
Review Detail of Cherchen in Galactic Dark Net

Review detail


Just to say beforehand, there is no actual Romance in this story. Overall, the novel has a very fast-food style of writing, with a lot of details missing or skimmed over. Especially the last fifty chapters, a lot of the content is just filler, and it completely stops making sense in the last 20 or so chapters where things become so grossly exaggerated it is nearly unreadable. Even so, the world design was very interesting, with good plot twists. Unfortunately, all the characters in the world are very very one dimensional. In fact near the end the whole group of individual characters all get lumped into one group and described with exactly the same features. Don't get me started on how the work ends. It's not a bad ending and I certainly won't spoil it, but it is quite sloppy compared to how it could have been. Improvements that could be made to the novel or future novels: flesh out characters more, try not to lump them all into one group and then only bring out a name or two every ten chapters to remind us they still exist. The fight scenes lack details sometimes, especially the group fights. I am personally ok with the individual fights being skimmed over, but it lacks intensity if you do so, again, especially for group fights. Thirdly, stop repeating yourself. We know how silver f** and co. likes their owner, or love interests admire his one single trait, there is no need to write about their admiration every other page. It makes them more one dimensionally brain dead and takes away from the uniqueness of their character. Finally, the ending of a work is incredibly important for the well feeling of the readers. It should never be crammed with filler or exponentially accelerated and especially not skipped completely. It's ok to rush a bit, but exaggerations and a lack of conclusion is bad for a story. Overall a great journey, although the ending becomes somewhat monotonous. Loved the world background, but character and story pacing could be done better. Thanks, J.X.


Galactic Dark Net

Sonic Nine Light Year

Liked by 5 people




Spoiler ahead .... .. . Completely agree, it was about to reach great climax with the fight against three eyed race, maybe epic starship wars or anything along those lines, but what happens? some kind of bull**** rocks turn into gods, destroy armies, leave, dragons 1000x more powerfull, cosmic bug 99999999999999999999x larger? Eaten universe? Proud race sealed, Past? Future. Seriously everything after three eyed race arrived went full bananAS and i mean FULLL BANANAS. Its like the author went on crack...