
Review Detail of Kingslayer36 in Dragon Ball Alternative

Review detail


seriously this guy can write. the pacing is good though I wish it were a bit faster, I can't really determine it as a bad thing. it's a Good read, maybe the best DBZ fanfiction I've ever read.

Dragon Ball Alternative


Liked by 1 people




Hey thanks! I have been finding that my story arcs appear to be growing longer and longer. I'm trying to cut down on some less necessary scenes, but I need to experiment with that. I'm glad that the quality of the story is impressing you! I can only say that the story is just starting to get into it's groove. The groundwork is set and now the ride is starting...


as long as you remain true to your style I'll keep reading.

Equuleus_Nox:Hey thanks! I have been finding that my story arcs appear to be growing longer and longer. I'm trying to cut down on some less necessary scenes, but I need to experiment with that. I'm glad that the quality of the story is impressing you! I can only say that the story is just starting to get into it's groove. The groundwork is set and now the ride is starting...