
Review Detail of Haku_Ouroboros in Understanding the Void ( DxD Micilius SI )

Review detail


Yuri ntr 🤮🤮🤮 [img=sad][img=sad][img=sad][img=sad][img=sad][img=sad][img=sad][img=sad]

Understanding the Void ( DxD Micilius SI )


Liked by 28 people




I agree, but at least this author is smart enough to put it in the description. It's the ones that don't put it anywhere, and have it in their fake harem, that we should give 1stars to. That's just my opinion tho lol. Would rather be able to avoid the fake harems in the first place instead of getting surprised after enjoying a story.


so did u not see the tags and warning in description or did u decide to just ignore it and read the fic anyway ? just curious



Nemo_2837:so did u not see the tags and warning in description or did u decide to just ignore it and read the fic anyway ? just curious



esperaba el Yuri , pero por qué pensé que MC sería mujer , Yuri en un fic harem solo significa que habrá Yuri ntr , y odio el ntr

IDislikeYuri:I agree, but at least this author is smart enough to put it in the description. It's the ones that don't put it anywhere, and have it in their fake harem, that we should give 1stars to. That's just my opinion tho lol. Would rather be able to avoid the fake harems in the first place instead of getting surprised after enjoying a story.

The best part of a harem is the ability to have Threesomes or higher, those just don’t work if the girls are not into other girls. Otherwise your better of just not getting a good friend and sleeping with random women for life. Because a harem without Yuri would tear itself apart and is hence more fake.

IDislikeYuri:I agree, but at least this author is smart enough to put it in the description. It's the ones that don't put it anywhere, and have it in their fake harem, that we should give 1stars to. That's just my opinion tho lol. Would rather be able to avoid the fake harems in the first place instead of getting surprised after enjoying a story.

No. If you enjoy your girl sleeping with another person just say so. Idk where some people got the idea that it's ok for your girl to sleep with another girl, yet get mad when they sleep with another guy, it's the same either way. Gender doesn't change the fact that she is sleeping with someone else. Real harems are not some sisterhood or whatever, they involve power dynamics, scheming, and other things, but they most certainly do not involve sleeping around with each other.

LuluViBritania:The best part of a harem is the ability to have Threesomes or higher, those just don’t work if the girls are not into other girls. Otherwise your better of just not getting a good friend and sleeping with random women for life. Because a harem without Yuri would tear itself apart and is hence more fake.

Just any other girl no, another girl in the same relationship as me yes since we would be a group.

IDislikeYuri:No. If you enjoy your girl sleeping with another person just say so. Idk where some people got the idea that it's ok for your girl to sleep with another girl, yet get mad when they sleep with another guy, it's the same either way. Gender doesn't change the fact that she is sleeping with someone else. Real harems are not some sisterhood or whatever, they involve power dynamics, scheming, and other things, but they most certainly do not involve sleeping around with each other.

That is just polyamory. That is not a harem lol. Since when did people on here start confusing the two? Harem has 1 lead figure that all the others are in a relationship with, while Polyamory is what you are describing, just a bunch of triangles with nobody being exclusive to anyone. WN Authors and readers both need to learn the difference between Polygamy and Polyamory, because one is a harem and the other is not.

LuluViBritania:Just any other girl no, another girl in the same relationship as me yes since we would be a group.

IDislikeYuri:That is just polyamory. That is not a harem lol. Since when did people on here start confusing the two? Harem has 1 lead figure that all the others are in a relationship with, while Polyamory is what you are describing, just a bunch of triangles with nobody being exclusive to anyone. WN Authors and readers both need to learn the difference between Polygamy and Polyamory, because one is a harem and the other is not.

The author said it’s polyamory

IDislikeYuri:That is just polyamory. That is not a harem lol. Since when did people on here start confusing the two? Harem has 1 lead figure that all the others are in a relationship with, while Polyamory is what you are describing, just a bunch of triangles with nobody being exclusive to anyone. WN Authors and readers both need to learn the difference between Polygamy and Polyamory, because one is a harem and the other is not.

Wasn't talking to the author lol. I already said that this author is fine, because they included the tags and even put it in the description. I was talking to the lulu person that confuses polyamory with a harem.

Helia_King:The author said it’s polyamory

I replied to the wrong person but I just gave up after cause reading comments on this app is sometimes confusing

IDislikeYuri:Wasn't talking to the author lol. I already said that this author is fine, because they included the tags and even put it in the description. I was talking to the lulu person that confuses polyamory with a harem.

This story is written like a Yuri/NTR. It stopped being polyamory when you wrote Rose as this manipulative chick trying to take everybody for herself. It went from being a polyamory to a Yuri harem that just has a guy in it and since everything is happening secretly behind his back without him being in the know it's full of NTR elements. this all started when you wrote about Rose trying to Mark and claim sherone for herself. which is obviously a clear betrayal in the relationship. Even after that since she couldn't Mark the others she used other methods to try to make the girls her own. so it is still NTR the only difference is it's Yuri NTR. this does not feel like a polyamory kind of relationship at all. I had to stop reading when it was about to happen to Asia. the only one I don't see this happening to is Sara because she isn't a part of the bond. I also don't think she is as easy to manipulate as the other girls are. The accurate tag for this story would be a polyamory start which turns into a Yuri/NTR later. the story was actually pretty good until all this NTR stuff started happening behind the MC back. I was already thinking that it was bad enough that his newest girlfriend is spying and reporting everything to his father which, okay cool. I expect the story to have surprising twists but the quality is going down with all this Yuri/NTR in the background because now it looks like the MC has changed people.


Sure but you’d have to be into your significant other cheating on you for that to be appealing.

LuluViBritania:The best part of a harem is the ability to have Threesomes or higher, those just don’t work if the girls are not into other girls. Otherwise your better of just not getting a good friend and sleeping with random women for life. Because a harem without Yuri would tear itself apart and is hence more fake.