
Review Detail of Letmeexplainguy in A Farmer's Journey To Immortality

Review detail


So, I’ve read up to chapter 35, I believe, and here are my initial impressions: The story has promise, and I understand that this seems to be an isekai but not a system novel. I wanted to score it higher but I have three main complaints. The first is exposition, it needs to be done better. Find a way to write it in the story that feels natural, find the timing, and control the length. There have already been several exposition dumps where I reading paragraphs of information that not only broke up the current actions of the characters, but tested my patience because I felt this could have been relayed through the characters themselves. My second complaint is repetition, I don’t know how many times the main character’s motive has been told to me, and I’m tired of hearing about it. The MC wants to farm peacefully, you don’t need to tells over and over again. Last is the farming, where is it? I chose to read a novel about a farmer farming, but that seems to be lacking. All I get are chapters of him cultivating. Find a balance between the farming and cultivating or I’ll just assume this is another battle novel with the skin of ‘farming’. Just my two cents, sorry if it’s harsh.

A Farmer's Journey To Immortality


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I think this is a fair review. But what you consider as expositions are foundational bricks for me. I lay them even when I know that they hamper the flow of reading sometimes. It helps me avoid any potholes and keeps my motivation intact. A solid foundation is necessary to write a story. It is something a lot newbie authors should invest their times and efforts in right from the beginning. And they should do it for themselves than their readers. Coz without it, authors themselves will go astray or lose their motivation to write. I have seen countless authors start good but lose their sense of direction just 100 or so chapters into the storyline. They them abandon their books and start a new novel as if that would allow them to get rid of their "writer's block," which is not true in most cases. So while I understand where u r coming from, from a reader's perspective, I will stick to what works for me. Of course, I wouldn't tell others to copy my style but I would also not let their styles affect me for the worse. As for farming: I will write about farming when I think it is the right time for me to do so. I'll not make the amature mistake of rushing into things. Anyway, if I only wanted to write about farming, I would have named my book "A Farmer's Journey" and not "A Farmer's Journey To Immortality", "Immortality" being the driving word in the title. I have already explained this in the synopsis and given proper tags and additional tags. I have written a detailed review about it and pinned it right under the novel. After arranging all this, anyone is free to assume this book as a battle novel with skin of farming. Frankly, I'd want to read about such books coz I like battle novels and farming novels both.