
Review Detail of Aliop in One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

Review detail


Would have given zero stars if i could . this story is too boring and pathetic Kaido is too overpowered which is not okay it is pretty annoying and author has made it too boring Kaido is just bullying everyone it is too kaido centered not once has been mentioned about his crew and their power level all opponents are one shotted he is too arrogant acts like he is the king of the world these fan fic writer do not understand luffy who had so much political background and emperor level is currently in original is fighting the gorosei while kaido is stronger has not even encountered the world goverment Author you are so hypocritical hating on luffy because he is favoured by the plot and nika fruit while you are blatantly changing the story for kaido right now kaido has the plot armour kaido although not rocks level right now would already have been eliminated by the world goverment by now there is an absurd power difference i think for the author kaido rn in the story will win against gorosei and imu if that not plot armour that what is it

One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!


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