
Review Detail of EvilBlueCrystal in Ben 10: 11000

Review detail


The protagonist is a villain with a consistent personality and strategical planning but lacks a good backstory and doesn't have clear beliefs, motivations, and longterm goal. The writing is average but the fights are good with minor grammar mistakes. The explainations about the protagonist's are abilities are logical, but about his transformations there isnt anything highly exciting so far, him getting some weak beasts dna is not that interesting. The writing and descriptions are fine but the world is somewhat bland. The plot is decent, it mainly focus on him try to evolve his abilities but apart from that there arent any notable events or development. The sidecharacters are well presented but there is anyone likeable or interesting on the protagonist's side.

Ben 10: 11000


Liked by 15 people




Thank you for this review. I want to clarify that the pacing of the story will not be too fast, so you may find it a bit boring at the beginning. I was tired of always starting the story with the main character's painful past, so I wanted to try something new and delay the timing to reveal the MC's backstories, perhaps I went a bit too far. As for absorbing weaker creatures, it was meant to show the reader the way his power operates, not just for fun. The story only has 11 chapters , so I don't think it has many major events to tell. Once again, thank you for supporting this Fanfic.