easily access to these books? By having the first half of it missing, why not I just read this book online instead of having this app?


crazyforyaoiXD:Qidan dont stard from the chapter 1 to translate because was translated for other group . You have to go this page http://***.novelupdates.com/series/otherworldly-evil-monarch/ to look for the chapters . For info of the novels always going there

Hey were can I read the complete missing chapter 1+ in offline?