
Review Detail of nectarnovels in Advent of the Three Calamities

Review detail


Overall: An amazing book that draws you in constantly. It's been my favorite "turn your brain off and enjoy the ride" novel these days and I've been enjoying it. Writing Quality: It's immaculate for a novel on Webnovel. "Grammar" and the like are good, and I rarely saw any typos. Now, the reason I say "for a novel on Webnovel" is simply put; the writing STYLE. Which is very good for a reader that's just chilling, and/or one that would be reading it on a daily basis. However, if I were to be critical with the style, it would not pass for a "professional novel" style (which is a more western style[i.e. take any traditionally published work], whereas Entrail writes more eastern, Korean style being the most prominent influences). This is, again, NOT A BAD THING. Just my thoughts. The writing goes quite in depth into fight scenes and features original ideas. Grammar Score: Perfect no mistakes here. Stability of Updates: uh, well, I just wish Entail doesn't burn himself lol. He's posting way too much. Story Development: It's been rather slow as of now(ch 47), and the reason for that is understandable. Entrail spends quite some establishing the setting and characters, and that's quite important. However, recently, the plot seems to have started picking up, so I am not complaining there. Even the "slow" start is enjoyable as I like to immerse myself in the lives of the characters and the world, and rushing straight to fights when we don't even care about the characters would be, quite literally, dumb. So, Entrail's been cool so far. Character Design/Score: The mc is competent, and I quite like the emotive way Entrail decided to go with his character. The "stop lemme show you the emotions" scene when he uses the first emotive spell was quite jarring as the pacing came to a halt, but I got used to it and Entrail doesn't quite dwell on that stuff for long. Again, this is not a complaint but one of the plus of this novel--the emotions are high with this novel (given "emotions" is literally the theme of this novel from what I'm getting so far) and Entrail's quite good with portraying them. The other characters are also well done. And while this novel, too, has those moments of showing each character - be it male or female - as earth shattering beauties, Entrail doesn't dwell on it much, and I can't quite blame him for doing so. This is, after all, webnovel. You gotta cave in to the platform you write on a little. The other characters are good, too, with Kiera being my favorite so far. World Background: So far, it's been only on the academy, with some stuff on the empires and recently delving into the Mirror Dimension a bit (which, quite frankly, has potential to be very unique if Entrail manages to pull it off). I won't say much here to avoid spoilers but it's solid.

Advent of the Three Calamities


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