
Review Detail of Epic_Gaming_7548 in Harry Potter with Technology System

Review detail


really like the ff, quality is great, same with updates(1 chap a day i think) development is 'only' 4 stars cause it isn't 'fast enough' but in reality there's just a lack of chapters and I'm used to binge reading books. there's also the fact that i don't want to give 5 stars despite really liking the book and here's why; it hits a pet peeve of repetitiveness that i dislike, if something is stated to be a way, no need to keep saying it over and over, occasional reinforcement is best imo, what i mean is dryness (literally) every time Nigel comments it says "with dryness" "with his usual dryness" "with his usual dry humor" it happens sooo much in the beginning and although decreases in the middle and newer chapters it really annoyed me in the beginning second; Dumbledore using something (legilimancy? Imperio? probably not, it says compelling spell) anyway, i think it gives Dumbledore too much credit especially related to Hermione there was almost no way he knew she was gonna be so great at magic unless he influences her studies too? it feels like a forced plot (ron's fine tho due to order of phoenix stuff, wanting harry to be influenced to join his faction later) third, he matures too fast with bad explanation imo, especially since there are easy ways to make it make sense, like occlumency being the reason, with his mind being more ordered/rational, or the simulation thing, that makes him experience more in a shorter time p.s: I've only read 61 chapters and usually binge 60 -120 chaps at a time so I've come around to read again (don't ask why increments of 60 idk)

Harry Potter with Technology System


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it like 99% about nigel's humor
