
Review Detail of Game_B_Roll in I'll Surpass The MC

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There is just one point I don't understand. That It is said multiple times that there are no creatures that can fly but some can glide. But if settlements have horizontal elevators which are spirit weapons to move. Then can one make his clothes his spirit weapon and fly or at least float even in spirit stage. I also can't believe there are skills to turn others others into spirit weapons but no one thought of making their bones into spirit weapons or transplant a spirit weapon into their bodies. So that everyone single person can fly.

I'll Surpass The MC


Liked it!




Ahh, this has already been answered in my discord. Basically, all Brimgan Royals ride their Spirit Weapons to travel in the air, by leaving one body on the ground. But this merely comes under psychokinesis and not flight. If the Spirit Weapon travels on its own (And not aided by psychokinesis) then it simply disappears thanks to the eye. The eye has certain parameters using which it judges to erase someone or not (One of the primary characteristics being the ability to travel to the Transcendent World). If it judges that to be a possibility, it erases the object and the cultivator attempting it from the world.


And in your example, they're floating by remaining on a platform (Spirit Weapon) which is typically controlled by someone on the ground. So, the limit of their travel is the Spirit Weapon range. If they were to float by their own power (As how Resha did through External Inertial Gravity), then the eye will erase them instantly.


Thx for bothering to reply. Sorry but had not reached this eye part in the story so didn't know.

Anvelope:Ahh, this has already been answered in my discord. Basically, all Brimgan Royals ride their Spirit Weapons to travel in the air, by leaving one body on the ground. But this merely comes under psychokinesis and not flight. If the Spirit Weapon travels on its own (And not aided by psychokinesis) then it simply disappears thanks to the eye. The eye has certain parameters using which it judges to erase someone or not (One of the primary characteristics being the ability to travel to the Transcendent World). If it judges that to be a possibility, it erases the object and the cultivator attempting it from the world.

Oof, then I gave you spoilers. Sorry about that T_T

Game_B_Roll:Thx for bothering to reply. Sorry but had not reached this eye part in the story so didn't know.

Well I did ask for It.

Anvelope:Oof, then I gave you spoilers. Sorry about that T_T