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The mc is straight stupid. He lets someone he knows is a murderer and psychopathic stay with his group, “waiting for him to show his true colors” and this ends up with an innocent 18 year old girl getting gang graped by 20 dudes and then jumping off of a building to kill herself when all he had to do was tell the guy to leave or discreetly kill him.

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The MC wanted Arnold to trust him. If he went alone with the guy others know he doesn't like and returned saying he died, how do you think others would react? Even if they don't have evidence, they would never be at ease around him. The girl suffered because she stayed with the abusive partner. There's plenty of meh about the story, no need to make up stuff.


I never made stuff up and your take on it is incorrect. The mc was scared of Arnold being disgusted at him. Which is pathetic considering he is a reincarnator and should not worry about what other people think when he is literally stronger than everyone and can control them with supplies if needed. It is weird you even said I made stuff up when I literally gave a summary of the first arc. The girl did stay with a partner that was mean but he was not yet abusive. He then turned abusive and slapped her.

SliverFang:The MC wanted Arnold to trust him. If he went alone with the guy others know he doesn't like and returned saying he died, how do you think others would react? Even if they don't have evidence, they would never be at ease around him. The girl suffered because she stayed with the abusive partner. There's plenty of meh about the story, no need to make up stuff.

What you are making up is an issue out of something that really wasn't wrong of the MC, not the details of the event. The MC doesn't want to go solo, he wants to form a group of strong people, so he does need to care about what others think of him and his actions, he needs to be trusted so he doesn't have to watch over the group all the time, to make sure they don't betray him. He knows that Arnold has potential, so he cares more about Arnold's feelings. Besides, he isn't so strong to ignore numbers, and for some reason enemies grow stronger than he expected them to based on his prior experience.

Axes:I never made stuff up and your take on it is incorrect. The mc was scared of Arnold being disgusted at him. Which is pathetic considering he is a reincarnator and should not worry about what other people think when he is literally stronger than everyone and can control them with supplies if needed. It is weird you even said I made stuff up when I literally gave a summary of the first arc. The girl did stay with a partner that was mean but he was not yet abusive. He then turned abusive and slapped her.

No I am not. Arnold legit helped kill the guy. Are you just choosing what to forget? He was also a military man that had time in the field shown by context. If Arnold could so casually kill a guy then he would not have caused much trouble for Arnold. I am not making up anything nor was that the right move for the mc at all. It was literally one of the worst options. You could legit see that sometimes killing one person is best for the group. We do this in government trials all the time. You can even see it in The Walking Dead, which by the way is a really good example of what the mc should have done here.

SliverFang:What you are making up is an issue out of something that really wasn't wrong of the MC, not the details of the event. The MC doesn't want to go solo, he wants to form a group of strong people, so he does need to care about what others think of him and his actions, he needs to be trusted so he doesn't have to watch over the group all the time, to make sure they don't betray him. He knows that Arnold has potential, so he cares more about Arnold's feelings. Besides, he isn't so strong to ignore numbers, and for some reason enemies grow stronger than he expected them to based on his prior experience.

Also he was strong enough for those numbers and the enemies were weak asf compared to him and could not have hurt him at all.

SliverFang:What you are making up is an issue out of something that really wasn't wrong of the MC, not the details of the event. The MC doesn't want to go solo, he wants to form a group of strong people, so he does need to care about what others think of him and his actions, he needs to be trusted so he doesn't have to watch over the group all the time, to make sure they don't betray him. He knows that Arnold has potential, so he cares more about Arnold's feelings. Besides, he isn't so strong to ignore numbers, and for some reason enemies grow stronger than he expected them to based on his prior experience.

What? Arnold only turned on the guy after he betrayed the group. He was the one to convince the MC to bring him in initially, before he knew the man was scum. Arnold wouldn't have accepted the MC murdering the guy without any evidence, and after there was evidence he had no issues with that.

Axes:No I am not. Arnold legit helped kill the guy. Are you just choosing what to forget? He was also a military man that had time in the field shown by context. If Arnold could so casually kill a guy then he would not have caused much trouble for Arnold. I am not making up anything nor was that the right move for the mc at all. It was literally one of the worst options. You could legit see that sometimes killing one person is best for the group. We do this in government trials all the time. You can even see it in The Walking Dead, which by the way is a really good example of what the mc should have done here.

What killed my interest was the interaction with the pharmacist.He calls a medical professional useless the basicly kills him. Then Lily shows up all of a sudden a few chapters later. it just makes no sense it feels like these chapters were switched! If it had met Lily first then his interaction with the pharmacists would have made sense.


There are some very weird people living in our world, who knows what category author falls into? But thanks for heads up, not gonna waste brain cells on a novel written by a guy who comes up with this kind of trash and terms it as plot requirement just so MC can show off himself dealing with those scums afterwards