
Review Detail of Daoist_Large_Slong in The hivemind is conquering for me?

Review detail


Honest review here around chapter 30. Overall the story is pretty good. However it has its pros and cons. Pros: The MC being raised by bugs is pretty cool as you dont read that often. Characters are well fleshed out. The abilities and different bug types are also well thought. Harem development is pretty solid. Ngl in the beginning i was thinking this story was too good.. until like most novels on here the bad will eventually show up Cons: The MC unfortunately retains a somewhat pathetic human mindset. On one hand he supports the hive.. then on the other he forces them to spare civilians and animals. Downright stupid tbh. And this is after 16 years of watching them “murder” other civilizations. These hives are literally decimating women, children and whole races.. and yet this dude wants to play hero in random moments. This is the biggest stain on this novel for me personally and killed the vibes. While not so infuriating is another minor annoyance of the MC refraining from full on sex with the queen and others for as long as he has. Im just gonna assume bro is a virgin. It doesnt matter what “excuses” he comes up with. It just screams virgin male.

The hivemind is conquering for me?


Liked it!




I gotchu.. its just hes also older due to reincarntion tho. But ill stick around. Glad its just because of the special spot. Other than those two complaints the story is very good.

Ben_Cresswell:also irl reason for him waiting. in UK age of consent is 16 and I didn't want to write any sexual scenes while he was younger than that

hi I fully appreciate honesty from a review but I think you took some things th wrong way. 1st hs has not spared anyone really. the part you are referencing with the civilians he just did not want them to be killed in that special spot. they would end up dead anyway he knew this. As for your 2nd point not everyone thinks with their lower half but if you stick around a little longer you shall not be disappointed on that end


also irl reason for him waiting. in UK age of consent is 16 and I didn't want to write any sexual scenes while he was younger than that


jm glad you decided to stay and thank you for your constructive feedback :D

Daoist_Large_Slong:I gotchu.. its just hes also older due to reincarntion tho. But ill stick around. Glad its just because of the special spot. Other than those two complaints the story is very good.