
Review Detail of Reviewed in Awakening: Lord Of The Unknown

Review detail


Ok officially 1star its to much written like a Fanfiction its as if the Mc knows exactly that this a Fiction world and has some knowledge about whats about to come. Why would they say thats its their playground as if they are certain how the plot will continue just like a Transmigration Fanfiction. Mc acting all knowings just to annoying especially if he knows NOTHING

Awakening: Lord Of The Unknown


Liked by 4 people




What did you actually read the novel or are you a troll, the mc IQ is high so he makes educated guesses and his strength is great so he has confidence to take on what ever. After all he alredy has his eyes on the whole world as of chapter 39, if i were the mc i would feel prepared too.


first of all yes I am now at the latest chapter and saw how much it is like a fanfic that the Author came up with excuses by masking his plot armor knowledge with a Talent of him guessing everything and seeing every solution for literally everything, that came out of nowhere becouse if he had if before chapter 1 then he would healed his cancer ages ago.

MorbidCuriosity:What did you actually read the novel or are you a troll, the mc IQ is high so he makes educated guesses and his strength is great so he has confidence to take on what ever. After all he alredy has his eyes on the whole world as of chapter 39, if i were the mc i would feel prepared too.

Was not even at the latest chapter available as I wrote the Review After I wrote the Review the Novel did indeed became better but the story still some to much cap moments

Reviewed:first of all yes I am now at the latest chapter and saw how much it is like a fanfic that the Author came up with excuses by masking his plot armor knowledge with a Talent of him guessing everything and seeing every solution for literally everything, that came out of nowhere becouse if he had if before chapter 1 then he would healed his cancer ages ago.