
Review Detail of Korkyros in Naruto: Medical Ninja

Review detail


I have read everything up to this point and I would say that it has a good premise but the author's consistency for details is just as reliable as the Kishimoto's and they use terms that go unexplained. For example they use the term Cards as a measurement for chakra. What is that supposed to mean?

Naruto: Medical Ninja


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In some Chinese FF the card measure is used referring to Kakashi, that is, if he has 2 chakra cards as a unit, then he has 2 times more chakra than Kakashi, Although it is not certain that this is the case here (Google Translate).


That is a really weird measurement. Kakashi's chakra is supressed by the Sharringan so there is no knowing what his measurement was at the begining of the story plus he isnt a standard jonin but an elite of the elite jonins. Asuma and Kurenai are likely standard Jonin. Anyway thanks for the explanation even if the measurement is filled with folly.

Konrad_Selkar:In some Chinese FF the card measure is used referring to Kakashi, that is, if he has 2 chakra cards as a unit, then he has 2 times more chakra than Kakashi, Although it is not certain that this is the case here (Google Translate).