
Review Detail of Lukas_Laurentino in I Am Apollo, The Blinding Light, And The Incandescent Sun

Review detail


What is the level of destructive power in this story, if you take Zeus from marvel comics he has the same level as Odin who is multiversal, mad if you take Zeus from dc comics he would be outversal, I'm curious to know how powerful the gods of Olympus, at this point Apollo is simply too weak to the point of being annoying.

I Am Apollo, The Blinding Light, And The Incandescent Sun


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In the planetarium of worlds is where the multiverse is located, but not just one but infinite multiverses, in other words a cluster of multiverses, the new 52 are just the main multiverses, each universe is infinite in size and has infinite superior dimensions, above the planetarium of worlds there is the bloodletting that is the essence of the entire multiverse above that there is the sphere of the gods which is not a dimension but a layer of reality, the fourth layer to be precise, and it is where Zeus and other gods live, I must say that the sphere of the gods is immeasurable in size, and that Zeus lives in skyland, where he has infinite superior heavens and each heaven sees the previous one as a dream and Zeus is on the superior scale of the gods of the heavens, after all he is part of the quintessence.

God_of_Perverts:the only version of Zeus that is at the outversal level is from Megami Tensei. Dc Zeus is at most multiversel. Dc Zeus is nowhere near as powerful as The Presence (basically God with a capitol G) and the only other I know that is at the same level, if not higher is Monitor-Mind The Overvoid.

Bro Zeus isn’t outerversal. Heck even Michael and Lucifer aren’t outerversal. Rather both of them can be considered to be the strongest multiversal entities in all of DC comics. Only the Presence, Perpetua and some few other entities classify as outerversal


David_555:Bro Zeus isn’t outerversal. Heck even Michael and Lucifer aren’t outerversal. Rather both of them can be considered to be the strongest multiversal entities in all of DC comics. Only the Presence, Perpetua and some few other entities classify as outerversal

You're only taking the multiverse into consideration, don't forget the infinite dimensions that exist in DC, but I'll give you a summary. In DC, there are 52 known realities, each reality being an infinite multiverse, they are located in the planetarium of worlds, you may have already seen the map, but the important thing to highlight is in the planetarium there is bleed, I think that's how they say it, in bleed there are infinite dimensions of infinite size that transcend space-time, and one of the things that exists in bleed is the green and parliament of trees, responsible for all flora in existence, every world, every reality, not counting red, yellow, gray and many others that follow in this direction, and there is something called the sphere of the gods or fourth dimension, which no, it is not a spatial or dimensional dimension but a layer of reality that transcends everything I said previously including bleed, zeus da dc exists in the sphere of the gods and not only that, he is a member of the quintessence which is basically a parliament made up of beings like hightfather and specter, so zeus has the same level of power as them, second only to darksider who can kill all members of the quintessence with one attack , beings from the fifth dimension and beings from the sixth dimension as the hands of the source, so analyzing Zeus is at least outversal.

David_555:Bro Zeus isn’t outerversal. Heck even Michael and Lucifer aren’t outerversal. Rather both of them can be considered to be the strongest multiversal entities in all of DC comics. Only the Presence, Perpetua and some few other entities classify as outerversal

That’s isn’t what outerversal means bro. When outerveraal is mentioned, the only beings that should come to mind is Azathoth, Cthulhu and others. The sphere of the Gods is even only the fourth dimension, while even Perpetua resides in the sixth dimension. How can you say Zeus is outerversal? IMO the most powerful version of Zeus is still weaker than Darkseid whose strongest form is only universal

Lukas_Laurentino:You're only taking the multiverse into consideration, don't forget the infinite dimensions that exist in DC, but I'll give you a summary. In DC, there are 52 known realities, each reality being an infinite multiverse, they are located in the planetarium of worlds, you may have already seen the map, but the important thing to highlight is in the planetarium there is bleed, I think that's how they say it, in bleed there are infinite dimensions of infinite size that transcend space-time, and one of the things that exists in bleed is the green and parliament of trees, responsible for all flora in existence, every world, every reality, not counting red, yellow, gray and many others that follow in this direction, and there is something called the sphere of the gods or fourth dimension, which no, it is not a spatial or dimensional dimension but a layer of reality that transcends everything I said previously including bleed, zeus da dc exists in the sphere of the gods and not only that, he is a member of the quintessence which is basically a parliament made up of beings like hightfather and specter, so zeus has the same level of power as them, second only to darksider who can kill all members of the quintessence with one attack , beings from the fifth dimension and beings from the sixth dimension as the hands of the source, so analyzing Zeus is at least outversal.

Lovecraft's myths do not have a multiverse because this term did not even exist yet, it only came with the creation of marvel comics and dc comics, outversal means literally outside the verse, anything that is outside the standard reality, that is, ours, is literally outversal, the sphere of the gods or fourth layer of reality transcends everything the verse below, like planetary of worlds and the bleed, it's no different than a reader reading a story, you just have a very limited mind for this term we call outversal, to be honest there are many stories with this level of power, for example marvel, persona, shimegami tensei and many others, and just one more thing, Lovecraft's world has 9 higher dimensions, the last being the silver key gates, which is where azathoth sleeps, dc. comics have infinite.

David_555:That’s isn’t what outerversal means bro. When outerveraal is mentioned, the only beings that should come to mind is Azathoth, Cthulhu and others. The sphere of the Gods is even only the fourth dimension, while even Perpetua resides in the sixth dimension. How can you say Zeus is outerversal? IMO the most powerful version of Zeus is still weaker than Darkseid whose strongest form is only universal

Thank for the chapter


Multiverse, outversal🤯🤯😵


powerlevelers instantly suck the fun out of everything when they start mentioning multiversal and outerversal. Anything past planet is boring. Simple as.


Yeah. We can barely comprehend characters with city level power. Adding multiverse level beings has no meaning when they act like fools and have such simple plans.

Morg535:powerlevelers instantly suck the fun out of everything when they start mentioning multiversal and outerversal. Anything past planet is boring. Simple as.

I agree with u

Lukas_Laurentino:Lovecraft's myths do not have a multiverse because this term did not even exist yet, it only came with the creation of marvel comics and dc comics, outversal means literally outside the verse, anything that is outside the standard reality, that is, ours, is literally outversal, the sphere of the gods or fourth layer of reality transcends everything the verse below, like planetary of worlds and the bleed, it's no different than a reader reading a story, you just have a very limited mind for this term we call outversal, to be honest there are many stories with this level of power, for example marvel, persona, shimegami tensei and many others, and just one more thing, Lovecraft's world has 9 higher dimensions, the last being the silver key gates, which is where azathoth sleeps, dc. comics have infinite.

the only version of Zeus that is at the outversal level is from Megami Tensei. Dc Zeus is at most multiversel. Dc Zeus is nowhere near as powerful as The Presence (basically God with a capitol G) and the only other I know that is at the same level, if not higher is Monitor-Mind The Overvoid.