
Review Detail of Insta_username in I'm Kizaru in Konoha

Review detail


Just pure dumb forced plot fic. A man who has hidden himself from ninja world just got to meet team 7 before wave mission just outside the gate of konoha. And naruto and sasuke attacked him for no reason what so ever and sasuke even gave a killing blow and kakashi let them be then MC showed speed which kakashi(best jonin of konoha) can't detect and MC wanna fight naruto and sasuke to see how much better is he from them Why? It was stated in chapter 1 that MC is elite jonin so why would he fight 2 canon fodder level naruto and sasuke? I just wanna bang my head after reading 3-4 chapters

I'm Kizaru in Konoha


Liked by 10 people




I agree that is kind of forced, and Sasuke using such technique actually from the fact that he is frustrated that he can't land a hit on the mc. And he never truly fought the two of then and most of the mc did was dodge and that's it. But thanks for your honest review.


I honestly didn't necessarily mind him fighting team 7 but it could've been done so much better and the way everyone talks just feels off so the adds to the jarring feeling the whole scenario gave off