
Review Detail of Kubasino13 in House Of The Dragons (HOTD) : Orphan SI

Review detail


So I’m few chapters in and really like the concept of the story haven’t seen anything similarl so far but I have a problem with the writing the use of AI is just so eye catching and Len me just say that I don’t have a problem with using AI at all but you have to rewrite it like human the text is just so unnatural it’s difficult to read but otherwise keep up the good work excited how it will develop in the future

House Of The Dragons (HOTD) : Orphan SI


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Thanks for the review, I plan to re write the chapters, at least give them the human touch. I hope you can visit it again. If you want, you can check my other fanfic Pokemon : Trainer SI, I had writtern 90 chapters for it and put them on schedule release.