
Review Detail of Bocifer in Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story

Review detail


Dayyum good stuff love this fic, I also can't believe some people wrote the mc is Weaker than the original cao cao, he is pretty much one if the strongest beeings pretty early on after his training arc. I also like his relationships with other characters, he actually got male friends not just female harem members to interact with so hurray for that, god knows its rare and sometimes you need some bro time and the romance part actually takes a little time to actully blossom. As for the mc himself, he is pretty badass, calm, not a hero of justice (thank god) nor a villain, an eye for an eye kinda guy who wants to live with his comrades in freedom and peace wich is his motivation and he is not aftaid to kill for that.

Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story


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