
Review Detail of Fickle_as_light in Fate: False Sovereignty (Sequel to DML)

Review detail


bro what happened, i already suspected something when the plot was going out of hand and you were loosing control

Fate: False Sovereignty (Sequel to DML)


Liked by 2 people




I'm rewriting everything from the grounds up. Flesh out more characters, use a different system. There are many missed opportunities in both books I feel I could've done better, like Sven who could've been more developed. Basically, but yeah, we'll start from DML again this year. Keep in touch.


cool man, I just hope you give the characters more emotional dept and a direction by switching some povs. and make mc's character development a little better. and pls don't make mc go the chuni route like the previous king thingy. and make mc a more magusis like make him a little cold and I think a real magus will never leave his weakness(his girls) unprotected and depend on hiding. i also want to tell you some research things like man fyuki can't support a greater holy grail war(literal the veins doesn't have enough energy and not with the war occuring earlier it's impossible unless inducted artificially) so the war didn't make sense. and the divinity are powered by gaia, which she stoped supporting and turned to the dead apostles to act as her senses so that's why all fate gods are nerfed as they can't use their divinity at full power so mc becoming a god of space is not possible as new divinies have been stoped being synthesized.

Huntsman:I'm rewriting everything from the grounds up. Flesh out more characters, use a different system. There are many missed opportunities in both books I feel I could've done better, like Sven who could've been more developed. Basically, but yeah, we'll start from DML again this year. Keep in touch.

Is ciri still a love interest...?

Huntsman:I'm rewriting everything from the grounds up. Flesh out more characters, use a different system. There are many missed opportunities in both books I feel I could've done better, like Sven who could've been more developed. Basically, but yeah, we'll start from DML again this year. Keep in touch.

Yes. I never intended to close Gil or Ciri routes, just allow their relationships to experience highs and lows.

THOT_SLAYER70:Is ciri still a love interest...?

I'm fairly certain the Gods were Gaia though, and only with their falls was she allowed to develop a true consciousness and kinda take their places. At least that's my theory, but you know how Type-Moon is, it's incredibly conflicting. As for the Fuyuki leylines being unable to support the Great War, I am aware, but at that time Leo's just too powerful for a normal War. As for personality, I'd rather avoid the cold, emotionless Magus archetype. It's fun to read and insert yourself since they lack personality, but it's not a character people can really root for. I want a character who people can root for. The rewrite has already started, and at the pace I'm going, it should be up in 1-2 months. Depends though, since I'm moving and opening up a small business on the side.

Fickle_as_light:cool man, I just hope you give the characters more emotional dept and a direction by switching some povs. and make mc's character development a little better. and pls don't make mc go the chuni route like the previous king thingy. and make mc a more magusis like make him a little cold and I think a real magus will never leave his weakness(his girls) unprotected and depend on hiding. i also want to tell you some research things like man fyuki can't support a greater holy grail war(literal the veins doesn't have enough energy and not with the war occuring earlier it's impossible unless inducted artificially) so the war didn't make sense. and the divinity are powered by gaia, which she stoped supporting and turned to the dead apostles to act as her senses so that's why all fate gods are nerfed as they can't use their divinity at full power so mc becoming a god of space is not possible as new divinies have been stoped being synthesized.

Automatic five star then, chief

Huntsman:Yes. I never intended to close Gil or Ciri routes, just allow their relationships to experience highs and lows.