
Review Detail of _unknown_0 in Not so Lazy Nara

Review detail


the book is good so far. and if you are going to drop this brook, please tell us. don't just silently drop it like others with no explanation.

Not so Lazy Nara


Liked by 1 people




Thank you for the reply. I wrote this because I have seen so many authors disappear without a word.

DaoistcaqwL5: Yeah, I can’t blame you for feeling like this. It’s not that I stopped caring about them, but I… run out of ideas that could be implemented where I couldn’t feel like writing without liking it first. At the same time, I couldn’t help but write another web novel since writing is my favorite hobby, and I got even more addicted to it, especially after publishing my first one. This does cause me to forget committing to the old web novels I wrote in favor of writing new ones as long as possible (though sometimes I update the old ones out of the blue when feeling extra energetic). Anyway, I apologize for the inconvenience (I honestly forget people actually read my web novel and wait for it), and I will try to be more transparent about the slower update schedule or lack of update (in case I begin to do the same old thing again).

Yeah, I can’t blame you for feeling like this. It’s not that I stopped caring about them, but I… run out of ideas that could be implemented where I couldn’t feel like writing without liking it first. At the same time, I couldn’t help but write another web novel since writing is my favorite hobby, and I got even more addicted to it, especially after publishing my first one. This does cause me to forget committing to the old web novels I wrote in favor of writing new ones as long as possible (though sometimes I update the old ones out of the blue when feeling extra energetic). Anyway, I apologize for the inconvenience (I honestly forget people actually read my web novel and wait for it), and I will try to be more transparent about the slower update schedule or lack of update (in case I begin to do the same old thing again).


Yeah, I understand the frustration. I am a reader myself and always felt sad when some good fanfictions no longer get updated like they used to (which I know is very ironic as I practically was doing the same) but after I began write as a writer, I began to understand why some authors don’t bother explaining it (just my own experience as a fanfic author, so may not align with others). Other than being busy with personal, work, and family life, it feels intimidating to go back to your own craft and carry on as you are no longer the same person who wrote it. Your vision for the story begins to differ from the past (or you lack any vision to complete it), and you feel bad if you lacked engagement from readers. If you do have strong engagement, you feel even worse for letting them down, especially when you lack ideas to create new chapters. This further pushes you not to write again and try to forget it to feel less bad. So it’s an unfortunate cycle, and those who manage to complete their work deserve respect 🫡 , as it’s not easy to do.

_unknown_0:Thank you for the reply. I wrote this because I have seen so many authors disappear without a word.