
Review Detail of Lox_Of_Sins in [MHA:Laughing At Death]

Review detail


To the person who posted the review about my MC being a sociopath you are wrong, he is bipolar and has is a bit loony because of how long he was in the void. I deleted your review because I believed it to be inaccurate, Sorry, but please understand that you have got it wrong, it’s coming from me the author, he is not a psychopath, sociopath or whatever, he wants to help people, but he also wants to have something to gain. I hope me deleting your review hasn’t left you too bitter, I hope you find a novel that can give you everything you want, have a nice day or night or afternoon.

[MHA:Laughing At Death]


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Well. Now I'm feeling conflicted. On one hand you acknowledge deleting a review. On the other you deleted a review were someone statet his opinion. Mind telling how many stars the review had because if it was one i kind of understand otherwise you should let the review be and see how others think about it. Afterall if readers think of your MC as a psychopath or sociopath your MC either is one or your writing makes him seem like one in which case the criticism might help you reflect on writing decisions. Sorry for the bad grammer english is not my first language.