
Review Detail of Glac in God Of Slaughter

Review detail


I'm done reading this book, yes my overall rating is 5 stars, but reading new chapters is just too costly. Think about 1k people spend average of 11 spirit stones (requirements) = 11000 spirit stones divide that by 50 spirit stone ( $1 = 50 spirit stones) and the translator makes $220, mind you the translator isn't writing the book but " translating". Isn't it just to damn much for charging us translated chapters? I know people have to earn money to eat and live but isn't it to much for the work the translator put in? Why the readers getting screwed. Think about long term gain instead of short term gain. If it was 5 spirit stones per chapter I wouldn't give a second glance before I drop 5 spirit stones. Not sure how many people are reading this but I would say average 5k people, so $220 X 5k people so that's around $1.1k the translator and the app makes, I'm not sure how much % the translator gets but it's enough to put food on the table and roof over my head.


God Of Slaughter

Ni Cang Tian

Liked by 10 people

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