
Review Detail of GoldenOsiris in I'm Rimuru (Tensura)

Review detail


Got the start of the premise from Luxuriant, thought it was an interesting idea. And since Rimuru was one of my favorite characters, I decided to write a story about him. But one thing that bugged me, was his personality that was pretty much a push over unless pushed to the extreme. I feel like he underestimates his capabilities too much, and is too forgiving in certain instances. Which is also understanding bc he was just a normal 9-5 man in the past. Nevertheless, this fanfic will be a story about a Rimuru that has more pride as a king, and actually pursues power, not to mention he’ll also use his future memories properly. Well that’s all, hope you can enjoy the story!

I'm Rimuru (Tensura)


Liked by 5 people




use demon lords haki. like if he just used it the jura monsters would have Easily submitted after he became a demon Lord.


and masayuki,. actually the dudes chill, it's his comrades and the background extras that's the problem