
Review Detail of DrDedot in I Became An Academy Spearman

Review detail


What the heck is with the synopsis?! It is so barebones! I have no idea what the story is all about, except that the MC is a spearman, my guy, you got to have a better synopsis, to capture a reader and entice them to read your work. I rate this as a three simply because I haven't read this yet, I'll change my rating later.

I Became An Academy Spearman


Liked by 27 people




What is it about


Is it good?


its mid

daoist_shaheer:Is it good?

Your description is about as barebones as the synopsis is. You’re no better than the author. 😂

DrDedot:its mid

buddy, are you braindead? his question was "Is it good?" and you are expecting me to write an essay just to answer such a simple question? The author's synopsis and my answer is fundamentally different, so don't try to act all smug buddy, you just made yourself look like an idiot

Bapabooey:Your description is about as barebones as the synopsis is. You’re no better than the author. 😂

and don't reply "but this a review comment section, you are supposed to give a clear and concise review of the story" I was just answering that guy's question, I had to clarify in case another idiot like you misunderstood and I can't be bothered to write a proper review, I gave it three stars because I thought it was mid

Bapabooey:Your description is about as barebones as the synopsis is. You’re no better than the author. 😂

Well, first off. Immediately going straight into attack mode and calling me names just because I pointed out how hypocritical you were in your reply back to someone who commented on your review about how ”barebones” the synopsis is, is taking this from 0 to 100 real freaking quick and just shows how little you actually care about information regarding a novel. Second. When someone is asking you “Is it good?” in your review to how bad the synopsis is, they’re asking about the novel, how good the novel is, what to expect when/if they were to start reading it and you, being the hypocrite you are, only give them the most ”barebones” reply of “mid.” you don’t even try to use proper grammar or even explain what the novel is about, or what to expect of the author’s writing ability. And third and final, you’re the idiot.

DrDedot:and don't reply "but this a review comment section, you are supposed to give a clear and concise review of the story" I was just answering that guy's question, I had to clarify in case another idiot like you misunderstood and I can't be bothered to write a proper review, I gave it three stars because I thought it was mid

I love how you are trying to dissect a simple question that can be answered by a "yes" or a "no" into something profound and deep to make yourself look smart. But you simply do not understand something, not with your low IQ, but you see, I am not obligated to write a proper review for a random story that I found in my recommendations, you call me a hypocrite, but writing a review is something that a reader wants to do of their own volition, not something forced upon by an imbecile like you. You call me a hypocrite because I don't go into details of how I think of the story? Dude, just read it yourself and write a review on your own if you are going to be pissy about it

Bapabooey:Well, first off. Immediately going straight into attack mode and calling me names just because I pointed out how hypocritical you were in your reply back to someone who commented on your review about how ”barebones” the synopsis is, is taking this from 0 to 100 real freaking quick and just shows how little you actually care about information regarding a novel. Second. When someone is asking you “Is it good?” in your review to how bad the synopsis is, they’re asking about the novel, how good the novel is, what to expect when/if they were to start reading it and you, being the hypocrite you are, only give them the most ”barebones” reply of “mid.” you don’t even try to use proper grammar or even explain what the novel is about, or what to expect of the author’s writing ability. And third and final, you’re the idiot.

Well, have fun being negative, can’t imagine you make many friends with an attitude like that. Just calling random people names for pointing out your hypocrisy. Say whatever you want about me, your opinions of my intelligence are insignicant to my life and don’t mean anything other than your idiocy. Hope you find some joy in life to maybe make you less of a negative person.

DrDedot:I love how you are trying to dissect a simple question that can be answered by a "yes" or a "no" into something profound and deep to make yourself look smart. But you simply do not understand something, not with your low IQ, but you see, I am not obligated to write a proper review for a random story that I found in my recommendations, you call me a hypocrite, but writing a review is something that a reader wants to do of their own volition, not something forced upon by an imbecile like you. You call me a hypocrite because I don't go into details of how I think of the story? Dude, just read it yourself and write a review on your own if you are going to be pissy about it

Get a room you two😂😂😂

Bapabooey:Well, have fun being negative, can’t imagine you make many friends with an attitude like that. Just calling random people names for pointing out your hypocrisy. Say whatever you want about me, your opinions of my intelligence are insignicant to my life and don’t mean anything other than your idiocy. Hope you find some joy in life to maybe make you less of a negative person.

Is this even a fanfic? I can’t tell


Let me tell you something, you can't win against stupid people because their brain is only focused on one point and never doubt it. only stupid can win against stupid.

DrDedot:I love how you are trying to dissect a simple question that can be answered by a "yes" or a "no" into something profound and deep to make yourself look smart. But you simply do not understand something, not with your low IQ, but you see, I am not obligated to write a proper review for a random story that I found in my recommendations, you call me a hypocrite, but writing a review is something that a reader wants to do of their own volition, not something forced upon by an imbecile like you. You call me a hypocrite because I don't go into details of how I think of the story? Dude, just read it yourself and write a review on your own if you are going to be pissy about it


No it's not a fanfic. It's a repost of a Korean webnovel. I just want to answer that in the mist of drama.

Brokedepressed:Is this even a fanfic? I can’t tell

Is it good?


the sexual tension is high between these two

Durjoy_Jack:Get a room you two😂😂😂

I In all fareness he had no responsibility to post a detailed response to the question "is it good?" as it is a yes or no question as for his review it was about the synopsis which is a credible review and describing the details of the story is the authors responsibility not his. I can see how your original comment about him being no better than the author could be taken as an offense which would likely get anyone irritated wether you meant to or not. I for one greatly appreciate his review as I too hate stories with poorly written synopsis as it is typically an indicator of writing quality and investment of author and the further comment of it being meh, for me spoke volumes to the story when paired with the initial review. If you felt he didn't write a great review that's fine it isn't as if you can't write your own detailing what you thought more comprehensively but don't get mad because you unjustly agitated someone else and they responded with frustration.

Bapabooey:Well, first off. Immediately going straight into attack mode and calling me names just because I pointed out how hypocritical you were in your reply back to someone who commented on your review about how ”barebones” the synopsis is, is taking this from 0 to 100 real freaking quick and just shows how little you actually care about information regarding a novel. Second. When someone is asking you “Is it good?” in your review to how bad the synopsis is, they’re asking about the novel, how good the novel is, what to expect when/if they were to start reading it and you, being the hypocrite you are, only give them the most ”barebones” reply of “mid.” you don’t even try to use proper grammar or even explain what the novel is about, or what to expect of the author’s writing ability. And third and final, you’re the idiot.

thank you lol :'D

yelloworange:No it's not a fanfic. It's a repost of a Korean webnovel. I just want to answer that in the mist of drama.

yelloworange:No it's not a fanfic. It's a repost of a Korean webnovel. I just want to answer that in the mist of drama.

Subaru_sama:the sexual tension is high between these two