
Review Detail of Ozem in Kido System in Bleach

Review detail


friend, I'll be honest with you, the premise of the story is very good, but the execution leaves something to be desired, the personality of the MC is something to work on, because with a Kido system I would expect someone more intelligent, I also expected it to just be used from Kido to Zampakuto kind of disappointed me, also something more personal but I honestly found him very gullible knowing how the world of Bleach is even knowing Urahara I would hardly trust him much, there is a lot to improve in the story but the potential if executed well is Great, I recommend writing a few more chapters and then rewriting the story and fixing your mistakes.

Kido System in Bleach


Liked by 2 people




I read all the reviews and although I agree with all of them, I think people were too harsh for someone who has never written a story (welcome to the webnovel), I think the story would be a solid 3 stars.


Thank you for the suggestion, I will surely incorporate this in the story, the fanfic is for me to gain experience in writing, so such consideration is invaluable to me