
Review Detail of Techno_God in Tvd /The Originals : Harper Freed

Review detail


It's an enjoyable read. I was a little worried at first when the MC started acting like a lil bitch but it quickly turns around and doesn't dwell on it. Those who don't like pussy MC just give it a sec and it gets better. The only problem I have is the dialog. The descriptions can aptly describe the characters but once a conversation starts I find myself getting lost a bit as it doesn't have any descriptions and all I can picture is them standing there with wooden faces talking one line after another. It's like there's no reaction to what the person said but the next line of dialog comes. Instead of a description it just has an interruption written into the text. For example, the MC can say something to Klause but instead of Klause's reaction to whatever was said the text would be interrupted and Klause starts talking then the MC talks again. It reads like someone on the phone instead of a face to face conversation.

Tvd /The Originals : Harper Freed


Liked it!




To continue with the above topic, instead of writing interruptions in the dialog, it could be something like this. So and so listened as the MC talked but soon became irritated with his ramblings and cut him off. "Get to the point, what is it you want." MC didn't care about his irritable nature, he was used to it and simply got to the point with a slight smile. "So, let's get burgers and fries."