
Review Detail of Scarface3699 in Naruto: Pawns are merely sacrifices

Review detail


This moves at light speed. There is no development for what I hesitate to call characters, it's the most repititive fanfic I've ever read once you've read 2 chapters those sentences/paragraphs repeat about 6 times a chapter. The MC is a mess. The only words spoken are the exact same "planning dialogue I it's insane how that would simply be released for readers on this state. Action scenes are also just unimaginative and repeat every time. early on he plans to take a group of hyuga and Uchiha by suprise and does it again twice it's so insane. this barely qualifies as anything to be honest my best advice is work on being better at literally everything no joke.

Naruto: Pawns are merely sacrifices


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I can see your point and ill try and add more details and fix them but I don't recall the mc ever fighting an hyuuga. I wrote a scene with Alex using his Geass on a group of uchiha But only once. Maybe it's my style of writing that confused you but ill try and get better. Dialogue is weird for me but im trying to find a more natural flow to it but appreciate the criticism ill work on it