
Review Detail of ThreshGasm in Springtime Shinobi

Review detail


Frankly while the story is interesting to read the sad touch to it and minor drama was weird for my taste plus I couldn't get the energy to continue reading this knowing he's in a fkg illusion the whole time , kinda ruined the story...

Springtime Shinobi


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Even he doesn't know for certain if he's in an illusion, so how do you? You shouldn't make assumptions about the entirety of a story based on its opening chapters.


that's the point, a prologue ends in max 3 chapters what's the point of reading 10+ to know something that is essential for the world background

Einlion:Even he doesn't know for certain if he's in an illusion, so how do you? You shouldn't make assumptions about the entirety of a story based on its opening chapters.

You should 100% make assumptions of a story based on the opening chapters. Those are the chapters that tell you if the story is for you or not. If you have some sort of twist at the end, you must first build the world then make plays like that.

Einlion:Even he doesn't know for certain if he's in an illusion, so how do you? You shouldn't make assumptions about the entirety of a story based on its opening chapters.

Not when the thing being assumed is one of the literal mysteries of the novel. Bruh.

Zetsway:You should 100% make assumptions of a story based on the opening chapters. Those are the chapters that tell you if the story is for you or not. If you have some sort of twist at the end, you must first build the world then make plays like that.

I have the same issue with the novel and if the whole novel is based on the concept that we have no idea if its real world or not, then frankly my interest in the novel drops down as well.


It’s not really “Based on” if it’s an illusion or not, that’s a secondary theme, where it introduces a mental struggle to the MC where he is (at least at the beginning) questioning if it’s all in his head or not and whether or not that’s why this time around people actually care for him, while I understand deciding to drop a novel because you don’t personally like the premise, making what looks like factual statements which are actually just assumptions to base you reasoning on and then fighting the author based on those assumptions is cringe.


3 chapters for a prologue max is such an arbitrary limit, I’ve seen stories that have half a chapter prologues and stories thatve has 20-30 chapter prologues, it all depends on the authors style of writing, having preferences where you like a story to only have around 3 chapters of prologue is fine, saying a “prologue ends in a max of 3 chapters” is just pushing your preferences as if that’s the be all end all rule of writing, which it isn’t.

ThreshGasm:that's the point, a prologue ends in max 3 chapters what's the point of reading 10+ to know something that is essential for the world background

To be fair, I haven't read your novel, I was just talking from a reader's perspective. If, in the early chapters the readers is given information X, even if it's just implied, they will consider that as true information. Even if you change it to information Y after 100 chapters, those who didn't like a story with information X in it would have long left.

Einlion:Not when the thing being assumed is one of the literal mysteries of the novel. Bruh.

well when you're sure that he isn't in an illusion the whole time i'd would appreciate the heads-up . He already posted 20chp good luck 🤞

MercerV12:3 chapters for a prologue max is such an arbitrary limit, I’ve seen stories that have half a chapter prologues and stories thatve has 20-30 chapter prologues, it all depends on the authors style of writing, having preferences where you like a story to only have around 3 chapters of prologue is fine, saying a “prologue ends in a max of 3 chapters” is just pushing your preferences as if that’s the be all end all rule of writing, which it isn’t.

I’ve read all 100 that’ve been released on Patreon, and from context clues of where the story is and what’s happened it’s only about a 20-30% chance (to me) that he’s in an illusion, and the only reason I can’t be 100% sure is it’s not explicitly said that he is or isn’t.

ThreshGasm:well when you're sure that he isn't in an illusion the whole time i'd would appreciate the heads-up . He already posted 20chp good luck 🤞

Currently in our times, people do not have time to read 425 chapters just to get „the feel”, sadly the „arbitrary” limit of 3-10 chapters is what you as a consumer can offer to a webnovel. Furthermore, art isn’t something that you can force upon yourself, if the first chapters don’t have your vibe then chances that „it gets better” are near zero

MercerV12:3 chapters for a prologue max is such an arbitrary limit, I’ve seen stories that have half a chapter prologues and stories thatve has 20-30 chapter prologues, it all depends on the authors style of writing, having preferences where you like a story to only have around 3 chapters of prologue is fine, saying a “prologue ends in a max of 3 chapters” is just pushing your preferences as if that’s the be all end all rule of writing, which it isn’t.

I never said you had to force yourself to read more, if your personal opinion is 3-10 chapters is the max for a prologue that’s fine, you do you, just don’t try to force that limit onto others, that was the entire crux of my comment. And I’m not sure where the ludicrous example of 425 chapters came from, I said I’d seen stories with 20 to 30 chaoter prologues not 425, it just seems like you’re taking my argument and adding a ridiculous number to it to try and downplay my point by relating it to something absurd.

Magos_Dominus_8298:Currently in our times, people do not have time to read 425 chapters just to get „the feel”, sadly the „arbitrary” limit of 3-10 chapters is what you as a consumer can offer to a webnovel. Furthermore, art isn’t something that you can force upon yourself, if the first chapters don’t have your vibe then chances that „it gets better” are near zero

SleepWalkingMan:I have the same issue with the novel and if the whole novel is based on the concept that we have no idea if its real world or not, then frankly my interest in the novel drops down as well.