
Review Detail of Lighting_Breeze in Transcending the Nine Heavens

Review detail


If you want to describe this novel in a word it would be FUNNY! It's very well writen, the beggining is quite cliche but afterwards it walks an individual path (of glory), the system and the battles are good, the world building isn't perfect but it's very solid and has potential. The characters are one of it's strongest points, they aren't 1d but have personality and they are unique. Something uncommon is that it's not a pure Xuanhuan story( at least in the first couple hundred chapters) but also involves strategy and politics, but not too much to make it boring, the author does a superb job keeping a good balance. The translation quality isn't bad, it's just that the former one was better, but it's improving!


Transcending the Nine Heavens

Feng Ling Tian Xia

Liked by 12 people

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